View Full Version : PM Orphaned - Need Ideas

05-24-2008, 02:48 PM
I asked this over on vbulletin.com and they pointed me over here, I hope you guys can help!

I'm running the latest version of Vbulletin, and I'm always up to date with the new releases within a week period. I've had a weird problem surface though with my pm's. Everyone on the site has an unread pm with no title with the date: 7pm 12-31-1969

I don't have any hacks installed, I should go ahead and note that. And I already tried repairing the tables from the admin table. I'm not sure how this happened, someone did try to hack us a couple weeks back, perhaps this was a product of that. But if anyone knows how I can fix it, or what I should look for to fix this, I would greatly appreciate it.

The reply I recieved at Vbulletin.com said: That is usually the result of orphaned PM records. Did you ever manually delete records from any of the PM tables? Unfortunately I don't have any easy way to cleanup orphaned PM records. A custom script is required.

Let me know your thoughts!

05-24-2008, 02:55 PM
If it`s a user who send the pm`s to all your members. Then you can search that member in your control panel

cp ---> user ---> search user -->

enter username and then "delete all private messages send by user".

Sorry if this is not the answer on your question.

05-24-2008, 03:41 PM
Do you have access to your database - like through phpMyAdmin? If so, you may want to go to your pmtext table and order the PMs by date. It looks like all the PMs you are talking about will be the earliest dated (1969? Did we even have forums back then?!?! :) ) See if the PMs are all from the same user id. If so, you can do as Medina suggested and remove all the PMs sent by the one user through your Admin CP.