View Full Version : MySql Question

09-04-2008, 04:26 AM
INSERT INTO `site_database`.`vb_itrader` (`rateid`, `userid`, `rateduserid`, `rating`, `buyselltrade`, `subject`, `dealurl`, `dateline`, `ipaddress`) VALUES ('7', '23', '1', '1', '2', 'Great Trader, Can''t wait to work with again!', '', '0', '');

I wants to insert this into the mysql of iTrader. The point of the site will be to keep your TR from another forum. This puts in the feedback needed for 1 TR. I need the first value (here is a 7) to repeat various amounts of time. If someone comes with the TR of 158 I want to be able to run this 158 times and not change the rateid manually. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks

09-04-2008, 04:32 AM
Your question is not making alot of sense.

What do you mean "repeat various amounts of time"? is the ratieid supposed to be the same in each case, so effectively an identical entry 158 times? If so why not just add a counter field?

Are you asking how to cause the rateid to auto increment?

Can you rephrase the question?

09-04-2008, 04:46 AM
Thanks! Actually I got it! HAHA 6 hours later.. I am still learning mysql..