View Full Version : Using the vBulletin "Preview Post" functionality on a custom page?

07-12-2008, 05:13 AM

We are using a mod on our forum which is a custom page that allows users to post classified ads. The custom mod uses the inbuilt vBulletin editor in order to allow users to post their ads, however there's no "preview" functionality -- when they click "Post Ad" it just goes ahead and posts it.

I was hoping to add the inbuilt vBulletin "preview post" functionality, as a lot of our users have asked for it. Unfortunately the custom mod is largely unsupported by the original creator and any changes to it I've had to do myself.

I have some basic grasp of php and can figure my way around making simple changes, but although I've looked through the files, I think that figuring out how to add the preview function is a bit beyond me.

Would anyone be able to give me a headsup on how to go about doing this? I would be very grateful!

07-12-2008, 05:43 AM
The "preview post" feature simply takes the "BB coded" text, and parses it like it would when it is being displayed. Instead of inserting it into the database, the script goes back to the editor page, while displaying the parsed data.