09-13-2008, 11:51 PM
I added this
<if condition="$show['anonymous']"><div><input type="checkbox" id="cb_anonymous" class="bginput" name="anonymous" value="1" <if condition="$vbulletin->GPC['anonymous']">checked="checked"</if>/>$vbphrase[zointsanony_anonymous_post]</div></if>
to the SHOWTHREAD template;
so I get this
BUT then it says:
The following errors occurred with your submission
even more bizzarely, when I reload the page it posted it as it should have been done..................
<if condition="$show['anonymous']"><div><input type="checkbox" id="cb_anonymous" class="bginput" name="anonymous" value="1" <if condition="$vbulletin->GPC['anonymous']">checked="checked"</if>/>$vbphrase[zointsanony_anonymous_post]</div></if>
to the SHOWTHREAD template;
so I get this
BUT then it says:
The following errors occurred with your submission
even more bizzarely, when I reload the page it posted it as it should have been done..................