View Full Version : Multiplayer Chess Game Integration

03-12-2008, 04:55 AM
I found a multiplayer chess game that uses only PHP and MySQL. You can view a working copy here: http://www.majorleaguetalk.com/chess/

As you can see, it uses it's own database and user/user registration system. You can download the archive file which contains all the program files here: http://www.majorleaguetalk.com/uploads/Some_Chess_2.5b1.tar

The developers site is here: http://somechess.org/web/ and he gives permission to do whatever you want with the code.

This is the only multiplayer chess game I have seen that uses only php and mysql. It is only human vs. human and as such, there's no built in AI, but that's ok. All I want to offer is a chess forum for my users.

I would like to see this integrated into vBulletin, unfortunately, I am not a code. I would like the game to use the vBulletin user/registration system, but I would not want users to automatically become chess users. Many users will have no interest in playing chess. Perhaps a vBulletin chess user group that registered users would have to join to be able to play chess. The way the games registration works now, users juste enter their desired user name and password, and that's it. Other users can then set up any number of games with other chess users from a drop down list. Obviously, if every one of your registered users was automatically added to the chess users, this drop down list would contain a large number of user names that had no interest in playing the game, so that part would need a bit of streamlining.

Anybody wan't to give this a go?

03-12-2008, 06:24 AM
Heh, Somechess, I remember that. I started the integration a while ago, and stopped for some reason. It's half done.

03-12-2008, 05:01 PM
After posting this, I discovered a product called PHP Chess. Website: http://www.phpchess.com

The product costs $50, which I paid. Unfortunately the download link I paid for leads to a corrupted zip file. These kinda things annoy me.

It seems like a decent program, better than some chess. They have a free version for download and a version running on their site. I believe there's a PHPBB integration for it, but not for vBulletin.

I've decided to go with PHP Chess..... assuming I can ever get my hands on a zip file that works.

03-14-2008, 04:36 AM
Update: Got the PHPChess up and running here: http://www.majorleaguetalk.com/chess/

It would be nice if it could use the vBulleting registration/login system. There's a PHPBB integration that does this, but nothing for vBulletin. The PHPBB integration is covered here: http://phpchess.com/wiki/doku.php?id=phpbb_forum_integration

03-21-2008, 11:30 AM
Well, let me tell you something, i have integrated somechess, and it was working properly but my members didnt like it due to some reasons, some of them was that its not java or like flash "no interactivity"! you just wait for the refresh of the page, that sucks big time..

another thing its not supporiting usebility, the interface is just too complicated.

i wonder if there's any java live interactivity chess that supports multiplayer gaming and vbulletin integration << well atleast the 1st one... that would be awsome!. :)

04-19-2008, 05:18 PM
Any ideas for a good multiplayer Chess room?