View Full Version : Avatars...?

12-12-2007, 07:08 PM
I'm creating a community site and I am incorporating Vbulletin into for the 'forum' section... I want to have vbulletin set up where everyone can have upload their own avatar (that no one else can use).

The only way I see how to do it now is for people to select avatar from groups created by the administrator. I know there is probably an easy way to do this so any help is greatly appreciated.

*I am turning off Vbulletin's default profile so when people click the member's name (or picture) of whoever posted, it will direct them to a 'custom profile'. Ultimately, I would like the picture associated with this 'custom profile' to be the same picture as used as the avatar on vbulletin.

I hope I am making sense... does anyone know how I can do this. Will this require a lot of custom programming?

An example of a forum (not vbulletin) that is set up close to how I want it can be seen here:

Thanks in advance for any help.