View Full Version : Super Profile Pages

10-20-2008, 06:42 PM
I have been thinking about this idea for a long time. Ever since I decided I hated myspace. Basically a mod that allows certain usergroups to have a unique template for each member of the usergroup, and members can modify thier own templates like you can through the admincp/styles. This would be done through the usercp of course. this user-editable self-profile template will allow and have a handy list of variables vb uses like display avatar and display buddys and such things.

Then maybe later add things like a usercp homepage stuff that shows updates buddys have done to thier profiles and such.

basically making extreme use of the profile pages and destroying myspace as far as ease-of-use goes.

i havent thought yet much about users uploading images to the forums for use in thier profile page or for that matter about admin-settable options about number of uploads or image filesize stuff like the avatar profile permissions already have.

I dont know how hard all of this stuff is or the downsides to any of the ideas.
I have also heard of vbulletin doing something like this already but i havent seen anything yet.

I actually am pretty shocked that Official vbulletin hasnt had this kind of myspace-killer type stuff in it already.

So what you guys think?

10-21-2008, 11:21 AM
Probably that would require reverting to a new complete system for profiles and control panels.

I think Jelsoft should start thinking to a new complete website application/software (not just a simple CMS, but something more), including by default the ability to use the forum package. This would be great. But this would require more coders to be paid too. And I don't know how's the Jelsoft economy situation right now.