View Full Version : Having an issue with Google ads today - anyone use red Tyger?

01-31-2008, 01:14 PM
I tried to email both google and red tyger with no luck, so I thought I might get an answer here.

We had an older version of Red Tyger on our page for ad placement. Two nights ago, we upgraded to the newest version. Yesterday, our google impressions went from 140K a day average to 2000 impressions yesterday. Needless to say, the revenue was all screwed up for the day.

So we put everything back this morning the way it was, hoping that we'll bounce back from this.

Has anyone had any issues with Red Tyger and/or problems with moving google ads around and impact to revenues? I thought we were actually doing a good thing moving things around and giving the ads the right kind of play, so I don't know if the crawlers couldn't capture that the ads were on the page and if it's a software issue on my end with the newer version of Red Tyger, or if it was a movement issue and Google is just that sensitive to change.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

02-05-2008, 12:32 PM
Nothing wrong with Google ...
I'd say it had something to do with your ad system.

Your impressions dropped which tells me that ads were not displayed.

Always test as 'Guest' and 'Registered' when changing anything on your site.