View Full Version : PMs and replies in emails...

05-21-2008, 11:35 AM
I'm a member of a few forums and most of them (including this one) email me a notification when I get a PM and/or someone replies to a thread I've posted in. That's all good, all I have to do is set the notification type - no biggie.

Thing is, when I do get the email, I get a generic "someone has replied/you have a new PM" - how do I get the actual reply post and/or actual PM like I do here on vb.org?

Like I said above, the other forums do it the same way and I can't figure out how to do it on my forum... Is there a mod/setting?

Thanks in advance...

05-21-2008, 12:10 PM
What version of vBulletin are you running?

05-21-2008, 04:54 PM
3.8.6 - thanks in advance

05-21-2008, 05:04 PM
I think you mean 3.6.8 and that version should send you a copy of the message also. Perhaps you need to revert some phrases. Take a look at the phrase "pmreceived" and see if it has been modified. If so, revert (or modify to include " $plaintext_message".

05-21-2008, 05:37 PM
I think you mean 3.6.8 and that version should send you a copy of the message also. Perhaps you need to revert some phrases. Take a look at the phrase "pmreceived" and see if it has been modified. If so, revert (or modify to include " $plaintext_message".

Yes 3.6.8 - sorry about... Thanks! I fixed the PMs and the thread replies.