View Full Version : refreshing a div in a module VBA

12-23-2007, 12:54 AM
hey guys... hopefully someone can help me out...

I have a module that i made a while back that will show the players currently playing on our game servers.... every thing works great..

here is my question, how can i refresh the content of that module every 30 seconds?

<tr><td class="thead">
include 'ajax2.php';
print "<b>Players currently playing on our Servers</b><br/>";

<div id="players">
<? include'onours2.php';?>


It is this div i would like to refresh

<div id="players">
<? include'onours2.php';?>

so basicly reload onours2.php into that div every 30 seconds or so

any help would be great...


I tried using this script but it doesnt seem to work

<script type="text/javascript">
function refreshit(){
//window.frames["players"].location.href = 'onours2.php';<< did not work
ajaxpage('onours2.php','players'); << i wonder why that doesnt work (i use that function all the time and is included in ajax2.php)
//document.getElementById('players').innerHTML="<? include'onours2.php';?>"; << did not work
var myInterval = window.setInterval(refreshit,30000);
window.onload = refreshit;

--------------- Added 1198447821 at 1198447821 ---------------


Marco van Herwaarden
12-24-2007, 07:21 AM
If you have questions/problems with a modification, then please post in the thread (or support forum/board) about that modification. Best chance to receive a reply from either the author or another member using the same modification.

12-24-2007, 09:24 AM
this is a mod that I created. I was hoping an other programmer would read the post and maybe had an idea on how to make it work. Where would i post such a post?

Marco van Herwaarden
12-24-2007, 10:07 AM
If it is a vBA module, then the best place would be on the vBA support forums i guess.

12-25-2007, 01:40 AM
yes is is a vba module, i was just looking for vbulletin coders that might have been able to help me out.

too bad no one has a solution for me....

i got it to work though... i had to replace the DIV with a iframe and dynamicly load the content......

on timer .....
players.location.href ='onours2.php'

i would have like to use a div but this works...

http://asskickersinc.com look at >> Currently on our Servers in the center column

if anyboidy knows how to make it work with ajax into a DIV while in vbulletin and VBA then please let me know.