View Full Version : MySQL Hotcopy - > S3 Backup Solution.

03-04-2008, 08:24 PM
I know that Masalaman's Hotcopy Thread (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=134821)is widely popular as well extremely popular. Lately I wanted to apply an off-site backup solution to my database backups. I've been using Amazon's Simple Storage Solution (S3). As crazy as it sounds it only costs me $1.50 a month to backup 2 sites and 2 databases. One site has 3+ million posts and the over is over 15,000 posts.

So back in December I devised a way to perform regular hotcopy backups, then combined the backed up files in an archive, then moved the archive off to S3. The process ends with a confirmation email.

However I ran into quite a few little hiccups. I perfected it and its been running for the past 4 months now. Its quite complex so I broke up the how-to into 3 separate blogs. I tried to note all the pitfalls and problems I had.

It's been awhile since I first wrote all this out so I may have a few typo's somewhere in the tutorial. I will be glad to edit/perfect it if someone has constructive criticism.

Click here for Part 1 of my tutorial (http://www.schwenn.us/?p=3)

03-05-2008, 04:16 AM
This looks like it could be a useful series. Thanks for sharing.

I myself run a script every night that backs up all the MySQL DBs on the server into one gigantic tar.gz and then rsync it across to some cheap shared hosting for offsite backup purposes. The boxes themselves are fairly fault tolerant too, so I have about 3 layeres of protection from losing my data.