View Full Version : Google adult violation

09-16-2008, 07:39 PM
I got a notice that google adsense cant not be on web pages with adult content.

My web forum for automotives, but once in while people post some pictures or something that has some adult content. I have Google ads pretty much on all the pages.

Is there anyway to control that?

09-16-2008, 07:46 PM
I got a notice that google adsense cant not be on web pages with adult content.

My web forum for automotives, but once in while people post some pictures or something that has some adult content. I have Google ads pretty much on all the pages.

Is there anyway to control that?

I created a private forum for my members where they can play and post that stuff. Then, I set the permissions so Adsense can not see it. Now, if you have your adsense in the header, footer, or side bar, then you are going to need some type of hack to determine if you are in the adult forum if you want adsense to NOT be active in these forums, posts, and threads.

The issue is, even if they can't come onto the page to spider it, the see the URL and if you use vBSEO or something like it then the URL says "Oh No, my Grandma caught me ..." or worse :eek:

So, it will require some custom code from you to really address your issue.

09-17-2008, 02:11 AM
try this :
make sure those kind of post goes to a forum section of your choice
let say you have 2 of those section with adult content then you can use something like this .

<if condition="!in_array($foruminfo[forumid], array(XX,XX))">
google ads code here

this will make it that wont show in forums you set .

replaces XX with forumid .

hope this help you.
and if does help you pay it forward help someone when you can.