02-24-2008, 08:12 PM
I have a system that pulls RSS feeds (new headlines) from multiple sources and stores them in the same database as vbulletin. I then have custom plugins that take those feed items and displays them on the site (can see at I then want to display a link next to RSS item to start a new thread and autopopulate the subject line with the headline title.
I duplicated the newthread.php and newthread template and modified the newthread.php to show the newthread template. I am passing a the id of the RSS item from the page that displays the rss headlines to the new newthread.php file via get. I am using a plugin at the global_start hook (will move to newthread_start later) to get the item ID and pull the title to display in the title field of the new thread. I am using this code:
$headlineid = $_GET['headlineid'];
$titlequery = $db->query_first("SELECT ItemTitle FROM feedItems WHERE itemID = 1234 LIMIT 1");
while ($hdln = $db->fetch_array($titlequery))
$msgtitle = $hdln['ItemTitle'];
I then use this code in the new newthread template:
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="subject" value="$msgtitle" size="40" maxlength="$vboptions[titlemaxchars]" tabindex="1" />
The problem is that the subject field won't populate using the $msgtitle variable.
I am at a loss here because if I hard code $msgtitle = "this works" then it will autopopulate the field with "this works".
Anyone have any ideas? please help!
If you go to and click any "talk about this" link you can see what I'm trying to do (look at the URL variable for the item id too)
I duplicated the newthread.php and newthread template and modified the newthread.php to show the newthread template. I am passing a the id of the RSS item from the page that displays the rss headlines to the new newthread.php file via get. I am using a plugin at the global_start hook (will move to newthread_start later) to get the item ID and pull the title to display in the title field of the new thread. I am using this code:
$headlineid = $_GET['headlineid'];
$titlequery = $db->query_first("SELECT ItemTitle FROM feedItems WHERE itemID = 1234 LIMIT 1");
while ($hdln = $db->fetch_array($titlequery))
$msgtitle = $hdln['ItemTitle'];
I then use this code in the new newthread template:
<input type="text" class="bginput" name="subject" value="$msgtitle" size="40" maxlength="$vboptions[titlemaxchars]" tabindex="1" />
The problem is that the subject field won't populate using the $msgtitle variable.
I am at a loss here because if I hard code $msgtitle = "this works" then it will autopopulate the field with "this works".
Anyone have any ideas? please help!
If you go to and click any "talk about this" link you can see what I'm trying to do (look at the URL variable for the item id too)