View Full Version : Add-On Releases - The Image Resizer. Powered with Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview / and many more!

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07-06-2008, 10:00 PM
THE IMAGE RESIZER for vBulletin 3.7 v1.2.8
Powered with:
Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview / Slimbox / Thickbox
Floatbox / Shadowbox / Greybox / Roebox / AwesomeBox

based on nCode Image Resizer for vb3.6.x

What does it do
This plugin enables you to automatically resize every user-posted external
image, posted in threads, vb's blogs or even vb's albums (and group's pictures),
and in signatures (optional), which is larger than given dimensions.
Also, give (optional in admincp) options to the users, to set their own preferences
for resizing.

The Image Resizer acts in:
- External images embed in posts.
- Attachs images embed in posts.
- External images embed in blogs.
- Images in Albums / Group's pictures (optional).
- Signatures (optional) with a different width/height setting.

And the resize methods are:
- No resizing
- Enlargement in the same document
- Enlargement in the same window (replacing the forum thread document)
- Enlargement in a new window
- Enlargement using Lytebox
- Enlargement using Highslide
- Enlargement using Lightview
- Enlargement using Slimbox
- Enlargement using Thickbox
- Enlargement using Floatbox
- Enlargement using Shadowbox
- Enlargement using Greybox
- Enlargement using Roebox
- Enlargement using AwesomeBox

It also adds an information bar when not using Lytebox/Highslide/etc (which is not
displayed when the image is too small) giving information about the original
dimensions and filesize.
Filesize is only supported on Internet Explorer, other browsers don't reveal
this information through javascript.

See the AdminCP Screenshot below.

Installation / Upgrade
1. Upload the contents of the "clientscript" folder to your vBulletin's clientscript folder.
You will have:

2. Import "product-tcattd_extimageresizer.xml" in your vBulletin forum. Enter your AdminCP
and go to Plugins & Products -> Manage Products. Click on [Add/Import Product] and
refer to the XML file.
Allow Overwrite -> Yes.

3. You're done.

* Upgrading.
If you're using old (but great!) nCode Image Resizer for vb3.6.x or Jase2 port
for vb3.7 (the reason for keep this update; is a great mod, even Jase2 port is cool)
then you need to uninstall your old version first from your vBulletin's
Product Manager.
Then, perform an installation from the beginning... and configure it
in your AdminCP ;)

Version history (changelog)
v1.2.8 (August 27th, 2008)
- Updated. Highslide from 3.3.22 to 4.0.4
- Added. Option to downsize attached images with no thumbnail.
- Fixed. A problem with highslide image path in forums with vb's files
in the server root. Before some installs take the paths well, some not.
Changed the way it load the CSS into the highslide template (just path vars)
to fix that, using vboptions->bburl for full path.

To upgrade you need to:
- upload (and overwrite) the folder /clientscript/highslide/
Then, re-import the new 1.2.8 product (allow overwrite = yes).

v1.2.7 (August 26th, 2008)
- Added. Option to exclude certain styles from apply all the image-resizer thing.
That way you can exclude you "mobile" style (mobile style hack @ vb.org)
and not overload that with all the javascripts from lightboxes.
Down side: images in those excluded styles will not be resized.
- Added. CSS Class for resized images. You can easily customize your needs for HOW
to display a downsized image, borders, spacers, and many others only using
the defined CSS Class.
CSS class for img tags are:
tcattdimgresizer ->normal IMG tag
tcattdimglink -> IMGLINK tag
- Fixed. Proper fieldset in UserCP options for Image Resizer. Now really fixed (i hope).
- Fixed. Using "resize in same window" for signatures not downsize well the image
after user click to go back from full size to small size.
- Fixed. Not a fix really, but implemented the downsize of image attachments in vbadvanced
news module. I'm not using vbadv anymore, that's why i don't "see" that before.
- Fixed/Added. Fix the Not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
Added an option to choose a new javascript metod to resize images, that's
100% valid. Is optional, so you can keep the old and nice Ncode mode,
or change it to the new one.

To upgrade you need to:
- upload (and overwrite) the file /clientscript/ncode_imageresizer.js
- upload the new file /clientscript/tcattd_imageresizer.js
Then, re-import the new 1.2.7 product (allow overwrite = yes).
Check (and re-save) your AdminCP options.

1.2.6 (July 28th, 2008)
- Added. New autocreated on install BBcode: [IMGLINK]
This BBcode will "solve" the know issue number one, about embed images with a link
tag arround them to use as button for links.
For more details, refer to the AdminCP option and associated Help on that item.
- Added. Optional resizing of the new BBcode [IMGLINK]. If yes, images posted with
the new BBcode will be downsized, but no lightbox will be attached to them, so
links with [URL] still works and don't mess up your layout too.
- Added. A new option in AdminCP to "allow only change dimensions" in users profiles options.
So, now you have: allow all options, allow resize mode selecion, allow resize mode
selection and change dimensions, allow only change dimensions.
For more details, refer to the AdminCP option and associated Help on that item.
- Fixed. LightWindow was integrated in v1.2.5, but the option-item in the admincp was
missing. LOL
Working now.
- Fixed. Highslide image paths (css don't work properly and can't display loader and fullexpand images)
- Fixed. The layout of the UserCP -> Profile Options for The Image Resizer (now a proper "fieldset" is set)
- Updated. Highslide to v3.3.22
- Updated. Slimbox to v1.64

To upgrade you need to:
- upload (and overwrite) the new folder /clientscript/highslide/
- upload (and overwrite) the new folder /clientscript/slimbox/
- upload (if missing) the folder /clientscript/lightwindow/
Then, re-import the new 1.2.6 product (allow overwrite = yes).

1.2.5 (July 22th, 2008)
- Added. New resizers: Floatbox, Shadowbox, Greybox, Roebox, LightWindow, AwesomeBox.
- Added. New options to set different width and height for Signature's image
resizing and Album's image resizing. Check the AdminCP options for configuration.
- Added. New option to exclude usergroups (by IDs) from Signature resizing.
- Added. An option to disable the Resizing of pictures in vb's albums / group's pictures.
Some people don't like and don't use that.
- Clean. Cleaned up "the function" for search/replace.
- Fixed. Removed the ugly border from the images in Albums and Group's Pictures
(forgot to put a border="0" in the img tag for the Lightbox's link).

To upgrade you need to upload all the new /clientscript/ files
and folders again. Overwrite the javascripts! (yes, overwrite the ncode_imageresizer.js).
Then, import the new 1.2.5 product (allow overwrite = yes).

And: check the readme! (Known issues)

1.2.4 (July 18th, 2008)
- Added. New resizers: Lightview, Slimbox, Thickbox.

To upgrade, you need to upload all the new /clientscript/ files
and folders!. Then, import the new 1.2.4 product (allow overwrite = yes).

1.2.3 (June 7th, 2008)
- Added. Option "Replace Lightbox for Attached files?" in the AdminCP.
When you turn that on, all default vb's Lightbox will be replaced
with Lytebox/Highslide, only if you are using one of those two
options as your "Default Resize Mode". Now, your attached images
will be open with Lytebox/Highslide.
Old references to Lightbox javascript are hidden (Set $show['lightbox']
to false).

To upgrade, just import the new 1.2.3 product (allow overwrite = yes).
No need to re-upload the files.

1.2.2 (June 7th, 2008)
- Fixed, set "Clear User Settings" to yes in AdminCP, not clear data.
Thanks to Stoebi!
- Fixed, images from Albums added to Groups don't get resized (they use
a different template from pictures displayed in Albums)
Thanks Calash for pointing the bug.

To upgrade, just import the new 1.2.2 product (allow overwrite = yes). No need to re-upload the files.

1.2.1 (June 7th, 2008)
- Change. Moved the conditional in template:
...in order to show less CSS when using Lytebox or Highslide.
Just one new CSS definition will be added (when using Lytebox/Highslide)
If you customized this template, revert it to reflect the changes.
To upgrade, just import the new 1.2.1 product (allow overwrite = yes). No need to re-upload the files.

1.2.0 (June 6th, 2008)
- TCattitude take Spleasure's work with his permission, and continue from
vbulletin 3.6.x mod, porting it to vbulletin 3.7.x
- Add options to use Lytebox or Highslide to show full image.
- Add options to customize the Warn-Bar color, text color and border.
- fixed resizing images posted in vb's blogs.
- fixed resizing images posted in vb's albums. Now you can set a more larger width
in usergroup permissions, and allow "External Image Resizer" to resize down more
to not mess up your layout.
- fixed to not show Warn-Bar when you use Lytebox or Highslide. Instead: Mouse-over

Before (Spleasure's Work)... see the readme.

Live Demo.
In vB's Blog.
In vB's Album.

More Details
See the included readme.txt for more details, configuration, changelog (from nCode vb3.6.x) and other things (copyrights and license info for Highslide / Lytebox / etc).

Thanks to Spleasure for the permission to use his javascript and work.
I made another mod, more minimalistic, for resize external posted images
in several vbulletin website that i manage. But my javascript skills are
nor really the best, so i was using some other JS functions that i found
online. But nothing like nCode's one.

So he gave me permission to use his JS, and to use the first fork I did
from nCode's plugin-product for vbulletin 3.6.x. So i drop my own
minimalistic version of the image-resize plugin-product, polished the fork (put options and more friendly for admins), and make a
"second version" of nCode's one.

And this is it: nCode Image Resizer -> The Image Resizer.
Now powered with Lytebox, Highslide and many more! (optional)

Will be given by me... and all the nice and beautiful community here at vb.org that is using this mod and be kind enough to help each other.
I have a work, a family and a small Cat that takes a lot of milk, so don't spec an immediate response for every problem. Bugs will be solved. Suggestions could be taken or not.
And obviously: don't ask or request things if you don't mark this mod as installed ;)

07-07-2008, 02:02 AM
cool, i was looking for this, thanks

H2O Snake
07-07-2008, 05:06 AM
Amazing Job, works perfect for on our site


07-07-2008, 05:59 AM
Amazing! Waited so long for a Hack that brings a Lightbox to the Useralbums. Thanks!!!!

Works great and is compatible to vBSEO, YSLOW and vBa! :)

07-07-2008, 06:40 AM
Very nice but to much CSS in the code for me.

07-07-2008, 07:48 AM
Very nice but to much CSS in the code for me.

If you use the Options without Lytebox or Highslide you don?t have this Problem.

By the Way - the CSS is only used if you click in Pic to maximize it by the Scripts.

07-07-2008, 07:52 AM
Does this only work on external images, or does it work on attachments too?

07-07-2008, 08:58 AM
Does this only work on external images, or does it work on attachments too?

Blogs, Picturealbums, externel Images are working as i can see so far.

What the Hell did you want it to work with Attachments? Lightbox is integrated in vBulletin 3.7. :confused:

07-07-2008, 09:36 AM
What the Hell did you want it to work with Attachments? Lightbox is integrated in vBulletin 3.7.

Yeah it is. But this mod is for Lytebox, not Lightbox. There is a difference (Lytebox can be skinned).

07-07-2008, 10:43 AM
Yeah it is. But this mod is for Lytebox, not Lightbox. There is a difference (Lytebox can be skinned).

Agree - but i think then the Hack has to be renamed like "Lightbox Replacement with full Integration". ;)

07-07-2008, 11:43 AM
By the Way - the CSS is only used if you click in Pic to maximize it by the Scripts.

I know, my problem is that i dont need unnessesary CSS-code on my site.

07-07-2008, 11:48 AM
This won't clash with Jase2's image resizing will it?

07-07-2008, 12:16 PM
This won't clash with Jase2's image resizing will it?
* Upgrading.
If you're using old (but great!) nCode Image Resizer for vb3.6.x or Jase2 port
for vb3.7... then you need to uninstall your old version first from your vBulletin's
Product Manager.
Then, perform an installation from the beginning... and configure it
in your AdminCP


07-07-2008, 12:36 PM
Very nice but to much CSS in the code for me.
Changed a little bit:
1.2.1 (June 7th, 2008)
- Change. Moved the conditional in template:
...in order to show less CSS when using Lytebox or Highslide.
Just one new CSS definition will be added (when using Lytebox/Highslide)
If you customized this template, revert it to reflect the changes.
To upgrade, just import the new 1.2.1 product (allow overwrite = yes). No need to re-upload the files.

07-07-2008, 12:40 PM

get this error message in my admin cp - when will save some settings!

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/belapla/public_html/vb/libar/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line 80

some help?



edit: after update to ver 1.2.1 get this error in my admin cp
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/belapla/public_html/vb/libar/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line 207

error message come up only when i will change user settings in options - last one in options - ext. image resize

07-07-2008, 02:13 PM

get this error message in my admin cp - when will save some settings!

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/belapla/public_html/vb/libar/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line 80

Yes, this should be fixed.

open plugin admin_options_processing and search for:

if($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] == '1') {
$vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] = '0';
$db->query_write('UPDATE `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'user` SET `ncode_imageresizer_maxheight` = NULL, `ncode_imageresizer_maxheight` = NULL, `ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth` = NULL, `ncode_imageresizer_mode` = NULL WHERE 1');
}Replace with:

if($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] == '1') {
$vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] = '0';
$vbulletin->db->query_write('UPDATE `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'user` SET `ncode_imageresizer_maxheight` = NULL, `ncode_imageresizer_maxheight` = NULL, `ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth` = NULL, `ncode_imageresizer_mode` = NULL WHERE 1');
}Better use my code please, and see the different, if you set the options 'clear all user settings' and save:

if ($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] == 1)
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting
SET value = 0
WHERE varname = 'ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'

SET ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_mode = NULL
}Regards, Stoebi

07-07-2008, 02:50 PM
I was hoping somebody would come out with a mod like this. Thank you :)

I did notice one thing. Pictures added to Social Groups do not get re-sized.

For example, here is one from my Album


and the same picture in a Social Group


07-07-2008, 03:30 PM

07-07-2008, 03:36 PM
Better use my code please, and see the different, if you set the options 'clear all user settings' and save:

if ($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] == 1)
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting
SET value = 0
WHERE varname = 'ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'

SET ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_mode = NULL
}Regards, Stoebi

where to chage this code above and put (mean use your code)

thanks for reply and help!



07-07-2008, 03:43 PM
Sorry, but I think, it's better to wait for TCattidude to make a new release.

Resize works, but you need to change the dimensions for your album images in the usergroup options.

07-07-2008, 04:01 PM

get this error message in my admin cp - when will save some settings!

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/belapla/public_html/vb/libar/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line 80

some help?



edit: after update to ver 1.2.1 get this error in my admin cp
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/belapla/public_html/vb/libar/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line 207

error message come up only when i will change user settings in options - last one in options - ext. image resize

Thanks for the fix, Stoebi.
Added to v1.2.2
I was hoping somebody would come out with a mod like this. Thank you :)

I did notice one thing. Pictures added to Social Groups do not get re-sized.

For example, here is one from my Album


and the same picture in a Social Group


Fix added in v1.2.2 too ;)

v1.2.2 released.

07-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Sorry TCattitude, but you read my post not clearly. :(

open plugin admin_options_processing and search for:

This is the complete php code for the hook admin_options_processing:

if ($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_useroptions'] == 'maxdimensions')
if ($oldsetting['varname'] == 'ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth' AND $oldsetting['value'] > intval($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth']) AND intval($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth']) > 0)
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
SET ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth = " . intval($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth'])
if ($oldsetting['varname'] == 'ncode_imageresizer_maxheight' AND $oldsetting['value'] > intval($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_maxheight']) AND intval($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_maxheight']) > 0)
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
SET ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = " . intval($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_maxheight'])

if ($vbulletin->GPC['setting']['ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'] == 1)
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "setting
SET value = 0
WHERE varname = 'ncode_imageresizer_clearusersettings'

SET ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_maxheight = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth = NULL, ncode_imageresizer_mode = NULL
}Kind Regards,


07-07-2008, 04:19 PM
@TCattitude - can you please inform us by the vb.org Hackoptions if their is a Update? Thank you ....

07-07-2008, 04:30 PM
Stoebi, thanks (sorry, i'm in work now; marketing things :P ... i read wrong)
Zip v1.2.2 updated. Version not changed.

@redlabour, ok ;)

07-07-2008, 04:35 PM
Thank you very much and thanks for this nice release also :)


07-07-2008, 04:50 PM
Stoebi, thanks (sorry, i'm in work now; marketing things :P ... i read wrong)
Zip v1.2.2 updated. Version not changed.

@redlabour, ok ;)

Good job - thank you! :)

07-07-2008, 05:17 PM
Very nice mod TCattitude :)

Could you add to next version watermark option?


07-07-2008, 05:29 PM
Does this only work on external images, or does it work on attachments too?

@TCattitude - can you please add this Replacement as a Feature?

After thinking about it i think it is a very good Idea.

07-07-2008, 05:54 PM
OMG... this is much better... :)

thank you ;)

07-07-2008, 06:05 PM
just a question:

why there's no enlarge x icon for highslide?

07-07-2008, 06:50 PM
just a question:

why there's no enlarge x icon for highslide?
Refer to Highslide home page for configuration.
See the included readme for instructions where to put your settings for Highslide.

07-07-2008, 07:09 PM
@TCattitude - can you please add this Replacement as a Feature?

After thinking about it i think it is a very good Idea.
See changes in v1.2.3 ;)

07-07-2008, 07:12 PM
See changes in v1.2.3 ;)

And the name change is cool !!! :D Don?t forget to send a Mail reminder. ;)

07-07-2008, 07:35 PM
this mod with Link Anonymizer and Censor not work the Lytebox or Highslide not charge the images

07-07-2008, 09:47 PM
this mod with Link Anonymizer and Censor not work the Lytebox or Highslide not charge the images

Use a working Hack: vB Anonymizer (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184267) ;)

07-07-2008, 09:50 PM
@TCattitude - i have a last Wish for a Killerfeature.

Is it possible to include a Option to disallow any external IMG-Code? The best Thing would be if the User get a phrased Errorcode then or the Text will changed in Post to "External Images are not allowed!".

07-07-2008, 10:57 PM
yeah this should be default, will install it soon. thanks.

07-08-2008, 05:36 AM
Linked images have problem.

If any images linked, than link doesn't work and lytebox or highslide working like show the image with their effect.

07-08-2008, 05:50 AM
Linked images have problem.

If any images linked, than link doesn't work and lytebox or highslide working like show the image with their effect.

No this is not a Problem - it is absolutely normal.

If you want to give Images a Link so you have to choose Pics that are small enought to be not affected by any Image Resizer.

07-08-2008, 04:27 PM
Very nice. Now if only I could revert some of my old bbcodes this would be perfect.

07-08-2008, 09:57 PM
Can you also integrate lightview?
Great plugin by the way!


07-09-2008, 05:14 AM
Very nice. Now if only I could revert some of my old bbcodes this would be perfect.

It resizes all IMG Links - not only new ones. There is no BB-Code affected.

Can you also integrate lightview?
Great plugin by the way!


Oh yeah - looks very nice. Agree!

07-10-2008, 03:10 PM
85 Downloads and only 52 Install-Klicks? :(

07-10-2008, 03:26 PM

Thanks for this hack.
you make my day, m8 :)


07-10-2008, 05:56 PM
luv it

07-10-2008, 06:04 PM
*install* Thx!

Can you also integrate lightview?
Great plugin by the way!



07-10-2008, 06:31 PM
Ahh...finally! I loved Jase's hack, but this one took it to the next level. :D


07-10-2008, 07:14 PM
Excellent :). This works so much nicer... and now I don't have to worry about it resizing or affecting signature images. Exactly what I was in need of too heh. Uninstalled the old Lytebox one + Jase's image resizer then. Thanks for all the work you've done on this so far.

07-10-2008, 08:55 PM
It?s really one of the best Mods i?ve seen for Months. :) Using it since release now and my Users are loving it. :)

07-10-2008, 09:00 PM

I think I've been staring at my monitor too long today!

I can't seem to get the Lytebox integration working for some reason. The image resizing element is working very nicely, however. Whenever I want to Lytebox an image it's simply reloading in the same frame. If you click here (http://www.vpcuk.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15561) you'll see what I mean (any image in the first post).

I'm sure it's something blindingly obvious, any ideas?


07-10-2008, 09:09 PM
I have user's complaining this is broken on ie6? Is this a highslide problem?

07-11-2008, 05:32 AM
I'm sure it's something blindingly obvious, any ideas?


Yes - it seems like you did choose the wrong Resize Option in the Settings for this Mod.

I have user's complaining this is broken on ie6? Is this a highslide problem?

Must be - and please force your Users to use IE7, FF3 or Opera 9.51 for their own Security.

07-11-2008, 10:39 AM
LOL who the hell uses IE6 still? They need a smack upside the brain to UPGRADE out of their newb-era ;) hehe. Should just tell em to get with the times and not worry about em then.

07-11-2008, 01:16 PM
thats easy to say for you - I have over 50k members and you expect to have a forum that works on multiple browsers

Just because somebody uses IE6 or FF2 doesn't make them a noob - maybe they just dont like the new version ?

Anyway ill give this one a try as the other one im using breaks the skin

07-11-2008, 01:17 PM
Must be - and please force your Users to use IE7, FF3 or Opera 9.51 for their own Security.

Highslide works just fine on IE6 - so can this issue be addressed - thanks

07-11-2008, 02:39 PM
I run IE6 at work and can confirm that all the options of this mod work great.

Since the last update I have not found any bugs. Great job :)

Quick question. Is there any way to have this work on images in FAQ pages? I know it is probably outside the scope of this mod but I do not mind getting my hands dirty in some code to get things to work.

07-11-2008, 02:54 PM
Quick question. Is there any way to have this work on images in FAQ pages? I know it is probably outside the scope of this mod but I do not mind getting my hands dirty in some code to get things to work.

This would be great! :)

07-11-2008, 11:43 PM
I've tried all settings André, still the same.

I'll try it on a different skin and see how that goes.


07-11-2008, 11:47 PM
This is the Best Image Resizer Modification

07-12-2008, 05:22 AM
TCattitude send me a PM - he is testing a Update with some of the requested Features. :)

07-12-2008, 07:43 PM
Hey TCattitude ... I had one question and/or suggestion. When using the Highslide side of it, how could I remove the border from the images when they are shown in the thread before you click on them? Basically don't want a border around the original embedded or attached images. Then if you know of how to remove that, maybe add in an option on the next update where we could set those border options within the admin panel area then. That'd be a nice addition no doubt :).

*DOH... nevermind heh. Edited the highslide.css file for that. Nice that we can edit some of the associated CSS to each image resizer side of it. That's handy for customizing it to your own specific needs/wants then.

07-13-2008, 08:39 AM
Great mod. *click*

07-13-2008, 10:51 AM
Sorry, there is one issue. If you combine a img-code with a link to a website, so that normally a click on the image leads to the url, the link does not work.

Any idea to solve that?

It resizes all IMG Links - not only new ones. There is no BB-Code affected.

Oh yeah - looks very nice. Agree!

07-13-2008, 03:08 PM
Sorry, there is one issue. If you combine a img-code with a link to a website, so that normally a click on the image leads to the url, the link does not work.

Any idea to solve that?
Create a new bbcode for Images "with a link", and use that. Some like: [IMGL] for "img link", and put something like this in the replace:
<img src="{param}" border="0" class="imglink" alt="" />
Is the easiest solution, because to work all this "lightbox" things need to put a link to the image (and that what open in the new layer in fron the content). There's no other way to them to work.

07-13-2008, 04:38 PM
Thanks; great idea!

07-14-2008, 04:36 AM
Your mod conflicts with https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=165505. When you select your mod as highslide it creates a brown border around the other mods images etc.

07-14-2008, 05:20 AM
Your mod conflicts with https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=165505. When you select your mod as highslide it creates a brown border around the other mods images etc.

Goldbrick (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=165505) is full of Bugs - use AME (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863). :up:

07-14-2008, 10:28 AM
Goldbrick (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=165505) is full of Bugs - use AME (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863). :up:

I used to use AME then went to the software before goldbrick loved it. Now back with same developer with Goldbrick. I have no issues and even customized goldbrick to display hundreds of images side by side customized how I wanted etc. But back to this software they have conflicting code somewhere or call same file but different locations and causing an issue. Just know this software is adding it's style to another software not the other way around so will say it is this mods fault at this point. As the other mod does not effect this one in any way. They both function correctly and no harm no just the style is off for the before the js new window.

07-14-2008, 03:03 PM
Thanx a lot for this Great Add.



Steffen :)

07-15-2008, 10:50 PM
perfect, great - thanks

07-17-2008, 03:34 AM
Hi TCattitude,

I like you hack and this is realy fast, but the only problem is that when you click on the images with Lytebox these do not open the actual size and are always smaller. I change in the number admincp, but not work.

Any idea to solve that?

07-17-2008, 04:28 PM
That settings are for the maximum width/height that the script will allow in embed images into posts, before they'll get resized. That are not the settings for the images when they will expanded.

To control that kind of things, as the readme of the product says, you MUST refer to the authors's websites of the version you are using: Lytebox or Highslide. They both have a LOT of options, and you need to set those in they respective javascript files. See the readme for more details.

And, if you're using this mod, please: click Install ;)

07-17-2008, 05:40 PM
@TCattitude - any Roadmap for the suggested Update with the announced Additions?

07-17-2008, 11:04 PM
I can't get this working for the life of me. Images just will NOT resize. :/

07-18-2008, 02:23 PM
Works when opening in new Window now but doesnt load when you click on it for Highslide or LyteBox.

07-18-2008, 02:47 PM
I can't get this working for the life of me. Images just will NOT resize. :/

Works when opening in new Window now but doesnt load when you click on it for Highslide or LyteBox.


1. You have Errors in your Javainstalltion.

2. You have Errors in your Browserconfiguration

3. You made something wrong at Upload of the Files or Configuration of the PlugIn

4. You have installed something at your Forum that conflicts with the Javascripts of the Mod

.....this Mod works absolutely fine if you made no mistakes. If i take a look at your Side with Firefox 3.0.1 i guess something with your Style and Java Functionalities is going crazy.

07-18-2008, 03:16 PM

1. You have Errors in your Javainstalltion.

2. You have Errors in your Browserconfiguration

3. You made something wrong at Upload of the Files or Configuration of the PlugIn

4. You have installed something at your Forum that conflicts with the Javascripts of the Mod

.....this Mod works absolutely fine if you made no mistakes. If i take a look at your Side with Firefox 3.0.1 i guess something with your Style and Java Functionalities is going crazy.
Best way to check for these sorts of things?

07-18-2008, 03:37 PM
Best way to check for these sorts of things?

1. Update to the latest Javaengine.

2. Use the latest Release of your Browser.

3. Test it with the Defaultstyle from vBulletin.

4. Read the Installinstructions again.

07-18-2008, 04:03 PM
Awesome mod.

07-19-2008, 02:08 AM
Best way to check for these sorts of things?
Starting to click "installed" ;)

MOD updated :)

07-19-2008, 04:54 AM
The Option "Block external embed images in posts/blogs?" blocks all internal Images even on vBadvanced if portal.php or vbacmps.php is in / and Forums index.php is still in /forum. :(

Can you change it in a Way that the Script is checking only for the Rootdomainname?

07-19-2008, 11:42 AM
Starting to click "installed" ;)

MOD updated :)
Installed and Nominated. ;)

07-19-2008, 05:27 PM
Mistake XML: not well-formed (invalid token) in line 801 :confused:

07-19-2008, 05:45 PM
Mistake XML: not well-formed (invalid token) in line 801 :confused:
What vBulletin version are you using?
Try downloading the ZIP file (version 1.2.4) again, and reinstall the fresh download.
Are you sure you're installing it as a product and not as a plugin? (Admincp -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

07-19-2008, 06:12 PM
What vBulletin version are you using?
Try downloading the ZIP file (version 1.2.4) again, and reinstall the fresh download.
Are you sure you're installing it as a product and not as a plugin? (Admincp -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product])

vBulletin 3.7.2 PL1. Installing it as a product. Allow Overwrite -> Yes.
The problem remains.:confused:

07-19-2008, 08:10 PM
Red hot.... clicked install and MOTM... love it...

Only does bigger images though... can it be set to run lighbox with ALL


07-19-2008, 10:18 PM
The Option "Block external embed images in posts/blogs?" blocks all internal Images even on vBadvanced if portal.php or vbacmps.php is in / and Forums index.php is still in /forum. :(

Can you change it in a Way that the Script is checking only for the Rootdomainname?

Anyone else of the native Speakers can describe to TCattitude what is the Problem with internal IMG Code on vBadvanced? Send him some PMs but i guess he still dont know whats the Problem. :(

07-19-2008, 10:30 PM

thank you very much TCattitude :)
I have only problems with the Thickbox and thumbnail images (see attached images please - tested with IE7/8 and FF 3.0.1).

My wish is to realize this feature on forumdisplay (threadbit), if you click on the paperclip, too.



07-19-2008, 10:48 PM
Excuse me, it was my mistake, instead of yours. All works. Thanks for MOD.:up:

07-19-2008, 11:21 PM

thank you very much TCattitude :)
I have only problems with the Thickbox and thumbnail images (see attached images please - tested with IE7/8 and FF 3.0.1).

My wish is to realize this feature on forumdisplay (threadbit), if you click on the paperclip, too.


As the notes inside the AdminCP says:
Thickbox: http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/
*Don't choice if you use vb's attachs
I saw that bug before, and don't know why that happen. I don't use vb's attachs, and i include as option in the mod only by request... so, i anyone have a clue, i would glad to read :P (i will try check that bug with thickbox, but later)

07-19-2008, 11:23 PM
So, any examples of these new options?

1.2.4 (July 18th, 2008)
- Added. New resizers: Lightview, Slimbox, Thickbox.
- Added. New option: the "redlabour's setting". When you turn it on, all
external embed images in posts and blogs will be blocked and replaced
by a phrased text, leaving just img-attachs working (with the selected

I don't like messin' with something when it's already working. ;)

07-20-2008, 12:02 AM
So, any examples of these new options?

1.2.4 (July 18th, 2008)
- Added. New resizers: Lightview, Slimbox, Thickbox.
- Added. New option: the "redlabour's setting". When you turn it on, all
external embed images in posts and blogs will be blocked and replaced
by a phrased text, leaving just img-attachs working (with the selected

I don't like messin' with something when it's already working. ;)

For the first one, is just more possibilities for resizers. Just check the homepages for the new "lightbox" scripts (check inside the readme for v1.2.4). You can keep the same resizer before the upgrade with 1.2.4

The second one was removed.
(I'm chating with redlabour by pm, to clearly understand what he ask for this feature)

07-20-2008, 12:24 AM
I can't get any of the options: lightview, slimbox, thickbox work in IE. IE crashes with one error loading any page, even index. Does anyone knows what may be the problem?

Figure it out! Conflicts with this Mod - Hide Inline Image Thumbnails https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184213

07-20-2008, 02:09 AM
I can't get any of the options: lightview, slimbox, thickbox work in IE. IE crashes with one error loading any page, even index. Does anyone knows what may be the problem?

Figure it out! Conflicts with this Mod - Hide Inline Image Thumbnails https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184213
Error in IE here too. Don't have that other mod installed, so dunno what it could be.

07-20-2008, 02:16 AM
Well i'm confused too. Just disabled and re-enabled that mod and no IE errors this time! So that mod has nothing to do with it.

But in FF lightview works great.

07-20-2008, 05:14 AM
I'm having problems with Internet Explorer 6 and 7 after I installed this mod. I'm receiving the following error message:

In IE7:

In IE6 (this one is from a user):

This happens if I enable some of this: Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview / Slimbox / Thickbox.
If I choose for example "open in new window" does not happen.

Check this for more info: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=252682&highlight=internet+explorer+open+site

07-20-2008, 07:47 AM
I'm chating with redlabour by pm, to clearly understand what he ask for this feature

Send you a new PM.

For anyone - internal IMGs are blocked on vBadvanced Newsblock if vbacmps.php or portal.php is installed in / not in /forum/ as external IMGs. :(

In the /forum/ everything works fine. Only a Way to include / or specially the Path to vBadvanced is missing.

I guess the best and easiest Way is to enter the Domainname in the Options so no IMG Link in http://www.MYOWNDOMAIN.de is blocked as external.

07-20-2008, 07:51 AM
I would need something like this for the memberlist...to resize profile pictures or Avatars

07-20-2008, 08:42 AM
I would need something like this for the memberlist...to resize profile pictures or Avatars

All you need is included in vBulletin by Default. Just choose how large a Profilepicture or Avatar is allowed. What you want is out of Scope for this Mod.

07-20-2008, 08:53 AM
the problem is that I have already 200 members who have profilepics which are too big.

07-20-2008, 09:07 AM
the problem is that I have already 200 members who have profilepics which are too big.

Delete the Pics and changes the Settings. It?s your Job as a Forumadmin. :confused:

07-20-2008, 04:16 PM
I'm having problems with Internet Explorer 6 and 7 after I installed this mod. I'm receiving the following error message:

In IE7:

In IE6 (this one is from a user):

This happens if I enable some of this: Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview / Slimbox / Thickbox.
If I choose for example "open in new window" does not happen.

Check this for more info: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=252682&highlight=internet+explorer+open+site
I got that error in one vb's installation yesterday, but only happen if you choose one of this two new resizers: lightview or slimbox. Thickbox is fine, also the oldies Lytebox and Highslide.

Check that.
Lytebox and Highslide works fine (their are "independent", don't need another javascript library to work).

I'm trying to figure out what happen with those, because in 2 other vb's install, if i choose lightview or slimbox, the site is displayed just well in IE6 or 7 too.
Maybe a conflict with another javascripts. Those resizers (the problematic ones) uses prototype and scriptaculous, and prototype could have some problems with vbulletin.
I will tests some thing this week to see what i found.
The url you get, is a nice start. The affecteds vb's installs (mines) have customized styles... very customized.

Doctor Death
07-20-2008, 04:43 PM
Love this mod and have been looking for something that adjusts album pics for a while now. Where would I go to learn about the different options (what they do -- lightbox, etc) and which one would meet my needs the best?

Thanks again and great work.

07-20-2008, 04:58 PM
Love this mod and have been looking for something that adjusts album pics for a while now. Where would I go to learn about the different options (what they do -- lightbox, etc) and which one would meet my needs the best?

Thanks again and great work.
Download the mod, open the readme, and check the hompages for every script-risizer used in "The Image Resizer". Or google-it for the home pages.
Then, try every mod in his own website (every of them have demos), and see what look good to you (and don't forget to read copyright and license for every one).

07-20-2008, 06:18 PM
my images do not get resized even though i have set the pixels .. they remain in orginal size

07-20-2008, 10:45 PM
Feature Request

Have a different set of resize options for external signature images. Images in posts - 800 x 600 max, images in sigs - 500 x 300 max, etc.

I think my mods would fly out just to hug me for that option.

07-21-2008, 01:18 AM
I got that error in one vb's installation yesterday, but only happen if you choose one of this two new resizers: lightview or slimbox. Thickbox is fine, also the oldies Lytebox and Highslide.

Check that.
Lytebox and Highslide works fine (their are "independent", don't need another javascript library to work).

I'm trying to figure out what happen with those, because in 2 other vb's install, if i choose lightview or slimbox, the site is displayed just well in IE6 or 7 too.
Maybe a conflict with another javascripts. Those resizers (the problematic ones) uses prototype and scriptaculous, and prototype could have some problems with vbulletin.
I will tests some thing this week to see what i found.
The url you get, is a nice start. The affecteds vb's installs (mines) have customized styles... very customized.
You are right. I'm using Lytebox right now and I don't have that problem.
I hope you can fix the others.

It would be nice to have some type of advice for the user when using Lytebox or those, something like the yellow bar.

07-21-2008, 01:50 AM
installed, thank you much!

07-21-2008, 03:05 AM
can we have this mod apply for signature aswell?

07-21-2008, 04:12 AM
Am I able to impement this script on a custom bbcode like "[lightbox]" for example - I only want images that I specify to be thumbnailed and lightboxed, and a custom bbcode is how I'd like to execute that.

07-21-2008, 01:55 PM
can we have this mod apply for signature aswell?
It already works in signatures ;)

(I add that to the description)

07-21-2008, 02:02 PM
Am I able to impement this script on a custom bbcode like "[lightbox]" for example - I only want images that I specify to be thumbnailed and lightboxed, and a custom bbcode is how I'd like to execute that.
You don't need this mod for that.
An example. Just make a custom bbcode that have the: rel="lytebox" in the a href for the image, some like this:
<a href="{param}" rel="lytebox"><img src="{param}" border="0" alt="" /></a>

and call lytebox from your headinclude template:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="lytebox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="lytebox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

The purpose of this mod, is to make no-code change to the vb's files, and to provide a easy method to avoid larger external images (embed in posts) to break your site layout, and enhance it with the lightboxes options.
To do what you want, yo need no mod at all.

07-21-2008, 04:09 PM
Feature Request

Have a different set of resize options for external signature images. Images in posts - 800 x 600 max, images in sigs - 500 x 300 max, etc.

I think my mods would fly out just to hug me for that option.
Done. Added in v1.2.5

Doing some testing now, but, it seems working ;)

07-21-2008, 04:14 PM
I was getting the following error: "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site . . . Operation aborted" if use Lightview with IE7

07-21-2008, 04:29 PM
I was getting the following error: "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site . . . Operation aborted" if use Lightview with IE7
Read some post before

07-21-2008, 06:44 PM
Is there any way to disable this mod in vB Albums?

I think it's useless there because I already have width and height in usergroup permissions.

Desactivating some of this maybe?
TCattd - fix for vb albums
TCattd - fix for vb's albums (width)

I don't want to touch anything before asking =P

In groups it's ok for me.


07-21-2008, 07:22 PM
Is there any way to disable this mod in vB Albums?

I think it's useless there because I already have width and height in usergroup permissions.

Desactivating some of this maybe?
TCattd - fix for vb albums
TCattd - fix for vb's albums (width)

I don't want to touch anything before asking =P

In groups it's ok for me.

Will add an option to force disable that (only in albums and group's galleries)

BTW, the usefulness of this mod in albums, is to put a bigger dimension in usergroups permissions, 1024x768 for example, and then let "the image resizer" to downsize it to 400px (just and example), and let users to see a more bigger image without mess up your layout, and to download that bigger image to use even as a wallpaper.

07-21-2008, 08:19 PM
does that work in social group picture gallerys ?


07-21-2008, 08:41 PM
does that work in social group picture gallerys ?

What does it do
This plugin enables you to automatically resize every user-posted external
image, posted in threads, vb's blogs or even vb's albums, and in signatures (optional) which is
larger than given dimensions.

Yes, work in both: albums and group's pictures (group's gallerys, group's albums)

07-21-2008, 09:09 PM
Will add an option to force disable that (only in albums and group's galleries)

BTW, the usefulness of this mod in albums, is to put a bigger dimension in usergroups permissions, 1024x768 for example, and then let "the image resizer" to downsize it to 400px (just and example), and let users to see a more bigger image without mess up your layout, and to download that bigger image to use even as a wallpaper.
Didn't think about that...

How can I take out the blue border (in Internet Explorer) form album pictures? Or change it to another colour would be nice.

07-21-2008, 11:08 PM
Didn't think about that...

How can I take out the blue border (in Internet Explorer) form album pictures? Or change it to another colour would be nice.
Good catch. Border removed in v1.2.5

07-22-2008, 04:57 AM
Done. Added in v1.2.5

Doing some testing now, but, it seems working ;)

Just realized something. I have different dimensions for different usergroups. Is there a way to possibly have multiple sig sizes, applied to different usergroups? IE, maybe give 5 sig options, and have a multiple select box listing all usergroups, and you choose height/width/settings, then apply to groups of usergroups.

If not, a dirty hack for "if usergroup = X, then resize sig, else, dont." that way we can at least get the main Registered Users usergroup in check.

Thanks either way, great hack, appreciate the effort.

07-22-2008, 05:45 AM
works perfectly in 3.7.2 :up:


07-22-2008, 08:50 AM
I really like it but it is not work fine with me :(
i`ll try to remove everything and reinstall it !

07-22-2008, 08:38 PM
Anything new about vBadvanced compatiblity fix?

07-22-2008, 08:46 PM
Anything new about vBadvanced compatiblity fix?
Nothing. I don't really get what you need jet, and i'm not sure if it is in the "range" of what this mod is intend to be.

The 1.2.5 version is almost ready.

07-22-2008, 09:43 PM
Nothing. I don't really get what you need jet, and i'm not sure if it is in the "range" of what this mod is intend to be.

It is absolutely in "range" of this Function. Or is it in "Range" that all Users with vBadvanced cant use this Option? :eek:

Again very simple for you:

1. Function works if vBadvanced is installed in /forum/ like the Forum himselfs and all internal Pics are well showed in Forum and Portal and external Pics are blocked on both.

2. Function does not works if vBadvanced is installed in / and Forum is installed in /forum/.
Then it show you every internal Pic as EXTERNAL (BLOCKED!!!) on the vBadvanced Portal.

You only have to implement a check for the vBadvanced Installpath or the Root of the Domain of the Forum to make it work.

BTW - vBSEO makes the same Error if you dont let your Mod check for the Domainname. If URL-Rewrite is enabled every Picture will be blocked - INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL because your Mod thinks every Pic was EXTERNAL because of the non Standard-URL.

07-22-2008, 10:22 PM
I test the mod with two vbulletins that have vbadvanced, even integrated, and... no problem. I use absolute url for the javascripts/css paths for that.
(The "block external images" feature was removed in the updated 1.2.4)

And i have one forum with vbseo, the "demo one" (blogs and albums, in the description), and have no problems with it :S

07-22-2008, 10:42 PM
am I missing something, why does it resize even the tiny pictures? I have the min. set to over 200 pixels.

07-22-2008, 10:46 PM
am I missing something, why does it resize even the tiny pictures? I have the min. set to over 200 pixels.
I noticed that too... but mine don't get resized (if they are tiny), I see them with "Lytebox" effects.

And i have one forum with vbseo, the "demo one" (blogs and albums, in the description), and have no problems with it :S
There is a problem with vBSEO. If you have Add rel="nofollow" to ALL Dynamic Pages option enabled, Lytebox -for example- does not work with attachs. And if you enable Add rel="nofollow" to ALL External URLs option, Lytebox does not work at all

07-22-2008, 10:47 PM
Not resize tiny pics. The resizing is still using the ncode script. Spleasure's work. And still works great :)
But it still add the info to every posted image to integrate them (tiny ones pics) into the lightboxes (and the one who have slideshows, show them in the row).

Updated. Version 1.2.5 released.

07-22-2008, 10:54 PM
There is a problem with vBSEO. If you have Add rel="nofollow" to ALL Dynamic Pages oprion enabled, Lytebox -for example- does not work with attachs. And if you enable Add rel="nofollow" to ALL External URLs option, Lytebox does not work at all
Aja, I will try check on that ;) Thanks for the details.

07-22-2008, 11:22 PM
mark installed! thanks!

07-22-2008, 11:28 PM
Sorry to inform but the problems with the slimbox, lightview, thickbox remains. And now with some added ones too, like awesome, roe and grey. The IE problem i mean.

07-23-2008, 12:02 AM
Sorry to inform but the problems with the slimbox, lightview, thickbox remains. And now with some added ones too, like awesome, roe and grey. The IE problem i mean.
Check the readme (Known issues)

07-23-2008, 12:22 AM
you are on a fricking roll! great job :)

07-23-2008, 10:29 AM
The explorar give my error message and close ?

07-23-2008, 12:22 PM
The explorar give my error message and close ?
Again, check the readme (known issues)
The readmes are for... read it :)

Sorry to inform but the problems with the slimbox, lightview, thickbox remains. And now with some added ones too, like awesome, roe and grey. The IE problem i mean.
Confirmed (thanks pedroenf), is a vbseo's problem, but with the old version 3.1.0. This not happen with vbseo 3.2.0. So, i won't "fix".

07-23-2008, 02:08 PM
Thank you very much again :)

My wish is to realize this feature on forumdisplay (threadbit), if you click on the paperclip, too.

cindy helmond
07-23-2008, 02:41 PM
after install i get a white screen :confused:

07-23-2008, 05:40 PM
Confirmed (thanks pedroenf), is a vbseo's problem, but with the old version 3.1.0. This not happen with vbseo 3.2.0. So, i won't "fix".

Well i use VBSEO 3.2.0! But then again i did what says in that vbulletin.com thread you have in the readme, changed to default vbulletin template and there where no IE errors although some resizers did not work properly.

07-24-2008, 04:33 AM
Updated. Version 1.2.5 released.

Thanks! ;)

07-24-2008, 09:37 PM
Great hack! But I have encountered a problem similar to the one with all previous *box scripts. If I add an image and apply ahref to it, than it is always beeing poped up in *box, eventhoug it does not exceed any size limit, and is pointing ahref to the place I need... Any ideas?


07-24-2008, 09:48 PM
Great hack! But I have encountered a problem similar to the one with all previous *box scripts. If I add an image and apply ahref to it, than it is always beeing poped up in *box, eventhoug it does not exceed any size limit, and is pointing ahref to the place I need... Any ideas?

Readme -> Known Issues

07-24-2008, 10:16 PM
I'm thinking of "upgrading" to this from the nCode one. However I have a question:

Does this support per-user preferences for the max image size too? Currently I have it set on my forums to resize any image over like 800x600. However some users, like me, have it set larger since we run larger resolutions.

Is this still possible with your plugin?

07-24-2008, 10:39 PM
I'm thinking of "upgrading" to this from the nCode one. However I have a question:

Does this support per-user preferences for the max image size too? Currently I have it set on my forums to resize any image over like 800x600. However some users, like me, have it set larger since we run larger resolutions.

Is this still possible with your plugin?
Yeap, have the same nCode's settings

07-24-2008, 10:41 PM
Awesome, thanks! :)

07-24-2008, 11:13 PM
Installed and working awesomely!

Shame about *box breaking the linked images though, but that's not your fault. ;)

07-24-2008, 11:29 PM
Thickbox is very very bugged with attachments I'm afraid. It shows up weird symbols and stuff.

07-25-2008, 12:54 PM
Create a new bbcode for Images "with a link", and use that. Some like: [IMGL] for "img link", and put something like this in the replace:
<img src="{param}" border="0" class="imglink" alt="" />
Is the easiest solution, because to work all this "lightbox" things need to put a link to the image (and that what open in the new layer in fron the content). There's no other way to them to work.

I need to do this. Where do I go to add this code?

Update: Figured it out. w00t! for my first bbcode edit/add.

Question now is... If the image is a large image and I use the [imgl] code the image does not get resized. Is there something else I need to do?

Also, does anyone want to create a 21 x 20 imgl icon for the message editor?

And one more or two more..lol... Would it be easier just to change the img icon in the messge editor to put out a code of [imgl]? And if so, where do I edit that at?

07-25-2008, 04:10 PM
Installed and working awesomely!

Shame about *box breaking the linked images though, but that's not your fault. ;)

I need to do this. Where do I go to add this code?

Update: Figured it out. w00t! for my first bbcode edit/add.

Question now is... If the image is a large image and I use the [imgl] code the image does not get resized. Is there something else I need to do?

Version 1.2.6, added the auto-creation of bbcode on product's install: imglink
So: imageurl (link) ...will now work as before (not adding lightboxes to that image tag) and an option to choose if resize the images with tag new bbcode tag or not (just resize them with ncode's .js, not add the lightbox).
And another option to specifically kill only that new bbcode (imglink) in signatures, so no need to worry about it or usergroup permissions for custom bbcodes.

07-25-2008, 05:20 PM
dont works with vbadvanced, but i edit the template: adv_portal_newsbits_attach_thumb
and replace the content with:

<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]" rel="gallery.posts"><img id="ncode_imageresizer_container_11" title="" src="$vboptions[bburl]/attachment.php?$session[sessionurl]attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]" alt="" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" border="0" width="150" /></a>

that works just with attachments dont resize bbcode img :(

btw, awesome product!
installed & nominated!

07-25-2008, 06:16 PM
not working on ie6

07-25-2008, 08:01 PM
Version 1.2.6, added the auto-creation of bbcode on product's install: imglink
So: imageurl (link) ...will now work as before (not adding lightboxes to that image tag) and an option to choose if resize the images with tag new bbcode tag or not (just resize them with ncode's .js, not add the lightbox).
And another option to specifically kill only that new bbcode (imglink) in signatures, so no need to worry about it or usergroup permissions for custom bbcodes.

When will v 1.2.6 be available for download?

07-25-2008, 09:14 PM
Also, I'm getting a lot of errors on my ErrorLog saying File Does Not Exist for /home/username/public_html/forums/clientscript/highslide/clientscript/highslide/graphics/loader.gif

It looks like it's trying to find highslide clientscript within the highslide clientscript.


07-25-2008, 09:16 PM
How to add on custom pages... ?

07-25-2008, 10:39 PM
Also, I'm getting a lot of errors on my ErrorLog saying File Does Not Exist for /home/username/public_html/forums/clientscript/highslide/clientscript/highslide/graphics/loader.gif

It looks like it's trying to find highslide clientscript within the highslide clientscript.

Fixed in v1.2.6

How to add on custom pages... ?

Custom pages from... where?
Own php script? logician's web templates? vbadvanced?

07-25-2008, 11:59 PM
Thanks for this mod! On the Image Resizer Options page, there's no "Use LightWindow" option for the Default Resize Mode. Please add this option since LightWindow is claimed to be supported. ;)

07-26-2008, 07:56 AM
hs.preloadAjaxElement is not a function
e(load )highslide.js (line 28)

That's the error I get in firebug for firefox.

Nevermind, it's an error with another plugin.

07-26-2008, 09:02 AM
I have a some questions..

Do I just download the latest version? which 1.25?

Why have so many different versions inside the folder, is this because different versions of vbulletin are using different image progs. !!

When i import the XML file i presume i upload it via FTP? I f so where exactly do i upload this too..

Do i need to change any bbcode or make a new one..


07-26-2008, 05:52 PM
Can you add "Allow Dimensions Only (use default as max)" to the User Options on the Image Resizer Options page? I would like users to customize the default dimensions, but not the resize mode since some resizer scripts are buggy with IE as you mentioned.

Also can you add "Use LightWindow" option for the Default Resize Mode on the Image Resizer Options page? It's not provided on that page, but if User Options is enabled, it shows on the profile.php?do=editoptions page.

For the Image Resizer options block on the user's Edit Options page, the borders only encompass the title/ description, but not the options themselves. Not a big deal, but a display consistency issue. Thanks for supporting this mod. :)

07-26-2008, 06:02 PM
For those who are curious as to which resize mode/ script to use, here's a great summary of the features of each one:

Personally, I prefer LightWindow or ShadowBox due to their video support. However, if you're having problems with those scripts, then try Highslide.

Feature request: enable these scripts (LightWindow and/or ShadowBox) to display inline and attached video and flash files? Thanks for considering. :D

DoB Rhapsody
07-26-2008, 07:44 PM
I'm getting this in IE7 uing lyteview 2.3


more on the issue: http://www.garyharan.com/index.php/2008/04/22/internet-explorer-cannot-open-the-internet-site-operation-aborted/

07-26-2008, 09:36 PM
I'm getting this in IE7 uing lyteview 2.3


more on the issue: http://www.garyharan.com/index.php/2008/04/22/internet-explorer-cannot-open-the-internet-site-operation-aborted/
@DoB Rhapsody:
Read... the README. Readmes are for... read them :)

@vbboarder, lightwindow fixed in 1.2.6
Will try to see the suggestions. No promises.

@elmati, will try to see more of vbadvanced home. I don't use attachs and don't use the full news module in the demo site (will need to setup a test vbadvanced on localhost).

07-26-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks god not only me who not read the read me files :p

07-27-2008, 03:10 AM
1. Error Line 521, Column 268: there is no attribute "onload" .

… image to open in full size." onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" /></

You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using does not support that attribute for this element. This error is often caused by incorrect use of the "Strict" document type with a document that uses frames (e.g. you must use the "Transitional" document type to get the "target" attribute), or by using vendor proprietary extensions such as "marginheight" (this is usually fixed by using CSS to achieve the desired effect instead).

This error may also result if the element itself is not supported in the document type you are using, as an undefined element will have no supported attributes; in this case, see the element-undefined error message for further information.

How to fix: check the spelling and case of the element and attribute, (Remember XHTML is all lower-case) and/or check that they are both allowed in the chosen document type, and/or use CSS instead of this attribute. If you received this error when using the <embed> element to incorporate flash media in a Web page, see the FAQ item on valid flash.

W3 validation error

Any ideas?

07-27-2008, 05:36 PM
When this hack is installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=178573 (DI - BBCode [spoiler]) this hack won't work (it will not resize images using lightview,lytebox etc., it just open them in a new window).

Can you fix that TCattitude, please? :)

07-27-2008, 06:28 PM
When this hack is installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=178573 (DI - BBCode [spoiler]) this hack won't work (it will not resize images using lightview,lytebox etc., it just open them in a new window).
Can you fix that TCattitude, please? :)

Not so, I have the spoiler mod installed and the image resizer works fine for me. I'm using the Shadowbox resizer, so try that.

DoB Rhapsody
07-27-2008, 07:03 PM
@DoB Rhapsody:
Read... the README. Readmes are for... read them :)

@vbboarder, lightwindow fixed in 1.2.6
Will try to see the suggestions. No promises.

@elmati, will try to see more of vbadvanced home. I don't use attachs and don't use the full news module in the demo site (will need to setup a test vbadvanced on localhost).

That doesn't explain any issue with lyteview.. Maybe i'm just missing it.

07-27-2008, 07:51 PM
Not so, I have the spoiler mod installed and the image resizer works fine for me. I'm using the Shadowbox resizer, so try that.

Oh, I use Lightview and it's not working. :(

07-27-2008, 09:00 PM
work perfect. :D Thanks!

07-28-2008, 01:30 PM
v1.2.6 released. See the changelog.

07-28-2008, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the update :)
Is there any way to have option to keep the images as the centre ?

07-28-2008, 04:57 PM
nominated mod of the month... man you made something awesome! thanks so much!


07-28-2008, 06:53 PM
Thanks a bunch for the update! Also nominated for mod of the month!

Thanks for fixing the bugs. Please consider enabling LightWindow and Shadowbox to display online and attached video and flash files. :D

07-28-2008, 09:26 PM
The layout for the Image Resizer Options for the users options page is still broken. I think you forgot to add a <br /> tag. I had LOL 'cause the resizer description is in contrast to the broken layout itself. No probs, quick fix is to edit the phrase: ncode_imageresizer_profileoptions_title_desc and add <br /> before any text (probably want to use a shorter description to fit within the fieldset). For example, I changed the phrase to: ;)
<br />Images that are too large are automatically resized so that the website layout remains consistent.

07-28-2008, 09:56 PM
The layout for the Image Resizer Options for the users options page is still broken. I think you forgot to add a <br /> tag. I had LOL 'cause the resizer description is in contrast to the broken layout itself. No probs, quick fix is to edit the phrase: ncode_imageresizer_profileoptions_title_desc and add <br /> before any text (probably want to use a shorter description to fit within the fieldset). For example, I changed the phrase to: ;)
I see everything there ok, but... if you said so :P (send me a SS of the problem, please). Anyway, and extra <br /> doesn't hurt anybody, right?.
I know what's wrong. Fixed in v1.2.7

By the way: thanks everybody for the support! ;)

07-29-2008, 10:31 AM
W3 validation error

Any ideas?

Can you add this to the fix list for the new update as well?

Also, when using Highslide the image no longer opens in the center of the page as the previous version did.

And lastly, I don't see anything different with img tag. Can you re-explain what difference is supposed to happen?

07-29-2008, 12:57 PM
work perfect! Thanks..

07-29-2008, 02:25 PM
thanks nice mod ^_^

07-29-2008, 09:40 PM
Having lettle problem with the sighutre when i click on the bar to see the orginal size "inlargment in the same windows" its work fine but i click on it again to return to the small size it would`nt ?!

07-30-2008, 07:26 PM
just installed, great job (nominated for MOTM)


07-31-2008, 03:03 AM
The alignment for highslide is off. It's showing in the upper left corner for me and it doesn't have the options like "close, next, previous" like I thought it did prior to this last update.


It didn't show up like that until I upgraded a few days ago.

cindy helmond
07-31-2008, 10:43 AM
is there a way that you can see that the image is resized ?
i mean by the other mod there you can see :

this image is resized: but this mod only you see the image and click on it then its going open is there a way to see that users click on the pic the get the orginal size?

07-31-2008, 04:06 PM
The images still don't load after being clicked on.

This is what I see, constantly. :/


07-31-2008, 05:30 PM
The images still don't load after being clicked on.

This is what I see, constantly. :/

That's because you're using another mod to hide referals from forum links, that passes all linked thing in posts through this:
That not allow ANY lightbox work properly, and it's not a "the image resizer"'s bug. This, because all lightboxes work with a direct link to the image, opening in a layer in front of the page.

You need to fix/disable the other mod (make him exclude linked images, or change execution order of the other mod's plugins to run first, and then plugins from the image resizer).

Nothing I can do. Sorry.

07-31-2008, 06:03 PM
That's because you're using another mod to hide referals from forum links, that passes all linked thing in posts through this:
That not allow ANY lightbox work properly, and it's not a "the image resizer"'s bug. This, because all lightboxes work with a direct link to the image, opening in a layer in front of the page.

You need to fix/disable the other mod (make him exclude linked images, or change execution order of the other mod's plugins to run first, and then plugins from the image resizer).

Nothing I can do. Sorry.
I'll just disable that mod, it's of no use to me anymore anyway. Thanks for your help. :)
I'll report back in a moment. :)

07-31-2008, 06:06 PM
I'll just disable that mod, it's of no use to me anymore anyway. Thanks for your help. :)
I'll report back in a moment. :)
...like a charm. Thankies! :D

08-01-2008, 12:03 AM
vBSEO also does a "redirect" type thing if enabled. Is there any way to keep that enabled and still have this mod work good? I've had to disable that option for this to work and it would be nice to have this mod work with the option enabled.

08-01-2008, 03:30 PM
Thanks everyone for the support, and the nomination to MOTM August (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=186918).
Thanks... really.

08-01-2008, 09:40 PM
It got my vote! :D

08-02-2008, 01:55 PM
Works like a charm! Thank you!

Yellow Slider
08-02-2008, 04:40 PM
it doesn't work like it should or had been in the past, when I'm posting anew thread \ post with a picture, the picture is shown in the same size on the forum, when I'm clicking on the picture, it opens up in a new window, but the image is resized now, when I click on it it enlarges.

I've tried to use all the resizing modes, nothing happens, I'm using firefox.

08-03-2008, 05:48 AM
Great Work! : )

08-03-2008, 07:56 AM
It works great. Great Work...!!
We need an extra function if possible because of a situation:
I Create a Thread/post.
I Upload one or more images as attachments.
I use attached images Link as a picture (I copy the attached image link and inside the thread between the text (wherever I want) I press the picture button and paste the URL of the attached image I want).
Until now, everything is ok...
But when I want to put a link to the image, the image link don't work.
Here is an example (it is in Greek language but just click on the image. You will see that it just opens the image to its real dimensions. It doesn't open a new page/tab with the url)


Here is the bbcode I used for the image inside the post:
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2008/08/73.jpg (http://www.arandomgame.com/index.php?game_id=899)

it should have a link instead of just opening the image like the normal images.
This image supposed to be an image with link, so when i press the image, it should prompt me to another site or something.

It would be nice to have the resize functionality inside thread (if the image is huge) and the same time if an image inside a post is not only an image, but an image with a link, then the link worked like default and open a new tab with the link of the image..!!! :-)
If someone would like to have the full sized image (to save it in his HDD or something) then he should just open the image from the attached image in the end of the post. But in this special case, the already resized image inside the post should work as it ment to be--> a link. :-)

You have done great work till now though...!!! :-)
We just need a little functionality improvement for those special cases.

Thank you for this great plugin. :-)

08-03-2008, 05:30 PM
it doesn't work like it should or had been in the past, when I'm posting anew thread \ post with a picture, the picture is shown in the same size on the forum, when I'm clicking on the picture, it opens up in a new window, but the image is resized now, when I click on it it enlarges.

I've tried to use all the resizing modes, nothing happens, I'm using firefox.

I can't get it. Can you please provide a url/demo with the problem.

It works great. Great Work...!!
We need an extra function if possible because of a situation:
I Create a Thread/post.
I Upload one or more images as attachments.
I use attached images Link as a picture (I copy the attached image link and inside the thread between the text (wherever I want) I press the picture button and paste the URL of the attached image I want).
Until now, everything is ok...
But when I want to put a link to the image, the image link don't work.
Here is an example (it is in Greek language but just click on the image. You will see that it just opens the image to its real dimensions. It doesn't open a new page/tab with the url)


Here is the bbcode I used for the image inside the post:
http://madseeds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=601&stc=1&d=1217752746 (http://www.arandomgame.com/index.php?game_id=899)

it should have a link instead of just opening the image like the normal images.
This image supposed to be an image with link, so when i press the image, it should prompt me to another site or something.

It would be nice to have the resize functionality inside thread (if the image is huge) and the same time if an image inside a post is not only an image, but an image with a link, then the link worked like default and open a new tab with the link of the image..!!! :-)
If someone would like to have the full sized image (to save it in his HDD or something) then he should just open the image from the attached image in the end of the post. But in this special case, the already resized image inside the post should work as it ment to be--> a link. :-)

You have done great work till now though...!!! :-)
We just need a little functionality improvement for those special cases.

Thank you for this great plugin. :-)
Check the readme, and change log for v1.2.6:
- Added. New autocreated on install BBcode: [IMGLINK]
This BBcode will "solve" the know issue number one, about embed images with a link
[url] tag arround them to use as button for links.
For more details, refer to the AdminCP option and associated Help on that item.
Use that new "IMGLINK" tag instead ;)

08-04-2008, 02:14 AM
I have tried awesomebox it's cool but when you close the image it is also closing the thread or album and moving to index.php

08-04-2008, 05:46 PM

How can I disable this (brilliant!) plug-in for a specific style? I don't want all this javascript in my mobile vBulletin styles. Any ideas? Thanks!

08-04-2008, 07:15 PM

How can I disable this (brilliant!) plug-in for a specific style? I don't want all this javascript in my mobile vBulletin styles. Any ideas? Thanks!
Nice idea.
Will see in next version ;)

08-04-2008, 10:31 PM
I installed version 1.2.6 everything looks perfect! But when a user post images with no spaces between the horizontal scroll appears. How can I add a < br /> tag after each image?

Thanks for the mod!

08-05-2008, 06:55 AM
Check the readme, and change log for v1.2.6:

Use that new "IMGLINK" tag instead ;)

Yeap it works smooth and creamy with "IMGLINK"...!!! :-)
I could create a new BBCODE button for the "image link"...!!!

thanks...!!! :-)

08-05-2008, 10:13 AM
Works good, just seems like it's not compatible with ajax. I find myself having to refresh a page before the lytebox decides to work, especially after creating a new thread or new post. Using Firefox 3.0.1.

08-05-2008, 11:45 AM
nice Job, thanks..

08-05-2008, 01:55 PM

After a lot of messing around, floatbox is the only one I can get to work nicely (with decent navigation and effects) - but in IE6 when you exit floatbox the page jumps to the bottom.

08-05-2008, 05:46 PM
Very nice. Works perfect. Just a little problem ...

If a user embeds an image in a post using the bbcode like this ...


... it works and the image becomes resized.

But if he uses html like this ...

<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" />

... it doesn't work. Have been looking and testing since hours now. Maybe i missed something like "it works only with bbcode" or something like that or i missed an option.

Many thanks for the nice mod and your help!

(using highslide)

08-06-2008, 11:44 AM
I installed version 1.2.6 everything looks perfect! But when a user post images with no spaces between the horizontal scroll appears. How can I add a < br /> tag after each image?

Thanks for the mod!

I have solved it by adding this code to the style css:
td div.alt1 img, td div.alt2 img{display: block;}

08-06-2008, 12:28 PM
Very nice. Works perfect. Just a little problem ...

If a user embeds an image in a post using the bbcode like this ...


... it works and the image becomes resized.

But if he uses html like this ...

<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" />

... it doesn't work. Have been looking and testing since hours now. Maybe i missed something like "it works only with bbcode" or something like that or i missed an option.

Many thanks for the nice mod and your help!

(using highslide)

I can't support adding images through html. The range of things to cover, to support that, would be too long.
You need to check one by one how this lightboxes are implemented in his own homepages, to check what they add to the img tag: the a href link first with a class or a rel="lightbox" (or similar) and another class and an onlick event to the image for downsizing with ncode's javascript.

It's too much, because with all the html open to a usergroup, you can put images in many forms:
<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" />
<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" alt="" />
<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" alt="Hello world" />
<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" border="0" alt="" />
<img src="http://zones.sphex.net/images/altona2.jpg" border="1" alt="I have a border" />


I have solved it by adding this code to the style css:
td div.alt1 img, td div.alt2 img{display: block;}

Will see it in the next version ;)

08-06-2008, 12:57 PM
Excellent mod, TCattitude. Love it.

Some users have been asking for some kind of image zoom feature, do you think something like this is possible?


08-06-2008, 06:11 PM
I can't support adding images through html.Oh. Well. Nice hack anyway. Thank you!

08-07-2008, 04:58 AM
What Is The Difrence Between The 2 Types Of Different Names..
Beside The Version Number & 1 Is Image Resizer Other Externel Image Sizer..

Which Is Best For Me ?

08-07-2008, 02:02 PM
What Is The Difrence Between The 2 Types Of Different Names..
Beside The Version Number & 1 Is Image Resizer Other Externel Image Sizer..

Which Is Best For Me ?
Guide by version number, not the name.
Just use the lastest.

(Originally was named "external image resizer", because just resize external images embed in posts. Later, more features was added, integration with vb's attachs, vb's albums, etc, so... "external" image resizer was not correct for this mod. And now is named "the image resizer")

08-08-2008, 08:59 AM
Will see it in the next version ;)

I'm sorry, but it only works on FireFox :( Still looking for some solution :(

By the way I'm using this code in the includes/class_bbcode.php file to solve the problem:
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
$link = $this->strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));

// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$link = str_replace(array(' ', '"'), '', $link);

return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" /><br />';

08-08-2008, 03:38 PM
i am using the same version of image resizer which u have provided in demo...but i have prob with it...whenever i click the close button ...it automatically redirects to my homepage ....any solutions for this ?

08-08-2008, 05:18 PM
Can somebody tell me if this mod works with vBadvanced also ?

08-08-2008, 11:53 PM
Well, i installed it ok, imported the xml, and when i try to enable it, i get this error all over my website:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare ncode_imageresizer_replace() (previously declared in /home/console/public_html/forum/global.php(365) : eval()'d code:48) in /home/console/public_html/forum/global.php(365) : eval()'d code on line 316

How can i fix this ?

08-11-2008, 01:12 PM
I was checking all the different types, some of them brake the forum.. so I had to stick with few only... I can't remember which ones didn't work.

also, when editing a thread/post with quick edit, all attachments disapear .. I had to edit with full editor to bring them back

lovely mod though


08-12-2008, 03:07 PM
Hi, nice mod which i'm looking.

But it really "resized" the image, how can i set it got the original size after clicking?

08-12-2008, 07:04 PM
Installed mod without any problems, but when I try to change External Images default maximum Width/Height I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object in /home/radiosww/public_html/forum/vb/includes/adminfunctions_options.php(490) : eval()'d code on line 13

Everything else seems to be working fine, and apparently noone else have this problem :confused:

edit: Currently running 3.7.1 Patch Level 2

08-13-2008, 01:22 PM
Installed and Uninstalled ... not works with Internet explorer:(
someone knows a solution to fix this?

08-14-2008, 12:34 AM
Why do i get this:

Booost This
08-14-2008, 01:42 AM
Slight problem exists with vBSEO.

Mod works perfectly in threads with displayed images. When you switch to an album to view a picture and you click the picture for a full size it opens the picture in a new or same window. It does not trigger the "rel=lightbox (or whatever you have)" tag correctly. I disabled vBSEO and voila! Problem fixed. I also tried the default skin and it does the same thing.

vBSEO does not like this mod. :(

I am running:
3.7.2 P1 VB Release
3.1 vBSEO
Firefox 3, IE 7 (I tried both, same result). I primarily use FF.

Any ideas?


For anyone else experiencing the same problem I did, you need to check "no" to Add rel="nofollow" to all external links, dynamic pages, and sorting links under the cp of vBseo.

08-14-2008, 01:56 AM
This is awesome dude thanks

08-14-2008, 02:14 AM
Do you know if some of the templates are offered in Spanish?

08-14-2008, 08:50 AM
Here you are the imglink icon ;)


08-14-2008, 10:46 AM
I cant get the image to enlarge properly. For example, when the image is supposed to be 1024 by 768 (just an eg), when it is reduced to 600 by 400, I click on the tab and it enlarges to a smaller size like 800 by 600 (not sure of the exact dimensions) instead of 1024 by 768.

can someone help?

08-15-2008, 07:45 AM
still waiting for help, my website is at www.onestash.com


08-15-2008, 02:01 PM
Hello Tcat,
Great plugin. One little problem I've found. If you you emded the images using the IMG tag, they sit right on top of each other (normally they have a 2px margin by defualt). You can see an example of what I'm talking about here (http://forums.popmag.com.au/showthread.php?t=17).

Ideally you could give the thumbnailed image a CSS class and that way we could just define it in our style sheet on our own, or even better, in the AdminCP!

08-16-2008, 03:17 AM
<a href="http://www.onestash.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337" target="_blank">http://www.onestash.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337</a>

The original image is much bigger. However when we use the resizer, even when we click on the tab, it does not enlarge to original size

08-16-2008, 02:07 PM
Hello Tcat,
Great plugin. One little problem I've found. If you you emded the images using the IMG tag, they sit right on top of each other (normally they have a 2px margin by defualt). You can see an example of what I'm talking about here (http://forums.popmag.com.au/showthread.php?t=17).

Ideally you could give the thumbnailed image a CSS class and that way we could just define it in our style sheet on our own, or even better, in the AdminCP!

Yeah, sure. Will be in next version ;

Installed and Uninstalled ... not works with Internet explorer:(
someone knows a solution to fix this?

IT works in IE. Was tested in IE, Opera, Safari and Firefox.
Check the readme about known issues and problems with some resizers. It's not a problem with this mod, is about your style + the selected resizer/lightbox.

Hi, nice mod which i'm looking.

But it really "resized" the image, how can i set it got the original size after clicking?


The original image is much bigger. However when we use the resizer, even when we click on the tab, it does not enlarge to original size

Depends of the selected resizer. Not all of the lightboxes have an option to do that. Some just (when click) opens the new layer with the image but ajust them to be in the frame of the website depending of your screen resolution, and don't have and "show full expanded" as floatbox or highslide have (they both have an extra "X" to expand to full size).
Again, not a problem with this mod. I will no reinvent every lightbox here; that's why you have choices ;)

@maidos (ask a question by PM):
Readmes are for READ THEM.
The readme says:

II. What does it not do
- It does not do server side resizing of images. Everything is done clientside
- It does not prevent long loading times. The images have to be downloaded completely
by the client before the script can resize them.
That must answer your question, i think.

08-16-2008, 03:58 PM
Having lettle problem with the sighutre when i click on the bar to see the orginal size "inlargment in the same windows" its work fine but i click on it again to return to the small size it would`nt ?!

ignoring me :confused:

08-16-2008, 05:18 PM
Im not talking about the lytebox... im only talking about the normal resizing function :)

08-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Hey, i've been using the Highslide option and it still resizes signature images even if they're under the max allowed sizes...
I even tried ignoring sizes for signatures.

08-16-2008, 10:34 PM
Hey, i've been using the Highslide option and it still resizes signature images even if they're under the max allowed sizes...
I even tried ignoring sizes for signatures.

Seems there is a lot problems with the signatures !!

08-17-2008, 02:48 AM
I'm having problems with this mod... the mod itself works perfectly...

The problem is when someone posts an image thumbnail from somewhere like image shack... Any IMG wrapped in a URL tag...

The URL tag will be completely ignored and the IMG will link to the box instead of the URL...

08-19-2008, 04:02 PM
Great modification = Installed.
Thanx for sharing - but one quick question/concern... I notice that all images are being "resized" - even those that are within the width/height restrictions.

Example. 300px width / height unlimited... Images that with 250px width are still clickable with the lytebox/shadowbox/etc enabled... Is there a way to make those images unclickable? Just curious.

Anyway - Thanx so much for the brilliant share TCATTITUDE ;)


08-20-2008, 08:06 PM
Is anyone else having the same problem I am having?

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ (http://www.google.com/)

This will open up the image in FloatBox (what I am using), instead of following the link. Is there any way to fix this? Lots of people use ImageShack thumbnails, and now people cant click on the links anymore.

08-20-2008, 08:09 PM
Thankyou very much.

08-20-2008, 10:34 PM
Is anyone else having the same problem I am having?

google.gif (http://www.google.com/)

This will open up the image in FloatBox (what I am using), instead of following the link. Is there any way to fix this? Lots of people use ImageShack thumbnails, and now people cant click on the links anymore.

As per the 1st thread... There is a new bbcode added = for linked images. Read the included instructions file ;)


08-20-2008, 10:39 PM
Set 0 for heigth

08-20-2008, 10:43 PM
Okay I am having a problem I picked to use lytebox and it doesn't even work like lytebox it just opens up in the same window and doesn't even get smaller in the post. Whats wrong?

08-21-2008, 03:30 AM
As per the 1st thread... There is a new bbcode added = for linked images. Read the included instructions file ;)


I have tried it with "IMGLink tag" set to both Yes and No... and neither made a difference for me.

08-21-2008, 05:05 AM
I have tried it with "IMGLink tag" set to both Yes and No... and neither made a difference for me.

It's a known "issue"
There's nothing you can do about making the images as clickable links with the image resizer installed. You can only use the new bbcode or some other image bbcode instead, because all are now associated with the resizer ;)

The Image Resizer adds a new link ("a href" html tag) to the posted images, and brokes all posted images WITH a link, like this:
[img]imgurl (link).
The link will not open, just the image into the selected Lightbox.

It's not a bug. All the Lightboxes NEEDS this link to open the fancy layers over the website.

To solve this, The Image Resizer add a new BBcode: IMGLINK
Use like the normal IMG tag, and use it for images with a link, like this:
[imglink]imgurl (link)
Those IMGLINK tag will not have any Lightbox attached, and you can still choose if downsize them.

08-21-2008, 05:26 AM
Oh... I get it...thanks...

The instructions in this mod for the [imglink] stuff is in broken english, so I couldnt understand it.

08-21-2008, 12:42 PM
I got this problem when I tried to access blogs:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ncode_imageresizer_replace() in /home/navigk/domains/onestash.com/public_html/forums/blog.php(2768) : eval()'d code on line 2

08-21-2008, 12:42 PM
Noone else experiencing the same problems I am?


08-21-2008, 03:29 PM
Having lettle problem with the sighutre when i click on the bar to see the orginal size "inlargment in the same windows" its work fine but i click on it again to return to the small size it would`nt ?!

Seems there is a lot problems with the signatures !!

ignoring me :confused:

Why is TCattitude ignoring me ?

08-21-2008, 06:29 PM
I am having a problem with safari when this modification is enabled. It works fine in OSX on firefox but when I boot up safari and visit my site with the mod enabled it just freezes and crashes... :confused:

08-22-2008, 04:18 AM
Installed and so far seems to be working perfect! Thanks for this mod..it was exactly what i needed!

08-23-2008, 11:59 PM
Works good, just seems like it's not compatible with ajax. I find myself having to refresh a page before the lytebox decides to work, especially after creating a new thread or new post. Using Firefox 3.0.1.

I was checking all the different types, some of them brake the forum.. so I had to stick with few only... I can't remember which ones didn't work.

also, when editing a thread/post with quick edit, all attachments disapear .. I had to edit with full editor to bring them back

lovely mod though

I also had the Image Resizer and other JS mods (ie: bbCode spoiler) not working after a user performs a quick reply or quick edit. However, after installing these 2 cool mods by PHPKD, I no longer have that problem! The 2 mods are:

Advanced Quick Reply: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=180330

Advanced Quick Edit: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=184971

Not sure how these 2 mods fixed the problem, but hey it's working! :D
Note: I'm using VB 3.7.2 and Shadowbox in this mod.

08-25-2008, 10:19 PM
Nice. Installed. A small bug though. Line 120 from ncode_imageresizer.js must be changed from

mimg.src = NcodeImageResizer.BBURL+'/images/statusicon/wol_error.gif';


mimg.src = '/images/statusicon/wol_error.gif';
