View Full Version : search_results_postbit

12-11-2007, 12:55 PM
I've been trying to customize the templates to my liking, to remove that "vBulletin" feel (sorry vB.. :)) so I've been trying to clean up the search results pages, among others.

I've been trying to hide certain parts of search_results_postbit depending on the search, but I'm not doing it right.

I want to hide the following code when you've searched for a particular user's posts. (It already shows at the top of the Search Results, why have it repeated inside every postbit??)
<div class="smallfont">
<if condition="$post[userid]"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]">$post[username]</a><else />$post[username]</if>

I believed I could just use a combination of the conditionals for $starteronly and $showposts, but it seems that the search_results_postbit template can't process those variables correctly. I've tried adding code from search.php into a plugin at the hook of the same name, but I'm still not getting it right.

What am I doing wrong?


Also, I can't seem to replicate this, but it seems like the code in search.php allows for "Posts by:" for multiple users... where can you actually use this? I've tried a semicolon and comma separated list in the Advanced Search but that doesn't work..

So if you can actually search for multiple users at once, I guess I'd also need to code to only hide it when you're searching for one user as well.

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Ugh. Well the ugly thing I did for now is to edit search.php to move everything between "if (do $show['results']){}" (paraphrasing there... too lazy to write it out correctly) to the very bottom of search.php so that it can make use of those variables I need.

If I can figure that out, why on earth can't I figure out how to do it with a plugin? :(