View Full Version : Memberlist Sorting

01-06-2008, 01:33 AM
I have added a custom State field in my memberlist. What I was wondering, you can click Join Date in your memberlist to arrange it by most recent or otherwise.

How can I make it so if you click the State title in the memberlist it will arrange the states in order to ppl can have them sort in a/z order.

Hope someone knows what I mean.


--------------- Added 1199598270 at 1199598270 ---------------

So far I have

<if condition="$show['customfields']"><td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="$sorturl&amp;order=ASC&amp;sort=customfields&amp;pp=$perpage$u sergrouplink">State/Province</a> $sortarrow[customfields]</td></if>

Since it is a customfield..I based it off the username sorting..wont work though.