View Full Version : Non vBulletin Question

09-05-2008, 09:23 PM
I run a website about universitiy admissions, one feature i'd like to add is a searchable database of the various schools, that can be arranged in order of all manner of things like how many students they take, how many apply, how many are interviewed, how many get given offers, how many are male/female etc.

I've knocked up a quick annotated jpg example of how I envision it looking which you can see below to get an idea of what I mean;


Problem is although I know how to make the database itself I dont have the knowledge to make the .php front end for it. Besides the time it would take would be wasted on a simpel database of only ~65 entries, about 10-15 fields each.

I'm hoping there is already PHP database creation software for this kind of stuff out there, basically to databases what vbulletin is to forums. Does anyone know of any such software? ideally free or reasonably priced? Or how challenging would it be for someone with limited php knowledge to make a front end for it?

Thanks for your help! Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask this question but it seemed to fit most relevantly in here.

09-06-2008, 05:02 AM
I suggest you have a look at the various tutorials out there for this "generalised" type of thing. Basically, you would just need to just query your database for the data, then display it.