View Full Version : Portal Software - WebTemplates 3.7.x: VB Integrated CMS (Content Management System)
11-03-2008, 09:00 PM
Thanks Logician, for a really cool mod. It works like a charm. I am having a minor template issue, though, and can't figure out where it's coming from.
In the navbar template, there's the top row which contains the "navbits_start.gif" folder-looking icon file. Using this webtemplate, while that folder icon sits okay to the lefthand side, the beadcrumbs next to this image file centered inside its TD column rather than sitting justified to the left next to that folder icon. It only happens with our default "Transparencity+" style, as all other selected styles render the navbar within your webtemplates okay. And when I compare word for word, both navbar templates look identical to me (the one which is mysteriously centered and another which is fine), and so it might be in a CSS section perhaps. I wish I knew where to look to find out why the breadcrumbs want to float away to the center.
Any pointers appreciated.
11-05-2008, 12:46 PM
Can not find the right variable for the forum title :
When i list the threads of forumid=2, i can sort them through the letterbar. In the current letterbar, there are "Title", "Author" and "Date" sections. I did add another section called "Forum" which will show the forum title of the thread which it belongs to.
query changes as
SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.postusername,t.postuserid,t.dateline, f.title as forumtitle
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum f ON f.forumid=t.forumid
WHERE t.sticky=0 AND t.visible=1 AND t.forumid=3 $letterquery
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
and Query PHPInclude Code (Before) as:
$myletter1 = substr($myletter, 0, 1);
if ($myletter == '_')
$letterquery = "AND (t.title LIKE '0%' OR t.title LIKE '1%' OR t.title LIKE '2%' OR t.title LIKE '3%' OR t.title LIKE '4%' OR t.title LIKE '5%' OR t.title LIKE '6%' OR t.title LIKE '7%' OR t.title LIKE '8%' OR t.title LIKE '9%') ";
$letterquery = "AND t.title LIKE '$myletter1%'";
Is it possible to pull threads from different forums at same time ?
WHERE sticky=0 AND visible=1 AND (forumid=103 OR forumid=104 OR forumid=105) $letterquery
11-05-2008, 12:49 PM
Thanks Logician, for a really cool mod. It works like a charm. I am having a minor template issue, though, and can't figure out where it's coming from.
In the navbar template, there's the top row which contains the "navbits_start.gif" folder-looking icon file. Using this webtemplate, while that folder icon sits okay to the lefthand side, the beadcrumbs next to this image file centered inside its TD column rather than sitting justified to the left next to that folder icon. It only happens with our default "Transparencity+" style, as all other selected styles render the navbar within your webtemplates okay. And when I compare word for word, both navbar templates look identical to me (the one which is mysteriously centered and another which is fine), and so it might be in a CSS section perhaps. I wish I knew where to look to find out why the breadcrumbs want to float away to the center.
Any pointers appreciated.
Webtemplates does not have a different CSS section. It just inherits your CSS. You must make sure you use "default vb header/footer" in your webtemplates. If you already do, I'd say it should be an issue of your custom style. Please also compare CSS sections (before </head> tag) with word. You can maybe catch a pattern there
11-05-2008, 05:43 PM
do you allow css coding on webtemplate, i wish to add rounded boxes
11-05-2008, 07:45 PM
do you allow css coding on webtemplate, i wish to add rounded boxes
You can add it to your vb css as:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT==view">
your css for webtemplates
11-05-2008, 09:04 PM
thanks but exactly where do i add it, i added on style manager, forum skin, main css but it doesnt work
please be a little more specific
have this
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT==view">
.rtop *,.rbottom *{display:block;height: 1px;overflow: hidden}
.r1{margin: 0 5px}
.r2{margin: 0 3px}
.r3{margin: 0 2px}
.r4{margin: 0 1px;height: 2px}
.rs1{margin: 0 2px}
.rs2{margin: 0 1px}
i dont want to use image to get the corners so i chose js instead but where will i add this js file?
function NiftyCheck()
if(!document.getElementById || !document.createElement)
var b=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if(b.indexOf("msie 5")>0 && b.indexOf("opera")==-1)
function Rounded(selector,bk,color,size){
var i;
var v=getElementsBySelector(selector);
var l=v.length;
function RoundedTop(selector,bk,color,size){
var i;
var v=getElementsBySelector(selector);
function RoundedBottom(selector,bk,color,size){
var i;
var v=getElementsBySelector(selector);
function AddTop(el,bk,color,size){
var i;
var d=document.createElement("b");
var cn="r";
var lim=4;
if(size && size=="small"){ cn="rs"; lim=2}
var x=document.createElement("b");
x.className=cn + i;;
function AddBottom(el,bk,color,size){
var i;
var d=document.createElement("b");
var cn="r";
var lim=4;
if(size && size=="small"){ cn="rs"; lim=2}
var x=document.createElement("b");
x.className=cn + i;;
function getElementsBySelector(selector){
var i;
var s=[];
var selid="";
var selclass="";
var tag=selector;
var objlist=[];
if(selector.indexOf(" ")>0){ //descendant selector like "tag#id tag"
s=selector.split(" ");
var fs=s[0].split("#");
if(fs.length==1) return(objlist);
if(selector.indexOf("#")>0){ //id selector like "tag#id"
if(selector.indexOf(".")>0){ //class selector like "tag.class"
var v=document.getElementsByTagName(tag); // tag selector like "tag"
11-09-2008, 06:35 AM
Is there a way for me to create an html frameset page? I want to create a page with top fixed frame and second frame with scrollable.
How can I do that with this hack? Thanks.
11-09-2008, 03:08 PM
I'm using the '$WQ_testpagination' query to fetch a list of all the posts on my forum, see here I have set the 'rows per page' setting to 30 in the 'PHP include' section of the webtemplate, like this:
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'pagenumber' => TYPE_INT,
'perpage' => TYPE_INT,
$pagenumber = $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'];
$perpage = $vbulletin->GPC['perpage'];
// ----------------------------------------------
// Pagination
// ----------------------------------------------
//total actions records
$totalrecordsC = $db->query_first("
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post on (post.postid = thread.lastpostid)
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum AS forum on (thread.forumid = forum.forumid)
$totalrecords = intval($totalrecordsC['record']);
// set defaults for pagination
if ($perpage == 0 or $perpage > 1000) {$perpage = 30;}
if (!isset($pagenumber) or $pagenumber == 0) {$pagenumber = 1;}
$limitlower = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage + 1;
$limitupper = $limitupper = ($pagenumber) * $perpage;
if ($limitupper > $totalrecords)
$limitupper = $totalrecords;
if ($limitlower > $totalrecords) {$limitlower = $totalrecords - $perpage;}
if ($limitlower <= 0) {$limitlower = 1;}
$sel_limitlower = $limitlower;
$sel_limitlowerminus1 = $sel_limitlower -1;
$pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalrecords, "$WT_Option_NameOFviewphp?$session[sessionurl]pg=$pg&perpage=$perpage");
// -- /Pagination}
On the third page of my results, there are currently 25 rows / posts listed, so this should be the last page in the results (ie. no fourth page). However, in the pagenav at the bottom-right hand side, the 4th page number is listed and when clicking on page 4, the table simply states "No threads to List" (ie. the 'No Results Row' value). This 4th page is unnecessary because the final rows of results already ended on page 3.
Is there any way to fix this?
11-09-2008, 03:57 PM
I'm using the '$WQ_testpagination' query to fetch a list of all the posts on my forum, see here I have set the 'rows per page' setting to 30 in the 'PHP include' section of the webtemplate, like this:
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'pagenumber' => TYPE_INT,
'perpage' => TYPE_INT,
$pagenumber = $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'];
$perpage = $vbulletin->GPC['perpage'];
// ----------------------------------------------
// Pagination
// ----------------------------------------------
//total actions records
$totalrecordsC = $db->query_first("
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post on (post.postid = thread.lastpostid)
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum AS forum on (thread.forumid = forum.forumid)
$totalrecords = intval($totalrecordsC['record']);
// set defaults for pagination
if ($perpage == 0 or $perpage > 1000) {$perpage = 30;}
if (!isset($pagenumber) or $pagenumber == 0) {$pagenumber = 1;}
$limitlower = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage + 1;
$limitupper = $limitupper = ($pagenumber) * $perpage;
if ($limitupper > $totalrecords)
$limitupper = $totalrecords;
if ($limitlower > $totalrecords) {$limitlower = $totalrecords - $perpage;}
if ($limitlower <= 0) {$limitlower = 1;}
$sel_limitlower = $limitlower;
$sel_limitlowerminus1 = $sel_limitlower -1;
$pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalrecords, "$WT_Option_NameOFviewphp?$session[sessionurl]pg=$pg&perpage=$perpage");
// -- /Pagination}
On the third page of my results, there are currently 25 rows / posts listed, so this should be the last page in the results (ie. no fourth page). However, in the pagenav at the bottom-right hand side, the 4th page number is listed and when clicking on page 4, the table simply states "No threads to List" (ie. the 'No Results Row' value). This 4th page is unnecessary because the final rows of results already ended on page 3.
Is there any way to fix this?
Make sure you use the same query in your webquery and also in the section :
$totalrecordsC = $db->query_first("
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post on (post.postid = thread.lastpostid)
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum AS forum on (thread.forumid = forum.forumid)
You can be using different queries which causes the problem.
11-09-2008, 10:01 PM
logician, would you able to help me with above question?
11-10-2008, 06:02 AM
Is there a way for me to create an html frameset page? I want to create a page with top fixed frame and second frame with scrollable.
How can I do that with this hack? Thanks.
You can.. Just create your frameset html and then paste its content into a webtemplate which does NOT use a webtheme.
11-11-2008, 12:50 PM
frameset includes two seperate file and use name/id to communicate with each other, how am I going to do that? Also please kindly guide me how to create either left or right content column. thanks much.
11-12-2008, 01:45 PM
frameset includes two seperate file and use name/id to communicate with each other, how am I going to do that? Also please kindly guide me how to create either left or right content column. thanks much.
Put your general frame code into a webtemplate say "parent1":
<frameset rows=25%,75%>
<frame src="view.php?pg=child1">
<frame src="view.php?pg=child2">
Then use different webtemplates for child1 and child2 sets.
Finally visit "parent1" to display alltogether
11-12-2008, 02:08 PM
can you pplease reply about the css,
11-12-2008, 02:11 PM
thanks but exactly where do i add it, i added on style manager, forum skin, main css but it doesnt work
please be a little more specific
have this
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT==view">
.rtop *,.rbottom *{display:block;height: 1px;overflow: hidden}
.r1{margin: 0 5px}
.r2{margin: 0 3px}
.r3{margin: 0 2px}
.r4{margin: 0 1px;height: 2px}
.rs1{margin: 0 2px}
.rs2{margin: 0 1px}
i dont want to use image to get the corners so i chose js instead but where will i add this js file?
function NiftyCheck()
if(!document.getElementById || !document.createElement)
var b=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if(b.indexOf("msie 5")>0 && b.indexOf("opera")==-1)
function Rounded(selector,bk,color,size){
var i;
var v=getElementsBySelector(selector);
var l=v.length;
function RoundedTop(selector,bk,color,size){
var i;
var v=getElementsBySelector(selector);
function RoundedBottom(selector,bk,color,size){
var i;
var v=getElementsBySelector(selector);
function AddTop(el,bk,color,size){
var i;
var d=document.createElement("b");
var cn="r";
var lim=4;
if(size && size=="small"){ cn="rs"; lim=2}
var x=document.createElement("b");
x.className=cn + i;;
function AddBottom(el,bk,color,size){
var i;
var d=document.createElement("b");
var cn="r";
var lim=4;
if(size && size=="small"){ cn="rs"; lim=2}
var x=document.createElement("b");
x.className=cn + i;;
function getElementsBySelector(selector){
var i;
var s=[];
var selid="";
var selclass="";
var tag=selector;
var objlist=[];
if(selector.indexOf(" ")>0){ //descendant selector like "tag#id tag"
s=selector.split(" ");
var fs=s[0].split("#");
if(fs.length==1) return(objlist);
if(selector.indexOf("#")>0){ //id selector like "tag#id"
if(selector.indexOf(".")>0){ //class selector like "tag.class"
var v=document.getElementsByTagName(tag); // tag selector like "tag"
You can also add it inside a if condition before <head> section
11-13-2008, 02:27 AM
Hey thank you first of all this mod rocks. Got a problem tough, when i make a page it just a blank page with the text i entered.
On the how to create file it shows this
f) Using a Theme : Default Basic Theme
g) Header : Default Vbulletin Header
h) Footer : Default Vbulletin Footer
F. how ever, on the drop down menu it doesnt show the Defaul Basic theme option. it does on header and footer but not using theme.
No Parent Template (This is an independent webtemplate)
Thast what it shows instead. i think this might be problem wondering if theres fix, thank you!
11-13-2008, 02:46 AM
Logician I completely love your mod
Small detail problem - I set up a template page, set it to TEXT
Can view, but when I click the link to edit the page as a user I get
Not Found
The requested URL /fcc/ was not found on this server.
Have checked via ftp and editors.php IS there on this filepath.
Could the problem be that I do not use the standard directory name for my forum? that is, my url to editors.php is not /forum/editors.php but /xxx/editors.php
maybe I need to change this in the code somewhere?
I don't have the very recent update installed yet. But the version I have does have the options in admin to allow user edit + when I open the page it does have "Edit This Page (" at the bottom.
11-13-2008, 07:08 AM
Hey thank you first of all this mod rocks. Got a problem tough, when i make a page it just a blank page with the text i entered.
On the how to create file it shows this
f) Using a Theme : Default Basic Theme
g) Header : Default Vbulletin Header
h) Footer : Default Vbulletin Footer
F. how ever, on the drop down menu it doesnt show the Defaul Basic theme option. it does on header and footer but not using theme.
No Parent Template (This is an independent webtemplate)
Thast what it shows instead. i think this might be problem wondering if theres fix, thank you!
You probably didn't install it correctly. Please double check installation steps and especially make sure you import default wt's fine.
11-13-2008, 07:12 AM
Logician I completely love your mod
Small detail problem - I set up a template page, set it to TEXT
Can view, but when I click the link to edit the page as a user I get
Not Found
The requested URL /fcc/ was not found on this server.
Have checked via ftp and editors.php IS there on this filepath.
Could the problem be that I do not use the standard directory name for my forum? that is, my url to editors.php is not /forum/editors.php but /xxx/editors.php
maybe I need to change this in the code somewhere?
I don't have the very recent update installed yet. But the version I have does have the options in admin to allow user edit + when I open the page it does have "Edit This Page (" at the bottom.
It cant be related to directory name. I'd still tell you didn't upload it to the correct directory.
However when I try to visit the url in your link, it seems it loads fine.
11-13-2008, 01:01 PM
You probably didn't install it correctly. Please double check installation steps and especially make sure you import default wt's fine.
What do you mean right here? I also followed everything correctly its just that
11-13-2008, 01:46 PM
What do you mean right here? I also followed everything correctly its just that
So can you load test webtemplate fine for example?
If yes, give me admin cp access and I can check.
11-14-2008, 01:29 AM
I found out the problem for some reason i missed this
(There are 2 XML files, please make sure you import the file named "webtemplate_export.xml"!)
Do i uplpoad the webtemplate_export.xml where? as a product?
EDIT: Im such a dummy did this like at 12 am, and its 7:30 pm today so i just saw that i shouldnt be doing this stuff when im tired LOL thank you so much haha im looking like a newb right now hehe ty Logician! :)
11-14-2008, 03:35 AM
So did you get it fixed Zatro?
If not, look in the menu under WebTemplates, and you'll see an export/import (or import/export) button. That's where you import the webtemplate_export.xml
Emre Goren
11-15-2008, 08:11 AM
this is a great hack thanks for this and here is the page that I created
11-21-2008, 02:54 PM
I thought I had posted here yesterday - reinstalled this mod on a fresh version of IPB 3.74 PL1, and I love this mod, the only question I have is I cannot use the HTML parsing option, or I get a bizarre error, consistently when i actually paste HTML into the box :
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2.2.10 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.10 OpenSSL/0.9.7a mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ PHP/5.2.6 Server at Port 80
11-21-2008, 08:27 PM
I thought I had posted here yesterday - reinstalled this mod on a fresh version of IPB 3.74 PL1, and I love this mod, the only question I have is I cannot use the HTML parsing option, or I get a bizarre error, consistently when i actually paste HTML into the box :
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2.2.10 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.10 OpenSSL/0.9.7a mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ PHP/5.2.6 Server at Port 80
Assuming you meant VB, not IBP: ;) please see Post number 223.
11-22-2008, 09:12 PM
I've created a very nice and very useful list which saved me from weeks of job with this wonderful mod. So i would like to thank you again for all of your works...
Am not sure whether its possible or not but i would like to try my chance...
I have 2 forum categories. And each categories has movie reviews inside. But with different language content. Forum1 is in English and Forum2 is in Turkish language. And sometime, both forums contains same title but with different languages. Instead of preparing different lists for both forums, doing just 1 list but with both forums content will be much more better. But ofcourse, if i am able to do what i plan (think) to do. The problem starts here :) If you dont mind i would like to ask you if it is possible to
For example, if the thread pulled from Forum1, it will automatically put an English flag icon (english.gif) and if the thread pulled from Forum2, then there will be Turkish flag icon (turkish.gif).
Is it possible to do something like that ? or no need for that ?
11-23-2008, 07:07 AM
I've created a very nice and very useful list which saved me from weeks of job with this wonderful mod. So i would like to thank you again for all of your works...
Am not sure whether its possible or not but i would like to try my chance...
I have 2 forum categories. And each categories has movie reviews inside. But with different language content. Forum1 is in English and Forum2 is in Turkish language. And sometime, both forums contains same title but with different languages. Instead of preparing different lists for both forums, doing just 1 list but with both forums content will be much more better. But ofcourse, if i am able to do what i plan (think) to do. The problem starts here :) If you dont mind i would like to ask you if it is possible to
For example, if the thread pulled from Forum1, it will automatically put an English flag icon (english.gif) and if the thread pulled from Forum2, then there will be Turkish flag icon (turkish.gif).
Is it possible to do something like that ? or no need for that ?
Nope you can't do that, but you can write forum name next to them.
11-23-2008, 08:46 AM
i have page in folder which is only one page that give all result on it
how to include it with php code
because i use frame code
any help plz
11-23-2008, 03:22 PM
I think this mod is good enough to be sold to vBulletin / vBadvanced, they should make Logician a good deal and then support the product themselves. Logician has been doing a phenomenal job on his own but it would be easier on him if there was a team working on it rather than on his own. What do you think Logician?
11-23-2008, 04:34 PM
I think this mod is good enough to be sold to vBulletin / vBadvanced, they should make Logician a good deal and then support the product themselves. Logician has been doing a phenomenal job on his own but it would be easier on him if there was a team working on it rather than on his own. What do you think Logician?
Thanks for the kudos.
This is asked to me by another hack user long time ago and I told my point of view in
It was one year ago and my stance didn't change: So if Jelsoft asks to integrate it into default vb package, I'm happy to pass it to them for free. Webtemplates and all my hacks released here are my courtesy to vbulletin community anyway.
But as stated in that message, this is not a usual way of Jelsoft so I would think its happening implausible. And I think you'll agree with me if you consider first release of Webtemplates was on 22.Mar.2002. ;)
LG Alex
11-24-2008, 12:50 AM
Wow, thank you. Very useful. Installed!
11-25-2008, 08:16 PM
Assuming you meant VB, not IBP: ;) please see Post number 223.Ich, yes, VB not IPB. I do work in both settings, but vastly prefer VB and that is obviously what this query was for.
Yes I've cleared the SQL DB, run several fresh installs and always the error. Where might I find the error log, sorry for the newbie question.
11-26-2008, 06:24 AM
Ich, yes, VB not IPB. I do work in both settings, but vastly prefer VB and that is obviously what this query was for.
Yes I've cleared the SQL DB, run several fresh installs and always the error. Where might I find the error log, sorry for the newbie question.
If you are using cpanel, you can log in there and you'll see error log icon. Before clicking on it, just visit the webtemplate page so as to procude a recent error in the log.
11-26-2008, 12:33 PM
If you are using cpanel, you can log in there and you'll see error log icon. Before clicking on it, just visit the webtemplate page so as to procude a recent error in the log.
Bizarre :
[Wed Nov 26 09:30:25 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/accountname/public_html/, referer:
And sure enough the file is there, permissions set to 644. Permissions the culprit?
11-26-2008, 01:31 PM
Bizarre :
[Wed Nov 26 09:30:25 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/accountname/public_html/, referer:
And sure enough the file is there, permissions set to 644. Permissions the culprit?I can't tell much but it seems it is somehow related to server (maybe a firewall/security/permissions issue?). If you have a server admin, I'm sure he can help you more on this.
11-26-2008, 02:25 PM
I use the 3.6 version and LOVE IT!
Thanks for this - I mean it ;)
Neutral Singh
11-27-2008, 12:19 PM
With url rewriting can i replace word view_ with any thing more meaningful word like sikhism_ for my forum? How can i achieve this?
11-27-2008, 12:25 PM
With url rewriting can i replace word view_ with any thing more meaningful word like sikhism_ for my forum? How can i achieve this?
Edit wt_include.php, section:
$WT_SEO_url_prefix = 'view_';
And edit your .htaccess file.
Neutral Singh
11-27-2008, 02:08 PM
Thank you!! It worked!!
Another request: What if i want the re written url ending ***.html instead of ***.htm ?
11-27-2008, 07:42 PM
How is it that I missed such a great idea for so long?
I'll probably install this and then they'll put out 3.8.x and I'll have to reinstall... But I'm still going to do this.
11-28-2008, 07:01 AM
Thank you!! It worked!!
Another request: What if i want the re written url ending ***.html instead of ***.htm ?
Well from seo point of view it really does not matter whether your url is a htm or html.
But if you still want to change, it would require some modifications in many files. You need to do the first change in .htaccess file, then search for "htm" in view.php, editors.php, wt_wt.php files and change them too.
11-28-2008, 08:32 PM
Excellent, thank you Logician.
I noticed that you posted some examples of sites that use a template as their home page.
How would one name a template as an index file, or would a redirect to the desired template be used?
I'd like to use a template as a home page to try a few things.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
11-29-2008, 06:33 AM
pre-installation faq item 7 covers it.
11-29-2008, 11:48 AM
pre-installation faq item 7 covers it.
Thank you Logician for the information and great work! :up:
12-01-2008, 02:14 AM
How much of the Hyster Sisters website is based on this template? How do they do their homepage over there? If most of their pages there are based off this template, it looks like I found a winner.
Neutral Singh
12-04-2008, 07:30 AM
Thanks again. Well, integration with vBAdvanced is not possible if we enable url rewrite option in webtemplates... there must be a way to achieving this.
12-05-2008, 11:46 PM
I love this mod and use it on several forums...
BUT, have a unique problem on a new forum. Its not possible for me to import .xml files the usual way through the AdminCP>Import Product as I get this errorWarning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/php_upload/phphD0Hoo) is not within the allowed path(s) in [path]/admincp/plugin.php on line 1638No one has been able to fix it for me, so to import .xml, I load to the file to server and use the option to 'OR import the XML file from your server" and works fine to install products.
However, step 3 of installing this mod, requires the webtemplate_export.xml to be imported - the mod does not give me the option to import it from the server and I get the above error if try importing the required way.
Anyone got a work around or advice?
12-06-2008, 07:48 PM
I have prepared a list with letterbar which let users to filter the threads. (Letterbar in this ( post)
Everything works perfect. I've used the letterbar as below in the templates.
<a href='view.php?pg=cat1&myletter=a'>A</a>
<a href='view.php?pg=cat1&myletter=b'>B</a>
<a href='view.php?pg=cat1&myletter=c'>C</a>
I've also prepared a list which shows all the threads from all the categories. (cat1,cat2,cat3) I used below querry.
SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.postusername,t.postuserid,t.dateline, f.title as forumtitle
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread t
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum f ON f.forumid=t.forumid
WHERE t.sticky=0 AND t.visible=1 AND (t.forumid=1 OR t.forumid=2 OR t.forumid=3) $letterquery
ORDER BY t.dateline DESC
LIMIT 2000
I would like to learn if it possible to filter the threads of all categories with the same letterbar ?
What i mean is, i would like to be able to use a letterbar for the template which lists all the threads from category1, category2 and category3.
Is that possible ?
12-08-2008, 09:44 AM
How much of the Hyster Sisters website is based on this template? How do they do their homepage over there? If most of their pages there are based off this template, it looks like I found a winner.
Nearly all Hyster Sisters external pages are powered by Webtemplates. They have over 100 webtemplate pages. But their home page is not WT, it is a custom script.
12-08-2008, 09:47 AM
I love this mod and use it on several forums...
BUT, have a unique problem on a new forum. Its not possible for me to import .xml files the usual way through the AdminCP>Import Product as I get this errorNo one has been able to fix it for me, so to import .xml, I load to the file to server and use the option to 'OR import the XML file from your server" and works fine to install products.
However, step 3 of installing this mod, requires the webtemplate_export.xml to be imported - the mod does not give me the option to import it from the server and I get the above error if try importing the required way.
Anyone got a work around or advice?
It is a tight security restriction in server end. I suggest removing it as it will interfere with many other applications anyway. But if it is not possible. One idea to bypass it in WT installation would be installing WT to a different board in a different server and then move its db tables to this server.
Kihon Kata
12-08-2008, 01:11 PM
Hey mine too :) (BKlab and MakeupTalk)
Nearly all Hyster Sisters external pages are powered by Webtemplates. They have over 100 webtemplate pages. But their home page is not WT, it is a custom script.
12-13-2008, 09:25 PM
As i understand, it's maybe not possible to list a big amount of threads in same list as i asked in this ( message.
So below option may solve my problem. When we create a template which use "$WQ_last10threadfromforum2" querry, it lists the threads from newest to oldest by default.
Is it possible to list them in alphabetical order ? (A-->Z)
Edit : Sorry to bother you Logician and this thread with my question. Changing the querry as below, solved my problem.
ORDER BY t.title ASC
Thanks again...
12-14-2008, 07:00 AM
Does anyone know if this compatible with VB 3.8 RC? I use it greatly on another forum I have that is 3.7xx Thanks, rg sends!
12-14-2008, 08:38 AM
Seems to be working on my test 3.8RC1 site :up:
12-14-2008, 09:10 PM
What happens when you convert static html pages with existing addresses to WebTemplate pages? Can the URL be preserved or will search engines have to relearn the new addresses?
12-15-2008, 01:41 AM
Another question, has anyone ever done a three column template that can be made available?
Is there any way this will be updated so that the vbulletin search can pick up its pages? If not I will be changing these pages into closed threads to get around the problem. I really like the module but I really need the ability to search.
12-19-2008, 06:29 PM
A question on these templates, the following call to $WQ_siteinformationitems, where can these menuitems be modified?
If I've inadvertently referenced the wrong call, I am talking about the "SITE HELP ITEMS" which appear in the templated 2-columnar pages.
And now this :
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2.2.10 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.10 OpenSSL/0.9.7a mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ PHP/5.2.6 Server at Port 80
I am starting to think there are some serious corruptions in my install for whatever reason...
When you create a webtemplate whose theme is "siteinfo" pages, the $WQ_siteinformationitems webquery will add its link to all siteinfo pages automatically.
If you don't want a page there, just disable that webtemplate or change its theme, it will disappear automatically.
I can't say much about internal server error as it is related to your server but if you check your error log, you can get a hint about the culprit.
OK I have read through the thread and I don't think I saw the answer. The closest thing I saw to it is this...but what I would like to do is actually edit those links. I know if I want to add like adsense to it I edit the template. Thats not a problem..
What if I don't want to add/remove links to it or change the styling of it?
Thank you
12-19-2008, 08:04 PM
Sorry to post can I completely disable the invalid page? I have a custom 404 page set up. Since installing this it will always redirect to this invalid no page message.
The only thing I did different was setup rewrites through vbseo like: '^view\.php\?pg=(.+?)$' => '$1/'
**figured this one out**
the post above not yet though #309 ;)
12-21-2008, 12:11 AM
Looks like this hack might be dead with the addition of a CMS to VB4
12-26-2008, 04:12 PM
This is just fantastic man. Absolutely exactly what I was wanting. Opted for a long time not to use any vb cms based system because I didn't like the ones that I saw and seemed to completely overlook this one. A big thank you.
You have a donation bro. Keep up the good work.
01-03-2009, 12:47 AM
Excellent Mod, Nominated. Thank you.
01-03-2009, 06:03 PM
Thanks for this great modification. I saw a discussion about bring in outside variables from a form using get or post. Did this ever get integrated into WebTemplates. If yes, is there a post with instructions.
01-03-2009, 06:23 PM
Thanks for this great modification. I saw a discussion about bring in outside variables from a form using get or post. Did this ever get integrated into WebTemplates. If yes, is there a post with instructions.
Yes, it is integrated. You can find details in the user manual. ;)
01-03-2009, 07:05 PM
Mr. Logician I am not sure what others call this but I think I just died and went to heaven.
If the coder that showed me this is incapable, unwilling, not enought time, gets run over by a train, are you available for paid work?
I think I just found my custom greeting page and much more.
Thank you kind sir and may you be supported with more than words alone and your pockets bulge with coins as your heart has with kindness.
Charlie Swindall and note me as installed as it will be quite soon.
01-05-2009, 03:15 AM
Thank you so much for this Fantastic Addon.
Just the thing I was looking for.
Installed and working like a charm.
01-05-2009, 07:11 AM
Yes, it is integrated. You can find details in the user manual. ;)
Hi read through the users manual again and did not see what I am looking for. I did see a section titled "1.4.Variables You Can Use In Your WebTemplates:".
What I want to do is bring in a form variable (not an existing vBulletin variable) and then insert that form variable value into my SQL statement. I can do this just fine using just PHP/MySQL but the part that I am getting hung up on is where to place the appropriate code in the different sections of the WebQuery. For example do I bring in the variables from the form in the "Query PHPInclude Code (Before)" section of the WebQuery? I tried this and it didn't work.
How should the SQL syntax look for bringing in variable values that pull just those results from a particular column?
01-05-2009, 07:46 AM
The default webtemplate priv_privatemessages does exactly what you want. Have you checked it as a sample?
01-06-2009, 03:21 AM
Can anybody help me with this display issue ( I keep having? I posted the details in the Ultimate Side Columns, cause it seems to be related to it, but nobody has replied. Maybe you guys can help.
Thank you.
01-06-2009, 09:18 AM
imported_Veronica, I have been hesitant to say anything here in this series of post. I will say this however about helping you. I saw and fell in love with the Logician's stuff and it seems really wonderful. When about to deploy it, the coder( solidsnake@GTI) helping me showed me another solution as well however for my problem. He showed me the VBadvanced free solution that worked for me and my solution flawlessly: I am not sure it will help anyone here and no offence the the fine product logician offers for sure but this one won my heart with its professional appearance and having exactly what we needed right out of the box and all for free. He had it installed in 10 minutes or so and up and running.
01-08-2009, 07:06 AM
Thank you Gladhatter, I already know and tried vBA. However, I would like to use this system, as it suits my needs better.
Kihon Kata
01-08-2009, 11:12 PM
Does this need some housekeeping to make it 3.8 compatible?
01-09-2009, 02:40 AM
I'm upgrading to vb 3.8. Will I have any issues with this version of your mod?
01-09-2009, 02:58 AM
Works with 3.8.
01-09-2009, 06:06 AM
I haven't yet tested with 3.8 but I wouldn't expect any problems. So if you want to use it with 3.8, I'd say go on. :)
01-09-2009, 03:47 PM
I haven't yet tested with 3.8 but I wouldn't expect any problems. So if you want to use it with 3.8, I'd say go on. :)
And I would say that is a rather Bill Gates attitude of allowing the users to do the beta testing all the while assuring them it is fine and if it is not then whom will clean up the mess? Not the Logician as he has a full time career with his current clients and you can see this is NOT a supported product.
A more reasonable answer from a more support oriented and caring person may be that they are not at all sure it works with a version they have not tried and advise all caution if anyone cares to proceed at their own risk.
father guido
01-09-2009, 03:56 PM
And I would say that is a rather Bill Gates attitude of allowing the users to do the beta testing all the while assuring them it is fine and if it is not then whom will clean up the mess? Not the Logician as he has a full time career with his current clients and you can see this is NOT a supported product.
A more reasonable answer from a more support oriented and caring person may be that they are not at all sure it works with a version they have not tried and advise all caution if anyone cares to proceed at their own risk.
Or maybe he believes that by design this MOD should work but he just hasn't tried - Aren't all of the Mods "at your own risk?" I see no guarantees - I suspect you could get a refund of what you paid for it should it NOT work ........... Oh, but they are free, silly me.
01-09-2009, 04:09 PM
Silly may be a weak term to describe a person that believes anything is free or thinks it would be free to try to get a forum back up and going should it have terrible unforeseen consequences due to upgrading and finding out untested mods have had irreverable effects on it.
I clearly see this is one of those issues that may have opinions of both sides and I will restate my opinion that you should tread lightly and also approach with caution and even clone your current set up on a dev enviroment and then install this for through testing prior to using it in real time. This is the response that any competent developer would advise you to follow and not ask you to blindly trust what they have neglected to test for and assumes should work with no real knowledge to base that opinion on.
01-09-2009, 05:42 PM
And I would say that is a rather Bill Gates attitude of allowing the users to do the beta testing all the while assuring them it is fine and if it is not then whom will clean up the mess? Not the Logician as he has a full time career with his current clients and you can see this is NOT a supported product.
A more reasonable answer from a more support oriented and caring person may be that they are not at all sure it works with a version they have not tried and advise all caution if anyone cares to proceed at their own risk.
1- No, there will not be any "terrible unforeseen consequences" or "irreverable effects" of using webtemplates with vb 3.8.x. If this is something I suspected, I'd advise to hold on the upgrade until I test it. If I say "go with it" it means in the very worst scenario, it works but something minor requires a patch. (which is also unexpected)
2- In my own board I still use vb3.5.x and I don't think I'm obligated to upgrade my board for you in the 36th hour of the 3.8.x being released to support a hack I use for my own needs and share with the community for free just for the sake of sharing. If you don't trust my product or unsatisfied with it, please go with another product.
3- I thought you already found the product you need somewhere else and don't even use webtemplates so I appreciate if you don't hijack my hack's thread with irrelevant comments. Thank you. ;)
01-09-2009, 06:02 PM
While I appreciate your comments and reassurances as well as your contributions to the community, I do not appreciate you saying I am hijacking your thread with non relevant material when all I have given is sound advise that any less than bloated and inflated self rightous coder would have given already.
Such unfounded opinions that everything should be fine are not supported by the lack of support nor excused by the non relevance of where or not you choose to or in this case choose not to support the product and it also is no favor for the community for you to suppose the product is fine for any valued purpose when it is completly untested for that purpose.
An attorney of all people should be aware of the proper language to use in such a non supported and non tested proposition.
Certainly your taking offence to sound advise and making an unfounded attack on myself and assuming that as I did not use this solution for one area means I did not use it for others is about as unfounded as your other suppositions here and all are without merit.
Paul M
01-11-2009, 01:14 PM
This thread is for direct support of the modification. If you wish to discuss other things with the author, please use the PM system. Thank you.
01-11-2009, 01:33 PM
This thread is for direct support of the modification. If you wish to discuss other things with the author, please use the PM system. Thank you.
Thank you Paul for your kind advise and be advised that I am in contact with the author by PM discussing other things. My post on here however, I thought related to the support of this product or lack of it.
01-12-2009, 07:35 PM
I'm upgrading to vb 3.8. Will I have any issues with this version of your mod?
I haven't yet tested with 3.8 but I wouldn't expect any problems. So if you want to use it with 3.8, I'd say go on. :)
This mod works perfectly with 3.8.
And for the record - I didn't see anything at all wrong with either Logician's reply, nor his attitude, in the preceding posts.
01-12-2009, 09:18 PM
For the record, I did not see anything wrong with anyones replies. What I do see is opinioned people here that are wishing to take sides on sideless issue. Being wrong and not being the best response are worlds apart.
01-12-2009, 10:53 PM
I've upgraded a forum from 3.7.2 to 3.8 which uses this add-on with no noticable issues
Gladhatter - you are complaining about support for a product which is explicitly listed as 'Not Supported'.
That aside, you should have a test forum set up which mirrors your live site so that scenarios such as this can be tested on your own data without affecting your live site.
The vBulletin license agreement allows for a second installation for this purpose, provided it is password protected (ie. no members of the public can access it). It is invaluable in testing new products/addons/template changes and vBulletin upgrades.
By running through these processes on a test site first, you can remove the possibility of serious issues on your live site and by 'practising' teh upgrade process significantly reduce down time of your live site when you do take the plunge.
01-12-2009, 11:05 PM
I am sorry that you are confused as I have no complaints of any kind what so ever in a most beautiful universe that I live in.
Rene Kriest
01-17-2009, 01:41 AM
Wow this is indeed awesome:
This message is hidden because Gladhatter is on your ignore list.
01-27-2009, 07:59 PM
Has anyone tried installing this whilst running 3.8? So far I can find only those who have used it then upgraded.
Has anyone tried installing this whilst running 3.8? So far I can find only those who have used it then upgraded.
Just installed it on one of my forums running 3.8 and works fine.
01-28-2009, 03:08 PM
Thanks fxlr, I'm going to try it on a local test version and report back.
02-06-2009, 12:50 PM
I've run into a problem and hope someone can assist me.
I had this mod installed when I upgraded to vB 3.8.1. I've also recently added vB Blog 2.0.1.
The problem I'm having is that the blog popup link in the navbar doesn't work on any of the pages created with this mod. All of the other popup menus work, like Search and Quick Links. Only the Blogs link is the one I'm experiencing issues with.
IS there someone that may be able to help? Thanks in advance.
02-07-2009, 08:46 AM
I've run into a problem and hope someone can assist me.
I had this mod installed when I upgraded to vB 3.8.1. I've also recently added vB Blog 2.0.1.
The problem I'm having is that the blog popup link in the navbar doesn't work on any of the pages created with this mod. All of the other popup menus work, like Search and Quick Links. Only the Blogs link is the one I'm experiencing issues with.
IS there someone that may be able to help? Thanks in advance.
I don't have blogs application so there is no way for me to test this but from the source code of your pages, this could fix it:
Edit template navbar, find and at the begining put this text:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == view">
<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="vbbloglinks_menu" style="display:none;margin-top:3px" align="left">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0">
<td class="thead"><a href="">Blogs</a></td>
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="">Recent Entries</a></td>
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="">Best Entries</a></td>
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="">Best Blogs</a></td>
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="">Blog List</a></td>
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="">Search Blogs</a></td>
02-07-2009, 01:47 PM
Thanks...that did the trick, my friend.
02-08-2009, 10:37 AM
Will this be posted in the 3.8 mods section as well since it definitely works?
And since the last update is quite a long time ago. Will there be a new one?
02-16-2009, 05:28 PM
Getting "XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1"
when installing as a product on 3.8...
02-16-2009, 05:49 PM
Getting "XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1"
when installing as a product on 3.8...
There are 2 XML files coming with the hack. You are sure, you import the correct one (product-webtemplates.xml) in product manager, right?
02-16-2009, 06:44 PM
I was uploading the ZIP file.
I need to go in and upload an individual xml?
02-17-2009, 04:54 AM
I was uploading the ZIP file.
I need to go in and upload an individual xml?
You should unzip the file and then read the installation instructions in it.
02-17-2009, 09:37 AM
Firstly fantastic mod..
I just have 2 small problems, one with SEO which I will address when I've got it up and running properly but my current problem is more important.
I have installed a custom page and have 2 styles, the vb default and a custom one.
The problem is this mod tries to add a Blogs tab to the custom theme which I do not want.
See photos with before & after any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
02-17-2009, 09:55 AM
this has nothign to do with the mod ....webtemplates is a blessing ...
this just pulls your header and footer and other information.
Since you did not want this to be in your navigation bar then all you had to do was remove it from the navigation bar
blog_navbar_link template
you just had to comment out the line per below. This will take it out of the navigation bar at top for everything .
this was located at <!-- <td class="vbmenu_control"><a id="vbbloglinks" href="blog.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[blogs]</a><script type="text/javascript">vbmenu_register("vbbloglinks");</script></td> -->
02-17-2009, 09:59 AM
this has nothign to do with the mod ....webtemplates is a blessing ...
this just pulls your header and footer and other information.
Since you did not want this to be in your navigation bar then all you had to do was remove it from the navigation bar
blog_navbar_link template
you just had to comment out the line per below. This will take it out of the navigation bar at top for everything .
this was located at <!-- <td class="vbmenu_control"><a id="vbbloglinks" href="blog.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[blogs]</a><script type="text/javascript">vbmenu_register("vbbloglinks");</script></td> -->
Brilliant thanks! :)
02-17-2009, 10:00 AM
VBSEO problem..
Is there an easy fix?
I have added the content to my htaccess file, turned on SEO in the vboptions/webtemplates.
My site then tries to load a SEO friendly url but 404's even on the default examples that are in webtemplates.
Any ideas?
02-17-2009, 10:31 PM
I love this addition to my boards. I am currently in the process of taking all my static pages and moving them into webtemplates.
One Question: How can I get a webquery that shows the latest 5 posts with the word X in the title.
On each page I want to show the latest 5 posts that have to do with the subject of that page. Thanks!
02-17-2009, 10:38 PM
I tried something like this and it didn;t work
SELECT threadid, title, postusername,postuserid,dateline
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
WHERE sticky=0 AND visible=1 AND title=castle
ORDER BY dateline DESC
I was trying to show the 5 latest posts with the word castle in the subject line.
02-24-2009, 05:44 PM
Could someone tell me how to put the following code into a page please. I don't understand this mod at all :|
$sql = "SELECT * FROM list WHERE title LIKE '%$search%'";
//Create a PS_Pagination object
$pager = new PS_Pagination($con,$sql,10,10);
//The paginate() function returns a mysql
//result set for the current page
$rs = $pager->paginate();
//Loop through the result set
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
echo '<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="600" align="center">
<tr> <td class="tcat"><a href="'.rawurldecode($url).'">'.$title.'</a></td> </tr>
<tr> <td class="alt1">'.$description.'</td> </tr>
<tr> <td class="alt1">Date Crawled: '.$lastcrawl.'</td> </tr>
//Display the navigation
echo '<br /><center>' . $pager->renderFullNav() . '</center>';
02-26-2009, 06:06 AM
Great Mod. Installed it fairly easily and now I'm having a play.
I have seen a minor issue between this Mod and the BBCode Table mod ( The bbcode table mod has a .js script which it uses to automagically have any table column sortable by clicking on it. I have found that while the script does work when I create bbcode tables in posts, it doesn't seem to work within WebTemplates.
Has anyone else tried mixing these two Mods together ?
02-26-2009, 12:56 PM
Great add-on, has implemented it here
02-28-2009, 06:04 AM
Logician, are there any plans in the future to make this valid xhtml?
03-07-2009, 09:32 PM
how do i get a site to load in a frame i guess using this? if i want ( to load on one of the webtemplates, what do i put in the template field and what do i set it to? php, html, text?
i cant figure out it. im trying to use a frame code and its not working. its showing the site i want to load but in a small little box and i dont have a size command in the code.
03-07-2009, 09:44 PM
nevermind i think i goes it.
i found this code @
<iframe src ="SITE" width="200" height="200">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
and its loading fine. i change the first 200 to 100% and made the wnd 200 into 1000 and its loading ok
03-13-2009, 12:56 PM
If my original page (passing variables by URL) is:
what will the WebTemplates URL be?
03-14-2009, 03:25 PM
If my original page (passing variables by URL) is:
what will the WebTemplates URL be?
03-18-2009, 01:06 AM
Logician, you must have missed my post on the last page.
Logician, are there any plans in the future to make this valid xhtml?
Thanks :)
03-18-2009, 03:03 AM
I modified the 'Themes' myself to make the validate at
Here's mine. The only changes are those required to make them validate - layout etc should be identical
Default Basic Theme
<html xmlns="" dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<title>$vboptions[bbtitle] $WT_PageName</title>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td valign="top">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="tcat" align="left">
» $WT_PageName
<td class="alt1" align="center">
<div class="normalfont"><h2> $WT_PageName</h2></div>
<td class="alt2" align="left">
<div class="normalfont">
<td class="thead" align="left">Page
Visitors: <b>$count</b>, Last Visitor was $WT[lastvisitorname]
at $WT[lastvisitdate]. $WT_Editor_link<br />
Page Created at <b>$creationdate</b>, Last Modified
: <b>$lasteditdate</b>.
Standard Error Theme
<html xmlns="" dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<br />
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="70%" align="center">
<td class="tcat">» $WT_PageName</td>
<td class="panelsurround" align="center">
<div class="panel">
<div align="$stylevar[left]">
<br />
<!-- forum jump -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<!-- / forum jump -->
<br />
<br />
Two Column Theme
<html xmlns="" dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<title>$vboptions[bbtitle] $WT_PageName</title>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="225" valign="top">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="tcat" align="center">Stats</td>
<td class="alt1">
<div class="smallfont">
Member count : <b>$numbermembers</b>,<br />
Thread Count: <b>$totalthreads</b>,<br />
Post Count : <b>$totalposts</b><br />
<br />
Welcome to our newest member <a href='member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$newuserid'>$newusername</a>
<br />
<br />
<td width="20">
<img src="$vboptions[cleargifurl]" width="20" height="1" alt="spacer" />
<td valign="top">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="tcat" align="left">
» $WT_PageName
<td class="alt2" align="left">
<div class="normalfont">
<td class="thead" align="left">
Page Visitors: <b>$count</b>, Last Visitor was $WT[lastvisitorname] at $WT[lastvisitdate]. $WT_Editor_link<br />
Page Created at <b>$creationdate</b>, Last Modified : <b>$lasteditdate</b>.
Site Information Pages Template
<html xmlns="" dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<title> $WT_PageName</title>
<h2 align="center">$WT_PageName </h2>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="225" valign="top">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="tcat" align="center">
Site Help Pages
<td class="alt2" height="400" valign="top">
<div class="smallfont">
<td width="10">
<img src="$vboptions[cleargifurl]" width="10" height="1" name="image" alt="Spacer" />
<td valign="top">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
<td class="alt1" align="left" height="400" valign="top">
<div class="normalfont">
<td class="alt1" >
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
<div class="smallfont">
<a href='sendmessage.php'>Still Have A Question?</a>
<td align="right">
<div class="smallfont"><b>$count</b><i> times visited.
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6"><br />
Last Visitor was $WT[lastvisitorname] at $WT[lastvisitdate].
<br />
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6">$nowbrowsing</if>
03-18-2009, 08:01 AM
Logician, you must have missed my post on the last page.
Thanks :)
Frankly speaking, my experise is coding and I'm not very good at designing, nor with HTML. So it is why my hacks in general might not be in perfect xhtml (or artistic web design). :) Sorry about it and thanks so much to dartho sharing his corrected syntax code!
03-18-2009, 08:46 AM
"No one becomes perfect, but some become great."
03-23-2009, 02:20 PM
Thanks so much for your honesty Logician, that's why I like you :)
dartho, I replaced my template content with yours above, and it worked great, except that I'm still having a table issue.
Another problem is Logician's footer info. Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.8.0 & Logician's WebTemplates v.3.7.00The & of course does not validate, but I can't find where to change it.
03-23-2009, 04:07 PM
Hi Logician
This is a truly excellent mod!
I have very quickly built a newly redesigned site that I was going to do in Xoops.
This new solution is better is so many ways.
I have 2 questions for you about issues Im still struggling with.
This new site I have is a subsite of the main forums, but uses a custom look and feel (done entirely though WebTemplates). So for example the forum nav bar is not visible, nor the footer bar, and the site uses a different colour theme.
- How can I integrate the forum registration page into my new WebTemplates site?
- How can I integrate the forum login page into the site ? (ive tried using the Deluxe login on non VB pages: but have not been sucessful)
Of course I want to do these things within the look and feel of the WebTemplates site - I dont want to colors, headers/footers etc of the standard forum pages.
Any ideas?
03-23-2009, 06:12 PM
- How can I integrate the forum registration page into my new WebTemplates site?
This does not sound very easy. If you are determined to try my suggestion would be creating a new vb style with your wemplate colors/header/footer etc., then hack register.php to use this style id forcefully and then run it inside a wemplate with a iframe. Not very sure if this will work but sounds likely. :)
- How can I integrate the forum login page into the site ? (ive tried using the Deluxe login on non VB pages: but have not been sucessful)
What do you mean? Put login form into your wt pages? Just put $WT_Login in anywhere you like in your webtemplates (or webtemplate themes) and it will automatically display the login form if user is not logged in.
03-23-2009, 11:05 PM
Thanks for your prompt reply, its really appreciated.
ill look into the registration page.
Re: login form - thanks - I embarrassingly missed that in the doc.
Also, Im not sure if your aware of the Easy Forms mod ( ?
Have you had any experience with showing these forms in a WT site?
03-24-2009, 05:27 AM
Thanks for your prompt reply, its really appreciated.
ill look into the registration page.
Re: login form - thanks - I embarrassingly missed that in the doc.
Also, Im not sure if your aware of the Easy Forms mod ( ?
Have you had any experience with showing these forms in a WT site?
I don't have any experience with this hack but I'd think including it in a wt via iframe should be possible.
03-24-2009, 10:30 AM
Excellent suggestion thanks Logician - have it working well....just a couple of challenges left to overcome
- how to put a logout link in the userinfo panel inserted by $WT_Login
- need the Easy Forms mod to be able to choose a style per form - then I could create a style with the correct colours, no header etc (at the moment im wrapping the vB header, footer and navbar templates with a conditional to detect this page)
- registration form redirect back to this site (but only when called from this site)
03-25-2009, 12:20 PM
dartho, I replaced my template content with yours above, and it worked great, except that I'm still having a table issue.
The biggest issue I have with tables is with <THEAD> and <TBODY> tags. Rather than work them out I just removed them from the temaplates I posted earlier (they're really only useful for CSS declarations). If you do use them within your web templates, having one without the other may cause a validation error? (I'm guessing here :) )
03-25-2009, 02:46 PM
Logician... if you have time could you reccomend how to remove the navbar links in webtemplates.... could I just edit the installer files or am I thinking to simple?
Reason: I moved my navbar from navbar template to header template for aesthetic reasons and to place 32 x 32 icons in front of each (it looks nice :D) but it still tends to add in the extra options like Blogs etc in the header template even though in my forums they are not there but only in a webstemplate? I cannot code in the images unless I go into all those mods and try to remove it from each when I would simply like to remove the display of the navbar links in webtemplates.
If it's a simple fix please post, if it's not and your busy just point me in the right direction perhaps?
03-25-2009, 08:19 PM
Logician... if you have time could you reccomend how to remove the navbar links in webtemplates.... could I just edit the installer files or am I thinking to simple?
Reason: I moved my navbar from navbar template to header template for aesthetic reasons and to place 32 x 32 icons in front of each (it looks nice :D) but it still tends to add in the extra options like Blogs etc in the header template even though in my forums they are not there but only in a webstemplate? I cannot code in the images unless I go into all those mods and try to remove it from each when I would simply like to remove the display of the navbar links in webtemplates.
If it's a simple fix please post, if it's not and your busy just point me in the right direction perhaps?
You can just edit the theme webtemplate you are using and remove $navbar part. :)
03-25-2009, 08:20 PM
Excellent suggestion thanks Logician - have it working well....just a couple of challenges left to overcome
- how to put a logout link in the userinfo panel inserted by $WT_Login
Don't you have one when you are logged in?
03-25-2009, 09:13 PM
Just a thought. I would go into the webtemplates and then the themes at the bottom. Just click on edit on the one you use and take out $navbar
03-25-2009, 10:09 PM
You can just edit the theme webtemplate you are using and remove $navbar part. :)
See Below...
Just a thought. I would go into the webtemplates and then the themes at the bottom. Just click on edit on the one you use and take out $navbar
Guys, thanks so much for the suggestions and quick replies :D ... THAT would normally work however I should have been more specific when I posted but my lunch break was almost over and the boss is a HAWK lol ;)
I already did that but the style I use has other stuff I would love to have in the navbar... I reworked the code to include the icons and removed a lot of links that were there to streamline it as the style did not look right w/ the nav menu going to the right about half a mile :erm: but if push comes to shove I'll simply redo the whole navbar in another template i.e. the parts I need and make the navbar template itself nearly empty and do what you suggested! There's always more than one way to skin a cat (just a phrase I have 2 & luv em') but I was hoping Logician would have a simpler solution but what you posted is the simplest way and I need to work around it as I decided to slice & dice my navbar.
Thanks to you both but especially you Logician... this is one of my favorite and most useful vb mods! Every site I help out on or admin on has installed it so far and that's 4 and soon to be 5.
03-25-2009, 10:39 PM
where it says
example : 32 times visited
Can we amend this to
This page has been visited 32 times
03-25-2009, 10:53 PM
03-26-2009, 12:46 AM
Don't you have one when you are logged in?
This is my WebTemplates_LoginCode vB template:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid']">
<td class="alt2" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<div class="smallfont">
<strong><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]">$vbphrase[welcome_x]</phrase></strong><br />
<phrase 1="$pmbox[lastvisitdate]" 2="$pmbox[lastvisittime]">$vbphrase[last_visited_x_at_y]</phrase>
<else />
<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap" style="padding:0px">
<!-- login form -->
<form action="login.php" method="post" onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, $show[nopasswordempty])">
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js"></script>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
<td class="smallfont">$vbphrase[username]</td>
<td><input type="text" class="bginput" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_username" id="navbar_username" size="10" accesskey="u" tabindex="101" value="$vbphrase[username]" onfocus="if (this.value == '$vbphrase[username]') this.value = '';" /></td>
<td class="smallfont" colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar"><input type="checkbox" name="cookieuser" value="1" tabindex="103" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" />$vbphrase[remember_me]</label></td>
<td class="smallfont">$vbphrase[password]</td>
<td><input type="password" class="bginput" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_password" size="10" accesskey="p" tabindex="102" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[log_in]" tabindex="104" title="$vbphrase[enter_username_to_login_or_register]" accesskey="s" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
<!-- / login form -->
</if> </tr>
think its unchanged from installed version?
03-26-2009, 01:02 AM
changing the above code to:
<if condition="$bbuserinfo['userid']">
<td class="alt2" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<div class="smallfont">
<strong><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]">$vbphrase[welcome_x]</phrase></strong><br />
<phrase 1="$pmbox[lastvisitdate]" 2="$pmbox[lastvisittime]">$vbphrase[last_visited_x_at_y]</phrase>
<td class="alt2" valign="bottom">
<div class="smallfont">
<a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')">$vbphrase[log_out]</a>
<else />
<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap" style="padding:0px">
<!-- login form -->
<form action="login.php" method="post" onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, $show[nopasswordempty])">
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js"></script>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
<td class="smallfont">$vbphrase[username]</td>
<td><input type="text" class="bginput" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_username" id="navbar_username" size="10" accesskey="u" tabindex="101" value="$vbphrase[username]" onfocus="if (this.value == '$vbphrase[username]') this.value = '';" /></td>
<td class="smallfont" colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar"><input type="checkbox" name="cookieuser" value="1" tabindex="103" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" />$vbphrase[remember_me]</label></td>
<td class="smallfont">$vbphrase[password]</td>
<td><input type="password" class="bginput" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_password" size="10" accesskey="p" tabindex="102" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[log_in]" tabindex="104" title="$vbphrase[enter_username_to_login_or_register]" accesskey="s" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
<!-- / login form -->
</if> </tr>
did the trick
03-26-2009, 03:53 AM
Outstanding work Logician...:up:
03-27-2009, 07:29 PM
i love it!!
03-27-2009, 07:41 PM
This add-on is one of the largest hidden treasures of this community. I'm sure that if everyone knew what all this mod can do, just about everyone would be using it. I use it for all of the extra pages on my site.
Nominated for MOTM - again! :rolleyes:
04-02-2009, 02:56 PM
I have searched but not found anything about attachments.
I know how to show a template that get the last post from forum X but how about including attachments like images
Someone that could help me getting the right SQL-query.
04-09-2009, 03:37 AM
this is really a nice mod.
i tried to merge it with autoindex but i got problems..
here is the code i use:
echo "$stylevar[htmldoctype]";
echo "<html dir=\"$stylevar[textdirection]\" lang=\"$stylevar[languagecode]\">";
echo "<head>";
echo "<title>$vboptions $WT_PageName</title>";
echo "$headinclude";
echo "</head>";
echo "<body>";
echo "$header";
echo "$navbar";
echo "$nowbrowsing";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
echo " <tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\"> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<thead>";
echo " <tr>";
echo " <td class=\"tcat\" align=\"left\">» $WT_PageName</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo " <tr> ";
echo " <td class=\"alt2\" align=\"left\">";
echo "<div class=\"normalfont\"> ";
// ============================
// Put Your PHP CODE right after this line
// ============================
echo "</div> ";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr> ";
echo "<td class=\"thead\" align=\"left\">Page ";
echo " Visitors: <b>$count</b>, Last Visitor was $WT[lastvisitorname] ";
echo " at $WT[lastvisitdate]. $WT_Editor_link<br>";
echo " Page Created at <b>$creationdate</b>, Last Modified ";
echo " : <b>$lasteditdate</b>.</td>";
echo " </tr>";
echo "</thead>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "$footer";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";
it works perfect but..
every time i click the each folder my URL change from[B] view.php?pg=phptest2 to view.php?=dir=x then it redirects to invalid page...
any solution?
Reason why am merging this hack with autoindex to VB is that autoindex has the ability to control speed download and anti-leeching sequence..
thou this is really a great hack i nomionate this hack MOTM
great job Logician
04-09-2009, 05:16 AM
You may be best off running the autoindex page in an iframe within your web template?
04-10-2009, 12:37 AM
You may be best off running the autoindex page in an iframe within your web template?
if i use <iframe>link</iframe> syntax then the login inaccess of this hack will be useless because any one who visit the site can give full access to download..
for EX: will open on VB page right..
after that they can access the download section by accessing direct without login in they can access it.
sorry for my bad english.. i hope you understand..
04-10-2009, 07:38 PM
Can someone please help me!?
I have created a homepage using this mod. But now how do I make the homepage act as my my defauly homepage when someone goes to My VB is installed in the root... I tried domain forwarding and that didn't work. There must be a simple way to do this?
04-11-2009, 12:39 AM
Hi, I need my front page to be at and my forums to be at; can this CMS manage that? If so, how can I set that up?
04-11-2009, 01:25 AM
@drew82 and MTGDarkness
header("Location: http://location here where your visitors will"); //without a trailing slash
make a clean index.php and put this code inside it. and upload it on your main domain..
ofcourse edit the red text except the "location: :D
04-11-2009, 01:33 AM
But that will just redirect, won't it?
04-11-2009, 02:04 AM
yeah that worked, but now when I click my forum link it just reroutes it to my homepage
I still want to be able to view my forum overview?
can anyone help?
04-11-2009, 02:21 AM
yeah that worked, but now when I click my forum link it just reroutes it to my homepage
I still want to be able to view my forum overview?
can anyone help?
Edit your index.php or index.html and at the VERY top add:
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url= rest of the url from WebTemplates etc">
Then save and that should redirect you, gsmph gave a more forum friendly php way of doing it but the lesser works just as good.
Edit the content="0 to 1 or 2 for seconds IF you want the redirect to take place after 1 or 2 seconds and so on... maybe change your original index into a loading or intro page... perhaps add a splash page etc.
04-11-2009, 02:28 AM
that does the same exact thing
let me try to explain this another way
I want my custom homepage to come up when you go to, but I still want access to the forum page
does anyone know how to do this
04-11-2009, 02:32 AM
Well then you need to have your redirect via your hosting/cpanel/ whatever verified, it should work w/ the specified URL.
04-11-2009, 02:41 AM
that does the same exact thing
let me try to explain this another way
I want my custom homepage to come up when you go to, but I still want access to the forum page
does anyone know how to do this
I think we have lost each other, sounds simple but take it one way and you go another route eh?
So here's what I have so far... (So we ALL can be clear & help you)
1. You created a custom page via WebTemplates
2. You want that custom page to be your new homepage
3. The custom page (I suspect you did it w/ a theme if not and it is in fact an Independent template then simply copy the contents and replace the contents in your original index file and no need for redirect) is not being redirected properly even when you apply a redirect via your hosting panel/cpanel etc.
Is that correct?
04-11-2009, 03:43 AM
i don't want to replace the default homepage with my new custom homepage
after I made a custom homepage called *home I added it to my menu as well as added a menu item called *forums
but I want my landing page *home, but I want to keep access to the forums main page so my members can click *forums and see the overview
I though I can do this by redirecting my domain to
but this solution is not working
04-11-2009, 04:24 AM
Ohh so it's a problem with your navbar then i.e. you replaced the urls's in some of your menu items but the changes are not reflecting in the webtemplate and causing an error?
04-11-2009, 04:40 AM
no no no ... my menu links are fine
see this page
their default landing page is home.php not index.php
how is this done
Michigan Morels
04-11-2009, 05:22 AM
Well, after reading all 27 pages of this thread. I'm impressed with two thing.
1. the low number of problems (most of those seem to be complicated and above my level anyway LOL)
2. "Not supported" support seems to be better in this mod than most "supported" mods.
So I am going to download and try it out. I'm all excited over it, but won't marks installed until after testing on my testvb. When I install it on my live forum, I'll mark installed.
I am very impressed with the feedback in this thread in spite of Gladhatter's rude remarks when he doesn't even use it.
04-11-2009, 01:55 PM
no no no ... my menu links are fine
see this page
their default landing page is home.php not index.php
how is this done
You will need to get rid of the index.html or rename it to something else (Rename to save the original).
index.php will replace your index.html, the browser looks for one of these files as the default page to present based on the servers preferences. Most servers have default settings about the order in which a default file is presented. typical order is:
So basically if you don't have a index.html, it will start looking for index.php instead and so on, down the list!
Well, after reading all 27 pages of this thread. I'm impressed with two thing.
1. the low number of problems (most of those seem to be complicated and above my level anyway LOL)
2. "Not supported" support seems to be better in this mod than most "supported" mods.
So I am going to download and try it out. I'm all excited over it, but won't marks installed until after testing on my testvb. When I install it on my live forum, I'll mark installed.
I am very impressed with the feedback in this thread in spite of Gladhatter's rude remarks when he doesn't even use it.
It is a very well made mod, the author is very nice and helps when he has time as I assume he is a busy man ;) ... this is one of my favorite mods released for vB :D
04-11-2009, 09:45 PM
There's probably a better way (you could probably do it with an htaccess edit only) but what I'd do (if I couldn;t be bothered googling better way) is create a new php file as gymph said in post #393 ( and call it myhome.php and put it in your forum root
Next edit your .htaccess file in your forum root and add a line:
DirectoryIndex myhome.php index.html index.htm index.php index.cgi default.htm
Now when someone visits your forum root (with out explicitly enterting a filename to access) it will defualt to myhome.php which redirects to whatever page you specified in the phpfile
04-11-2009, 10:05 PM
OK, I googled - you shold be able to do this simpler. Assuming you don;t have an index.html in your forum root, simply add the following line to your htaccess
RewriteRule ^(index\.html)?$ view.php?pg=xxxxx[QSA,L]
Then when someone visits your webserver will try and load up index.html which will be rewritten to view.php?pg=xxxxx (you swap xxxxx for the web template page identifier) and load up someone requesting will still get that...
04-11-2009, 10:21 PM
thanks guy for all the help
i moved my entire vbulletin out of the root into it's own directory
then i used gsmph's method to forward the index.php file in the root to the custom home page in the vbulletin directory.... this is working very well for me
04-12-2009, 03:43 AM
thanks guy for all the help
i moved my entire vbulletin out of the root into it's own directory
then i used gsmph's method to forward the index.php file in the root to the custom home page in the vbulletin directory.... this is working very well for me
am glad to help...
now anyone cares to help me here
pleaseeeeeeeeeee............. :(
04-13-2009, 10:24 AM
Would it be possible to get one of BananaLive's Easy Forms into one of your templates ?
His product is here , where I asked the same question.
Thank you,
04-14-2009, 04:18 AM
Is there some reason i cant change the background color..?
We have tested a few different types of HTML pages, but the background wont change.. it just stays white.
Any thoughts.?
04-19-2009, 10:52 PM
I Figured out where my backgrounds are going.. they are going to the Background of the entire site, not within the window.
Any thoughts on that.?
I want to make some simple HTML pages with some images, & a link or two.
Is this possible or only static pages.?
04-20-2009, 06:03 AM
this is really a nice mod.
i tried to merge it with autoindex but i got problems..
here is the code i use:
echo "$stylevar[htmldoctype]";
echo "<html dir=\"$stylevar[textdirection]\" lang=\"$stylevar[languagecode]\">";
echo "<head>";
echo "<title>$vboptions $WT_PageName</title>";
echo "$headinclude";
echo "</head>";
echo "<body>";
echo "$header";
echo "$navbar";
echo "$nowbrowsing";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">";
echo " <tr>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\"> <table class=\"tborder\" cellpadding=\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\" cellspacing=\"$stylevar[cellspacing]\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
echo "<thead>";
echo " <tr>";
echo " <td class=\"tcat\" align=\"left\">» $WT_PageName</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo " <tr> ";
echo " <td class=\"alt2\" align=\"left\">";
echo "<div class=\"normalfont\"> ";
// ============================
// Put Your PHP CODE right after this line
// ============================
echo "</div> ";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr> ";
echo "<td class=\"thead\" align=\"left\">Page ";
echo " Visitors: <b>$count</b>, Last Visitor was $WT[lastvisitorname] ";
echo " at $WT[lastvisitdate]. $WT_Editor_link<br>";
echo " Page Created at <b>$creationdate</b>, Last Modified ";
echo " : <b>$lasteditdate</b>.</td>";
echo " </tr>";
echo "</thead>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "$footer";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";
it works perfect but..
every time i click the each folder my URL change from[B] view.php?pg=phptest2 to view.php?=dir=x then it redirects to invalid page...
any solution?
Reason why am merging this hack with autoindex to VB is that autoindex has the ability to control speed download and anti-leeching sequence..
thou this is really a great hack i nomionate this hack MOTM
great job Logician
The url in your folders are created by autoindex hack. So it seems that you need to modify that hack to use WT urls in its folders to achieve your goal
04-20-2009, 06:06 AM
I Figured out where my backgrounds are going.. they are going to the Background of the entire site, not within the window.
Any thoughts on that.?
I want to make some simple HTML pages with some images, & a link or two.
Is this possible or only static pages.?
If you use a default webtemplate theme or webtemplate header/footer, it will use your vbulletin style's colors including your background color. (Actually this is the whole point of the hack hehe).
However if you want to change it, you can:
a) use a stand alone webtemplate (which does not use any themes or header or footer) and use any background color you like there.
b) Create a new webtemplate theme (or header) with a different bg color and use this one for your specific webtemplate
Likewise you can create any HTML pages you like. Just create it in your favorite HTML software (frontpage, dreamweaver etc.), then paste its source code inside a webtemplate.
04-22-2009, 06:50 AM
Is there a specific forum to get help with the creating of php templates in this mod?
Or do I just clog up this thread? :rolleyes:
I have a tricky one that I'm trying to create, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
04-23-2009, 07:25 AM
If you use a default webtemplate theme or webtemplate header/footer, it will use your vbulletin style's colors including your background color. (Actually this is the whole point of the hack hehe).
However if you want to change it, you can:
a) use a stand alone webtemplate (which does not use any themes or header or footer) and use any background color you like there.
b) Create a new webtemplate theme (or header) with a different bg color and use this one for your specific webtemplate
Likewise you can create any HTML pages you like. Just create it in your favorite HTML software (frontpage, dreamweaver etc.), then paste its source code inside a webtemplate.Yea we have been putting HTML into the template, but in our code we have a different background color or image, & it shows up on the page not in the body.!?
That seems backwards to me, if it is in the HTML code we add to the template it should change the body of the page not the background..
My forum style had a left side menu, so we are trying to create something that keeps with that.
Is there a specific forum to get help with the creating of php templates in this mod?
Or do I just clog up this thread? :rolleyes:
I have a tricky one that I'm trying to create, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
YES, this would be very helpful, i cant seem to get much to work on here except BASIC html code. Text with different colors, & fonts, but that about it.
04-23-2009, 12:22 PM
Hi I'm trying to run a few tests to understand how I might attempt something more complex.
I have a php include file but whenever I include it the file is getting outputted without actually being interpreted.
The include file is outside of the main forum
So e.g. a have a php template. In the PHP Include section I have: include("/file/path/www/links/lwt_links.php");
In that file I have the following PHP code.
function lwt_test() {
echo "test";
echo "test2";
If I run the template it just outputs the code directly in the browser it doesn't get interpreted.
Any help appreciated. And it's a fantastic mod I've been using it for a long time.
04-23-2009, 05:51 PM
Hi I'm trying to run a few tests to understand how I might attempt something more complex.
I have a php include file but whenever I include it the file is getting outputted without actually being interpreted.
The include file is outside of the main forum
So e.g. a have a php template. In the PHP Include section I have: include("/file/path/www/links/lwt_links.php");
In that file I have the following PHP code.
function lwt_test() {
echo "test";
echo "test2";
If I run the template it just outputs the code directly in the browser it doesn't get interpreted.
Any help appreciated. And it's a fantastic mod I've been using it for a long time.
You shouldn't use any echo commands in phpinclude section because this section is "processed" before outputting wt content so if you have an echo command there, it will also pasted before the wt content. Compile its content in a variable like:
$myvariable = "test2";
and then use $myvariable in your wt content to paste it in the correct time.
04-24-2009, 06:44 PM
Thank you. I now have a basic PHP script working really well using your pages to output in the web template.
04-27-2009, 12:50 AM
The url in your folders are created by autoindex hack. So it seems that you need to modify that hack to use WT urls in its folders to achieve your goal
here is my autoindex kindly check this but still i cant get the right URL on WT :(
04-27-2009, 04:10 PM
I have vMoods for 3.7 along with this mod, but the mood dropdown isn''t working in the navbar area of pages I've created using this mod.
Can someone assist?
Much appreciated...
04-28-2009, 06:18 AM
For those that are using this mod and the vbSEO mod the following rule will rewrite the URL's to be more SEO friendly.
I've just been working on this with the vbSEO guys and thought it would be useful posted here as well.
It gets entered in to the Define Custom Rewrite Rules Section.
'^view\.php\?pg=(.+?)$' => 'page-$1.html'
Works a treat!
The URL's now become http://yoursite/forums/page-nameofpage.html
04-28-2009, 06:33 AM
Man i really wish i could get this to work..
This would make the last few years of trying to build a seperate website obsolete.!!
Can someone tell me if it is possible, to build a functional web page within my forums.?
such as..
put this type of site - (can be much simpler)
into a page like this -
So that the menu on the side is still part of the page.?
Thanks in advance for any insight. :)
04-29-2009, 02:22 PM
Does anyone use vMoods with this mod? If so, can ya help me out with the post above?
04-29-2009, 03:40 PM
Man i really wish i could get this to work..
This would make the last few years of trying to build a seperate website obsolete.!!
Can someone tell me if it is possible, to build a functional web page within my forums.?
such as..
put this type of site - (can be much simpler)
into a page like this -
So that the menu on the side is still part of the page.?
Thanks in advance for any insight. :)
Although I haven't analysed what you've done the answer I think is yes.
I've just built a simple php application using this mod that embeds nicely within vB now. When you couple that with the vbSEO mod I think this mod has a great future.
04-29-2009, 04:43 PM
For those that are using this mod and the vbSEO mod the following rule will rewrite the URL's to be more SEO friendly.
I've just been working on this with the vbSEO guys and thought it would be useful posted here as well.
It gets entered in to the Define Custom Rewrite Rules Section.
'^view\.php\?pg=(.+?)$' => 'page-$1.html'
Works a treat!
The URL's now become http://yoursite/forums/page-nameofpage.html
Thanks Dave! I added to FAQ.
04-29-2009, 04:46 PM
Man i really wish i could get this to work..
This would make the last few years of trying to build a seperate website obsolete.!!
Can someone tell me if it is possible, to build a functional web page within my forums.?
such as..
put this type of site - (can be much simpler)
into a page like this -
So that the menu on the side is still part of the page.?
Thanks in advance for any insight. :)
I'd think it is possible. Just create a webtemplate with a iframe in it and put your page into this iframe in the webtemplate.
04-29-2009, 05:02 PM
I have vMoods for 3.7 along with this mod, but the mood dropdown isn''t working in the navbar area of pages I've created using this mod.
Can someone assist?
Much appreciated...
Open view.php, find this line:
After that add:
if ($vbulletin->options['vmoods_active'] && $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] > 0 && !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], explode(",", $vbulletin->options['vmoods_usergroups'])))
$vmoods_list = explode("\n", $vbulletin->options['vmoods_list']);
$vmoods_path = $vbulletin->options['vmoods_images_path'];
foreach ($vmoods_list as $vmood)
$vmood = trim($vmood);
$vmood_id = ($vbulletin->userinfo['vmood'] == $vmood) ? 'mine' : $vmood;
if ($vbulletin->options['vmoods_li_option'] == 'text'){
eval('$vmoods_li .= "' . fetch_template('vmoods_li_text') . '";');
} else
if ($vbulletin->options['vmoods_li_option'] == 'images'){
eval('$vmoods_li .= "' . fetch_template('vmoods_li') . '";');
eval('$vmoods_form = "' . fetch_template('vmoods_form') . '";');
$footer = $vmoods_form . $footer;
04-29-2009, 05:12 PM
here is my autoindex kindly check this but still i cant get the right URL on WT :(
What about you also try iframe method? So instead of running your autoindex file in a php webtemplate, create a regular HTML webtemplate which as a iframe in it and then run your autoindex inside this iframe?
04-29-2009, 10:36 PM
I'd think it is possible. Just create a webtemplate with a iframe in it and put your page into this iframe in the webtemplate.
Yup thats exactly what we did.. not sure if that is the perfect way to acheive what we want, but it is damn close, & will work for now.!! :up:
Will the html code work on here also.?
'^view\.php\?pg=(.+?)$' => 'page-$1.html'
Without vBSEO.?
I should think about adding vBSEO.. I've always just been afraid it would screw things up. :erm:
04-29-2009, 11:30 PM
I got a question about this.. (or maybe this should be posted elsewhere)
Using iframes, how can i create a page that will pull info from a socialgroup.?
Like a members page that takes the data straight from a group page, so the group page becomes their admin page.
Does that make sense.?
05-01-2009, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the vMoods fix, Logician...
Much appreciated.
05-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Any idea as to why this happens with my blogs link?
Thanks mate!
05-03-2009, 09:06 AM
Any idea as to why this happens with my blogs link?
Thanks mate!
What happens exactly?
05-03-2009, 10:31 AM
ooh just realised blogs don't show for guests - i'll take a screenshot and detail more info..
Normal blog link
When using logician web template logged in.
For some reason, when logged in (so blogs are enabled to show in the navbar) a seperate blog link is displayed and the original turns blue and has two little arrows instead of one.
05-12-2009, 03:15 PM
I'm using WT to make a front page for one of my sites which includes latest blog entries. I had no problems creating a query to pull in and truncate the entries and such, but I am having a problem getting the correct BBCodes processed. Right now it's using the built in BBCode processing of WQ, but I need to instead use the Blog BBCode processing because attachments are incorrectly being linked to thread attachments.
I tried to remove the field from the bbcode parse field list and add some php include that I found in view.php to process the bbcodes. My plan was to get that to work and then swap that out for the blog bbcode parsing, but I couldn't get it to work.
Here's what I tried in the Query PHP Include (after)
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$WQfield[pagetext] = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[pagetext], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
and then I did the normal $WQfield[pagetext] in the result row.
This didn't work at all. So then I tried this:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$pagetext = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[pagetext], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
and put $pagetext in the result row but that also did not work.
If anyone has the solution for processing blog bbcodes, I'd really appreciate it as I'm not sure how to proceed without REALLY digging deep. Otherwise, if someone can point out what I'm doing wrong here, I'd appreciate it because I can use that to figure out how to swap this code out for blog bbcode processing, which would look something like this:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_blog.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser_Blog($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
Thank you for any help!
05-12-2009, 04:19 PM
I'm using WT to make a front page for one of my sites which includes latest blog entries. I had no problems creating a query to pull in and truncate the entries and such, but I am having a problem getting the correct BBCodes processed. Right now it's using the built in BBCode processing of WQ, but I need to instead use the Blog BBCode processing because attachments are incorrectly being linked to thread attachments.
I tried to remove the field from the bbcode parse field list and add some php include that I found in view.php to process the bbcodes. My plan was to get that to work and then swap that out for the blog bbcode parsing, but I couldn't get it to work.
Here's what I tried in the Query PHP Include (after)
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$WQfield[pagetext] = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[pagetext], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
and then I did the normal $WQfield[pagetext] in the result row.
This didn't work at all. So then I tried this:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$pagetext = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[pagetext], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
and put $pagetext in the result row but that also did not work.
If anyone has the solution for processing blog bbcodes, I'd really appreciate it as I'm not sure how to proceed without REALLY digging deep. Otherwise, if someone can point out what I'm doing wrong here, I'd appreciate it because I can use that to figure out how to swap this code out for blog bbcode processing, which would look something like this:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_blog.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser_Blog($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
Thank you for any help!
Not easy to advise before doing the debugging on code and moreover I don't use jelsoft's blog application myself but here is a wild guess:
There are 2 occurences of this code in view.php
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue] = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
These are for webquery bbcode parsing and you can apply your hack to these 2 sections like:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue] = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
This can help (hopefully!) :)
05-12-2009, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the quick reply!
I'm a little confused by your code though. It's the same code that I took out and modified to try to parse a specific field. Your snippet is directly from your view.php and works on the specific field that the loop is working on ($WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue])
I haven't tried this (mostly because this is production and I can't monkey with it too many times during the day) but I'm assuming that if I plug your code in to the PHP post-query eval, that it won't actually do anything because it doesn't operate on a specific field.
I guess I'm wondering how I can change it to work on the specific field from my query, which is called pagetext, and normally shows up as $WQfield[pagetext]
I appreciate your help and thank you again for such a great product!
05-12-2009, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the quick reply!
I'm a little confused by your code though. It's the same code that I took out and modified to try to parse a specific field. Your snippet is directly from your view.php and works on the specific field that the loop is working on ($WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue])
I haven't tried this (mostly because this is production and I can't monkey with it too many times during the day) but I'm assuming that if I plug your code in to the PHP post-query eval, that it won't actually do anything because it doesn't operate on a specific field.
I guess I'm wondering how I can change it to work on the specific field from my query, which is called pagetext, and normally shows up as $WQfield[pagetext]
I appreciate your help and thank you again for such a great product!
Actually hard for me to advise without testing myself and I cant test since I dont have the blog product.
But if you want your hack to work for a certain field only, this should help:
if ($WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue == 'pagetext')
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php');
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue] = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
$parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
$WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue] = $parser->do_parse($WQfield[$WTWQqbbcodeparsedvalue], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
But then again, this should go directly into view.php file, not into phpinclude field of the webquery. Because phpinclude section is parsed after webquery's default bbcode parsing so when you reach there, your variable is already parsed. So you should try hacking the .php code.
Duncan Idaha
05-13-2009, 10:31 PM
OK, so I have zilch knowledge of coding. I want to create a separate story-forum, visible for guests and members (guests can only see the forum, no content)
Rather than a subforum on the main paige, I want these stories to show up on their own page, with the forum looks, nav bar etc.
If I now install your mod, can I than copy paste the content of the address-bar to that mode and use that template for this story page? And does that create the same forum (with the threads & content) as the original, or only the structure, after which I can give it a name like "story-forum" and post each story as a thread?
Is this a feasible option, or do I have to create a page for every story (which seems a lot of work)?
Where does the created page show up on the forum? I take it that I can create a link to the story forum just like for example a link to the FAQ-page (which seems to have a forum structure as well)?
Is it safe to try this out, or do I wreck the forum in the proces, give my very limited knowledge of HTML, CSS and the likes?
05-14-2009, 10:19 AM
OK, so I have zilch knowledge of coding. I want to create a separate story-forum, visible for guests and members (guests can only see the forum, no content)
Rather than a subforum on the main paige, I want these stories to show up on their own page, with the forum looks, nav bar etc.
If I now install your mod, can I than copy paste the content of the address-bar to that mode and use that template for this story page? And does that create the same forum (with the threads & content) as the original, or only the structure, after which I can give it a name like "story-forum" and post each story as a thread?
Is this a feasible option, or do I have to create a page for every story (which seems a lot of work)?
Where does the created page show up on the forum? I take it that I can create a link to the story forum just like for example a link to the FAQ-page (which seems to have a forum structure as well)?
Is it safe to try this out, or do I wreck the forum in the proces, give my very limited knowledge of HTML, CSS and the likes?
Not sure if I understand your request but it will definetly not hurt to try it out. Go ahead and install it, I'm sure you'll find it easy to install. Then check test webtemplates that comes with the installation and see if it is as you wanted. If not, you can remove the product easily.
Duncan Idaha
05-15-2009, 12:35 PM
Will give it a try. But is this mod compatible with VB 3.8 as well?
05-15-2009, 01:01 PM
Will give it a try. But is this mod compatible with VB 3.8 as well?
Yes it is
Duncan Idaha
05-15-2009, 04:36 PM
Thanks, will do the upgrade first, than try your mod.
05-16-2009, 11:54 AM
I've had a search through the replies, but can't see if this has been asked before...
I have the theme/layout for a certain group of guides of mine. Outside of the pages I've generated though, there's a couple of threads in the forum I want to include. Is there a way to have the thread show up instead of a content page? I tried an iframe, but either my code is wrong or it doesn't work that way hehe.
Basically I want the same layout (2 coloumns) and the thread to show up together.
05-17-2009, 07:28 AM
I've had a search through the replies, but can't see if this has been asked before...
I have the theme/layout for a certain group of guides of mine. Outside of the pages I've generated though, there's a couple of threads in the forum I want to include. Is there a way to have the thread show up instead of a content page? I tried an iframe, but either my code is wrong or it doesn't work that way hehe.
Basically I want the same layout (2 coloumns) and the thread to show up together.
Yes it is possible. As a matter of fact in default test webqueries, there is very similiar sample for this.
05-17-2009, 07:44 AM
Yes it is possible. As a matter of fact in default test webqueries, there is very similiar sample for this.
Ooh okies, I will go hunting for it! Thankyou! :)
05-17-2009, 11:10 AM
Sorry to be a pain, but I've looked through all the test pages that came with it and can't find which one works to include the information from a thread.
Is there anyone else that's managed to do it?
Largo .//npc
05-20-2009, 08:39 PM
I want to use this mod to make this ( ) look acceptable and viewable on my site.
I've installed the mod but there's a problem with the header being out of line. I also assumed that it would use the default CSS for the style being used but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Also, am I able to just pull that html direct of that url? I want to create a program that will upload it to the same place with the same name, so having it linked to the url would make it auto update.
Thanks (Sorry if these have been answered, I'm very tired atm xD)
05-21-2009, 07:27 AM
I want to use this mod to make this ( ) look acceptable and viewable on my site.
I've installed the mod but there's a problem with the header being out of line. I also assumed that it would use the default CSS for the style being used but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Also, am I able to just pull that html direct of that url? I want to create a program that will upload it to the same place with the same name, so having it linked to the url would make it auto update.
Thanks (Sorry if these have been answered, I'm very tired atm xD)
Not sure if I understand your problem but if my guess is correct, please use a theme webtemplate (not stand alone webtemplate) to include header/footer/vb style in your page.
05-21-2009, 11:45 PM
What about you also try iframe method? So instead of running your autoindex file in a php webtemplate, create a regular HTML webtemplate which as a iframe in it and then run your autoindex inside this iframe?
yes i did that and it really works but the problem with iframe is.. that they can acces my download area without loging in...
i mean and they would just go directly on my download link instead of going to again..
05-22-2009, 12:10 AM
Maybe if you iframe it, you could check the referer in the autoindex page? something like the following added to the top?
if ($_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER] != '') {
print("GO AWAY!!");
05-24-2009, 12:40 AM
yes this will really works but i already have tried it the problem with this
if ($_SERVER[HTTP_REFERER] != '') {
print("GO AWAY!!");
is that everytime you click a folder or download something the iframe just goes to blank screen and it never shows any data on it or list..
05-24-2009, 05:49 AM
Great Mod. Installed it fairly easily and now I'm having a play.
I have seen a minor issue between this Mod and the BBCode Table mod ( The bbcode table mod has a .js script which it uses to automagically have any table column sortable by clicking on it. I have found that while the script does work when I create bbcode tables in posts, it doesn't seem to work within WebTemplates.
Has anyone else tried mixing these two Mods together ?
Bumping this question. Seems to have gotten lost. Has anyone managed to get these two mods working together properly ?
05-28-2009, 02:43 PM
Good morning!
I am trying to make a "My RSVPs" page, that uses a WT query to pull in someone's RSVPs from Farcaster's modification.
I have the query working when I hard-code the username into the WT Query, but I can't seem to get it to automatically pass the currently-logg-in username to the query.
I attempted to use the private messages sample to get it to pass it via a form, but it isn't working for me. :(
Is there a way to pass a vBulletin variable (like $bbuserinfo[username]) to a query without using a form?
If a form (like the private message sample) is the only way to do it, does anyone know the "must have" parts of the template and query to make it work?
Edit: I answered my own question! You can use $user_username, so I was using the wrong variable. All is well!
05-29-2009, 06:13 PM
Hoping someone can help.
I've been using a custom style for my forum and webtemplates was working fine on it but I have reverted back to the default vB style and I'm having problems.
Basically it's not showing the white of the background, See attached photo.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm using VB 3.8.2
05-29-2009, 07:28 PM
Hoping someone can help.
I've been using a custom style for my forum and webtemplates was working fine on it but I have reverted back to the default vB style and I'm having problems.
Basically it's not showing the white of the background, See attached photo.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm using VB 3.8.2
Tried to change header/footer info in the webtemplate your are using?
05-29-2009, 08:31 PM
Tried to change header/footer info in the webtemplate your are using?
If you mean have I copied the info from the vb default style header/footer templates into the header/footer section on webtemplates then yes I have done that and it's still doing it :(
05-30-2009, 07:43 AM
If you mean have I copied the info from the vb default style header/footer templates into the header/footer section on webtemplates then yes I have done that and it's still doing it :(
Please edit your webtemplate, and tell me what it tells for "Header" and "Footer" options. If it is set as "Default Webtemplate Header", set it as "Default Vbulletin Header" (or viceversa!) and let's see if it will help
05-30-2009, 11:07 AM
Please edit your webtemplate, and tell me what it tells for "Header" and "Footer" options. If it is set as "Default Webtemplate Header", set it as "Default Vbulletin Header" (or viceversa!) and let's see if it will help
Hi Logicon, firstly thanks so much for your support and help it's really appreciated.
I have changed the the head/footer from Default vbulletin header/footer to default webtemplate and it does exactly the same.
I've also mixed it up with header/footer so having the header as default vb and footer as default webtemplate and vis versa and still the same :(
I have also reinstalled the main .xml and that has done nothing :(
Edit: Also all the default templates that came with the package (like site rules etc) suffer from the same problem!
05-30-2009, 01:48 PM
Hi Logicon, firstly thanks so much for your support and help it's really appreciated.
I have changed the the head/footer from Default vbulletin header/footer to default webtemplate and it does exactly the same.
I've also mixed it up with header/footer so having the header as default vb and footer as default webtemplate and vis versa and still the same :(
I have also reinstalled the main .xml and that has done nothing :(
Edit: Also all the default templates that came with the package (like site rules etc) suffer from the same problem!
If you changed header/footer templates or header/footer webtemplates or WT themes, please try reverting them. If you are sure all are default and you have the problem, let me know your URL and give me admin cp access so that I can check. But I'm positive it must be related to something you changed in templates or webtemplates.
05-30-2009, 04:54 PM
If you changed header/footer templates or header/footer webtemplates or WT themes, please try reverting them. If you are sure all are default and you have the problem, let me know your URL and give me admin cp access so that I can check. But I'm positive it must be related to something you changed in templates or webtemplates.
Hi Again.
Ok this is what I have done:
Reverted the vbs default theme header/footer to default...
I deleted the webtemplates header/footer and then reimported those..
Is there anything else you can think of? if not then I will forward you the login details.
05-30-2009, 06:14 PM
Hi Again.
Ok this is what I have done:
Reverted the vbs default theme header/footer to default...
I deleted the webtemplates header/footer and then reimported those..
Is there anything else you can think of? if not then I will forward you the login details.
If you still have the problem, please let me know admin details.
05-31-2009, 12:45 PM
Hi Again.
Ok this is what I have done:
Reverted the vbs default theme header/footer to default...
I deleted the webtemplates header/footer and then reimported those..
Is there anything else you can think of? if not then I will forward you the login details.
I checked your page. One of your pluggins is clashing with webtemplates. You have a lot of them so I couldn't hunt down the culprit but I made an easy fix for you in default wt header/footer.
Now all you need to do is to use "default webtemplate header" and "default webtemplate footer" in ALL your webtemplates instead of "default vb header" and default vb footer. See sample ibiza and set all other webtemplates accordingly.
05-31-2009, 02:24 PM
I checked your page. One of your pluggins is clashing with webtemplates. You have a lot of them so I couldn't hunt down the culprit but I made an easy fix for you in default wt header/footer.
Now all you need to do is to use "default webtemplate header" and "default webtemplate footer" in ALL your webtemplates instead of "default vb header" and default vb footer. See sample ibiza and set all other webtemplates accordingly.
Thanks so much for that.
I to thought it may be a clash with a recent plugin so disabled any plugin installed or updated in the past 3 months and it was still doing it!
but your work around is perfect, thanks ever so much!
Been Told
06-03-2009, 08:18 AM
This seems like a very good addon. One question: does it support phrases?
Robert Carver
06-04-2009, 03:26 PM
I have WebTemplates installed (awesome, thanks Logician), but am about to upgrade to vB 3.8.x. Without having to read all 31 pages of this post, can someone let me know if this version of WebTemplates works with the current vB 3.8? Is there an update to WebTemplates that I should upload?
Thanks and apologies if this has already been asked.
06-04-2009, 03:40 PM
I have WebTemplates installed (awesome, thanks Logician), but am about to upgrade to vB 3.8.x. Without having to read all 31 pages of this post, can someone let me know if this version of WebTemplates works with the current vB 3.8? Is there an update to WebTemplates that I should upload?
Thanks and apologies if this has already been asked.
It will work with 3.8 without any changes so you can just upgrade your vb. :)
Robert Carver
06-04-2009, 05:17 PM
It will work with 3.8 without any changes so you can just upgrade your vb. :)
Yoo-hoo! Thanks for the reply and for all of your work on WebTemplates!!
06-06-2009, 04:52 AM
good job brother
06-09-2009, 03:13 PM
After installing WebTemplates 3.7 I've noticed at the bottom of each WebTemplate page the following info:
"Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.8.0 & Logician's WebTemplates v.3.7.00"
Which is not what my default footer shows, which is "Powered by vBulletin®, Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd."
How do I edit my WebTemplate pages to read something like this?
"Powered by vBulletin®, Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. & Logician's WebTemplates"
I don't mind giving credit where credit is due - I do have a problem announcing my version numbers to the world.
06-10-2009, 12:46 PM
Hello again, Logician...
I need to change the color of the font for the latest visitor id at the bottom of the page. I know I have to change it in the view.php file, but I'm not sure where to change it.
Can ya help a guy out? Thanks...
06-11-2009, 03:54 PM
Please do not remove the footer copyright. This is a free hack so what's the harm if it has a small tagline in the footer? It helps me keep stats of websites using the hack.
Excellent product!! :)
I have been breaking my head looking how to remove the footer copyrights.
I removed everything and still showing the copyright messages.
Any help?
I'm talking about the vbulletin copyrights.:)
I paid to remove the copyright, and its already removed from all my forum, but somehow its appearing and all the logician's templates pages.
I want to remove the vbulletin copyrights, not yours.
Please help
Hi Logician, about 3 years ago you send me a PM explaining how to remove the copyright notice. Today I upgrade to v. 3.8.2, the product still working great without having to upgrade it, but again, the copyright notice is appearing on the footer.
I dont know how, as I dont remember how to remove it, so I dont know how it got back there by just upgrading the vbulletin version.
Anyway, could you please send me a PM and explain me again how to remove it?
06-11-2009, 04:09 PM
Hi Logician, about 3 years ago you send me a PM explaining how to remove the copyright notice. Today I upgrade to v. 3.8.2, the product still working great without having to upgrade it, but again, the copyright notice is appearing on the footer.
I dont know how, as I dont remember how to remove it, so I dont know how it got back there by just upgrading the vbulletin version.
Anyway, could you please send me a PM and explain me again how to remove it?
After your first message to the other thread, I've pm'ed you. Didn't you get it?
06-11-2009, 04:12 PM
Hello again, Logician...
I need to change the color of the font for the latest visitor id at the bottom of the page. I know I have to change it in the view.php file, but I'm not sure where to change it.
Can ya help a guy out? Thanks...
In view.php this line:
$WT['lastvisitorname'] = "<a style=\"COLOR: #0000ff; TEXT-DECORATION: underline\" href='".$vbulletin->options[bburl]."/member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$WT[lastvisitorid]' target='_blank'>$WT[username]</a>";
06-13-2009, 12:14 AM
I'm thinking of somehow using your product to provide an application tracker (something similar to
I'm thinking of having users enter customized user fields and have the template display all the fields for users who have value in these fields.
Also, is there anyway we can use your product in addition to Google doc?
06-15-2009, 11:04 PM
Under "Using a theme?" it says no parent template and my custom webtemplates are blank. I want it to use my default forum skin....?
06-16-2009, 06:20 AM
Under "Using a theme?" it says no parent template and my custom webtemplates are blank. I want it to use my default forum skin....?
You missed installation STEP 3.
06-16-2009, 02:01 PM
I am wondering if this might be able to reference an external XML file and format it all pretty-like?
07-05-2009, 04:35 AM
You previously helped me with vMoods 3.7, here:
That mod has since been updated for vb 3.8.x and does not work correctly on the template pages.
Can you help me with a fix, again, please? Thanks in advance.
07-05-2009, 05:34 AM
In view.php this line:
$WT['lastvisitorname'] = "<a style=\"COLOR: #0000ff; TEXT-DECORATION: underline\" href='".$vbulletin->options[bburl]."/member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$WT[lastvisitorid]' target='_blank'>$WT[username]</a>";
Thanks, all I have left to do is get the latest vMoods for 3.8.x working with your templates. You helped me before with the 3.7 I made another post see if you could give me a hand with it.
07-06-2009, 12:28 PM
Logician...disregard the help request for vMoods. I fixed the issue. Thanks, anyway.
07-06-2009, 10:10 PM
step 3 is missing in the installation. The menu option is not in the left sidebar.
07-06-2009, 11:01 PM
Fixed the problem, files in the wrong directories.
07-07-2009, 05:37 PM
I've had this for a while and love it vBulletin® v3.8.3... nominating
The reason I love this say that if you have a page that you want to make just about one topic this modworks excellent..
So many different unique ways to use this it's all up to the designer
08-06-2009, 08:23 PM
I've been looking through programming discussions with no luck. I'm displaying certain info from the database in my webtemplate. Now, I'd like to let the user click and have the following happen:
Create a reply to a specific thread.
Prepopulate the reply with some info I'm displaying in the webtemplate
Land the user on the editor, as if they had typed the info and hit preview.
I know this isn't a WT 'issue' but I'm wondering if someone fellow WT user can point me in the the right direction.
08-14-2009, 01:38 PM
Thank you, installed.
08-15-2009, 10:55 PM
Not sure if you remember this fix you supplied me:
The problem I'm having is with one existing page and any new pages I create using your template mod.
They pass W3C's validation for CSS, but fail for XHTML with one error.
The problem stems from this code in the fix you provided (marked in red):
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == view">
<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="vbbloglinks_menu" style="display:none;margin-top:3px" align="left">
The problem is the template blog_navbar_link_menu. This template uses the exact same code, so the page fails stating that particular id has already been defined.
So if I remove it from either the navbar or blog_navbar_menu_link results in a non-functioning blog menu for either your pages or the forum's pages.
I can't win for losing...heh.
Any further suggestions?
I know you don't use the blog...but any advice you have to offer...I'll always try...and, as always, appreciate any help you have to offer.
08-25-2009, 09:08 PM
Please disregard the previous post. I just removed the popup menu for's all good.
I do have one question as it pertains to the .htaccess file, though...if we're trying to use SEO friendly URLs for our templates. I currently use the following .htaccess file in our forums:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /forums/
RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]
My question...
How do I append the above .htaccess info to include the script you included in your Read Me file? I'd like to get this, just asking for some advice. I'm not sure if I need to change any of the code you have suggested in your file, or just copy and paste it into my existing file, or insert it between code that is already there.
Any advice is greatly appreciated...
10-12-2009, 05:25 PM
First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU for the hack, because it is exactly what I been looking for :up:. But there is a little confuse for me in your INSTALLATION TEXT that I copy and quote it below. So, if I using Vbulletin version 3.7.0 right now. Do I need to do the step 4 or not ?
--- First time installation and upgrade from an old version is SAME except step 4. So you can follow the steps below for either scenario.
STEP 4- (For first time installation! Skip if you are upgrading your version) In admin cp, click Scheduled Tasks/Add New Scheduled Task/ and enter this data:
10-12-2009, 05:37 PM
First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU for the hack, because it is exactly what I been looking for :up:. But there is a little confuse for me in your INSTALLATION TEXT that I copy and quote it below. So, if I using Vbulletin version 3.7.0 right now. Do I need to do the step 4 or not ?
Have you been using the hack before? If not, apply step 4. If you already had it before, just skip it. ;)
10-12-2009, 05:50 PM
Have you been using the hack before? If not, apply step 4. If you already had it before, just skip it. ;)
OK, I got you now :). So I need to do the STEP 4, because I never using it :D. Once again, thank you for everything :up:.
10-12-2009, 06:16 PM
May i see demo site using this mod?
10-12-2009, 06:58 PM
May i see demo site using this mod?
I'm not sure what you mean but if you read first post carefully you can see sites that uses this hack.
10-12-2009, 07:54 PM
How many queries and serverload this will increase?
10-13-2009, 04:24 AM
How many queries and serverload this will increase?
FAQ 9 explains it.
10-25-2009, 09:35 PM
I can't import the export.xml
In the first option to import from PC it says "You forgot to upload a .XML file!"(and i didn't)
On the second to import from server it says "Please mark at least one item to export!!"
10-26-2009, 06:56 AM
I can't import the export.xml
In the first option to import from PC it says "You forgot to upload a .XML file!"(and i didn't)
On the second to import from server it says "Please mark at least one item to export!!"
Use "Import Webtemplates" button at the top of the page, not "Export Selected Webtemplates as .XML file" button at the bottom.
10-26-2009, 09:14 AM
I tried at least ten times and it keeps saying "You forgot to upload a .XML file!"
This happens all the time on all the sites i have anytime trying to import products from PC, i always have to import from the server.
Sometimes i can hit import ten times and it won't work, then on the 11th try it will work for some reason, i've started threads about it before but never got a reply to why it happens, must be gremlins
10-26-2009, 09:24 AM
I tried at least ten times and it keeps saying "You forgot to upload a .XML file!"
This happens all the time on all the sites i have anytime trying to import products from PC, i always have to import from the server.
Sometimes i can hit import ten times and it won't work, then on the 11th try it will work for some reason, i've started threads about it before but never got a reply to why it happens, must be gremlins
Try with a different browser (rg. chrome, opera or firefox)
10-26-2009, 10:00 AM
still no luck
not to worry i have a techy i'll get to look at it for me
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