View Full Version : New Posting Features - Canned Replies - User Saved Text for Replies, Threads, PMs & Infractions

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11-12-2009, 09:44 PM
If it wipes the quote your using an old version of canned replies, i had this issue a long time ago where Bananalive was kind enogh to develop this further to cure that :) here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1803075&postcount=212

Just downloaded and installed on 3.8.4 and it seems it's replacing text, have to assume the link at the top is the latest so I'm not sure why it's doing that.

Also, is there a way to add global canned text for use by mods (or particular groups). It would be nice to set (and update) the canned text being used for rules inforcement for example at a global level rather than asking every mod to update their canned text thus insuring everyone is reading form the same script.

Simon Lloyd
11-13-2009, 07:13 AM
Just downloaded and installed on 3.8.4 and it seems it's replacing text, have to assume the link at the top is the latest so I'm not sure why it's doing that.

Also, is there a way to add global canned text for use by mods (or particular groups). It would be nice to set (and update) the canned text being used for rules inforcement for example at a global level rather than asking every mod to update their canned text thus insuring everyone is reading form the same script.Firstly, follow the link i posted (and you quoted) as that was a development Bananalive did on my request and wasn't in the release.

Secondly, you, as admin, create the canned replies and choose to share them or not, then for the mods usergroup allow them to use canned replies max 0

This way the mods cannot have their own canned replies but must use the ones you designed and shared, this means they will all be giving the messages as you intended.

11-15-2009, 11:31 PM
Please port this over on VB5.


12-22-2009, 12:32 AM
Please port this over on VB5.


You mean vb4, but yes, this is something that has become very useful which I use daily on my site. I would hate to upgrade without such a useful mod!

01-01-2010, 09:29 PM
vb 4.0 version please

01-16-2010, 03:55 PM
Just was checking hope to see this on vb4 soon.

01-19-2010, 02:14 PM
waiting for the vb4 version .. i had this on 3.8 and my members/staff absolutely loved it

now i am on vb4 and have some very angry members :(

01-21-2010, 05:43 PM
Regarding all updates in this thread: Is the 2008.xml the latest and there should be no need for other edits for 3.8?

01-22-2010, 04:46 PM
I used the canned reply and found it very useful for me.

I am waiting for the new version for VB 4.x to upgrade my forum.

02-02-2010, 11:25 PM
vb4 version please..

02-10-2010, 07:35 AM
I have allowed for user groups to use canned replies, but still get the message "you are allowed to use 0 canned replies". Any help?

02-18-2010, 01:25 AM
Still waiting for Canned reply in VB4.x before upgrading forum.

Simon Lloyd
02-20-2010, 09:33 AM
I have allowed for user groups to use canned replies, but still get the message "you are allowed to use 0 canned replies". Any help?Have you set how many they can use?
Maximum Canned Replies per User

02-20-2010, 12:53 PM
Have you set how many they can use?
Maximum Canned Replies per User
Yes, allowed 10 replies in usergroup permissions.

02-24-2010, 05:25 PM
Got it working at last...

Had to edit templates as posted in #198 and using the php file from #203. A lot of testing, but very nice when finally installed! :)

04-01-2010, 04:49 AM
Something odd is happening in vB 3.8.5, whenever a canned reply is saved <div_prefs id="div_prefs"></div_prefs> gets added to the end. Any idea how to fix this?

Simon Lloyd
04-01-2010, 08:24 AM
Something odd is happening in vB 3.8.5, whenever a canned reply is saved <div_prefs id="div_prefs"></div_prefs> gets added to the end. Any idea how to fix this?The problem must be with one of your templates or another add on as i am running 3.8.5 with no ill effects, i just tried adding a canned reply...etc and all was well.

04-15-2010, 08:15 PM
what ist this ???!!!
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">_qacct="p-dcNXCwb75VtZ2";quantserve();</script>thos Hack is NOT clean !!!!

i have deleted this code !!!!!!

04-20-2010, 11:20 PM
what ist this ???!!!
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">_qacct="p-dcNXCwb75VtZ2";quantserve();</script>thos Hack is NOT clean !!!!

i have deleted this code !!!!!!
Where do you see that code at?

Edit: I found it at the bottom of the cr_shell template. I agree, this should be removed from the add-on files.

Otherwise, this is a great addition!

Simon Lloyd
04-21-2010, 05:29 AM
Where do you see that code at?

Edit: I found it at the bottom of the cr_shell template. I agree, this should be removed from the add-on files.

Otherwise, this is a great addition!Are you sure you downloaded this hack from here and you have no vulnerabilities? below are the unmodified content of my cr_shell as installed from this hacks download:<if condition="empty($_REQUEST['do']) OR $_REQUEST['do'] == 'modify'">
<script language="JavaScript">
function delCR(id, title)
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete '" + title + "'"))
window.location.href = 'cannedreplies.php?do=kill&id=' + id;
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" class="tcat">$vbphrase[cannedreplies]</td>
<tr><td colspan="2" class="alt1">

<br />As you can see nothing suspicious :)

04-23-2010, 12:47 PM
Thanks to Bananalive for supporting this nice hack.
Are all the updates posted in this thread incorporated into an updated download in post #1 each time, or do I have to trawl through the thread to find the latest XML download?
There is no way to edit or delete canned replies in our installation and our vesion matches the version of the dowload in post #1. Confusing.

05-29-2010, 09:41 AM
When i try to enter http://wwwmywebsite.com/cannedreplies.php it says that i dont have access to this section and i cant see anything on the control panel. Can any one tell me how to edit this restriction ?


06-05-2010, 12:00 PM
When i try to enter http://wwwmywebsite.com/cannedreplies.php it says that i dont have access to this section and i cant see anything on the control panel. Can any one tell me how to edit this restriction ?


go to the usergroup manager... for example, click on the administrator and click yes, to be able to use the canned thingy :).

07-17-2010, 10:30 AM
This is such an awesome mod mate! Can't go without it. Is it perhaps possible to integrate into this:



12-16-2010, 10:12 PM
The template cr_js is not cached. Is it possible to change this?

Simon Lloyd
12-17-2010, 06:05 PM
The template cr_js is not cached. Is it possible to change this?
What is wrong with you?, you asked this question back in june and it was answered here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1827586&postcount=244

12-18-2010, 12:54 AM
Totally forgot that i asked that in 2009. Thanks for the reminder.

I wonder why it is not showing up as cached, when I view the page in debug mode.

Sanchez Toledano
02-10-2011, 01:44 AM
What a great job. Thanks.

I've started to work with this hack and it just works great.

08-29-2011, 02:55 PM
This mod here not work for me completely as it was supposed to on VB3.8.1

For anyone reading this these days this mod looks like a better bet:https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=199869

Simon Lloyd
08-29-2011, 03:44 PM
Furnival, i've been using this mod since vb3.8 came out and have used it with every version since with no trouble whatsoever, why not tell us what your problem is with it and maybe we can help!

09-19-2011, 09:57 PM
My moderators are getting an error when trying to set up canned replies for the first time:
You can only have 0 Canned Replies
Even though the user group specifies a maximum of 8.

$errortext = "You can only have ".$permissions['maxcr']." Canned Replies";

maxcr is more than zero in the usergroup table.

Any ideas?

Simon Lloyd
09-20-2011, 05:47 AM
You also have to set the "Can use" canned replies

11-23-2011, 12:08 PM
Is there an easy way to add this to other templates? My mods would love to have this for the threadadmin templates.

03-01-2012, 07:07 PM
Is there an easy way to add this to other templates? My mods would love to have this for the threadadmin templates.

Can't believe no one figured out how to reply this...
Is this mod so restricted to what it is?

06-08-2012, 05:34 PM

Has anybody made it work in socialgroups for instance ???


09-30-2012, 03:53 PM
Possible to add Canned Replies to Visitor Messages? =/ I was looking in the plugins but I don't know the script for newvisitormessage, as it is already using newreply, newthread, etc.

10-20-2012, 04:44 AM
Where do you see that code at?

Edit: I found it at the bottom of the cr_shell template. I agree, this should be removed from the add-on files.

Otherwise, this is a great addition!

yes, sneaky move on his part.

Was in both my templates as well. :/

Simon Lloyd
10-20-2012, 05:28 AM
Are you sure you downloaded this hack from here and you have no vulnerabilities? below are the unmodified content of my cr_shell as installed from this hacks download:<if condition="empty($_REQUEST['do']) OR $_REQUEST['do'] == 'modify'">
<script language="JavaScript">
function delCR(id, title)
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete '" + title + "'"))
window.location.href = 'cannedreplies.php?do=kill&id=' + id;
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" class="tcat">$vbphrase[cannedreplies]</td>
<tr><td colspan="2" class="alt1">

<br />As you can see nothing suspicious :)Are you sure you dont have vulnerabilities too?, above is my response to that post as i dont have those extra JS lines.

10-20-2012, 01:20 PM
Line 316 of the plugin carries the quantcast code.

Simon Lloyd
10-20-2012, 02:15 PM
Thats odd, i just downloaded this mod and the code you mention is there however it isn't there in my version???

02-13-2013, 01:00 PM

I`ve got a little problem:

if I open the following page, I get this message:

The page you are trying to view can not be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

What can I do to solve this problem ? I would be thankful for your help.

08-08-2013, 05:10 AM
wished someone could convert this to 4.21 :)

Simon Lloyd
08-08-2013, 05:53 AM
Read the first post!