View Full Version : Checklist????

12-06-2007, 12:11 AM
Is it possible to have some kind of checklist for user to check if they done it or not? this hack will be really useful anyidea how to do it?

12-06-2007, 12:20 AM
Done it? Done what?:confused: Like filling in information, like options and profile fields or something? There's this, but you'll need to be a bit more descriptive if this isn't what you mean.:D


12-06-2007, 01:14 AM
For Ex. Personal Checklist and check box in front of each item...

Order Aidan's meds
Bookkeeping, pay bills,
give Clare clothing allowance
Allocate other expenses
Check next month's dates: Saints Days and app'ts
Special dinner: Eg Candlelight
Weigh and measure kids
Load 5 boxes of giveaways and take to Goodwill on next trip to town
Write article
Family council

12-06-2007, 08:34 AM
Now that's a much better description!:up:

There aren't checkboxes, as far as I know, but the Personal Notepad might suit your needs...


02-19-2008, 06:58 PM
I'm after something like this for myself.
Many users of my forums make a list like this

Task one
[ ] Do this task
[X] Do this task
[ ] Definetly need this task

etc etc...

I'd like more of a database driven one, ,maybe one integrated with bbcodes if that were possible. Maybe useable like this:

title=Task One
Do this task www.maybe-a-link-also.com (http://www.maybe-a-link-also.com)
Do this task
Definetly need this task

Each entry would be by default unticked/unmarked and once it has been created a user would maybe be able to use some kind of ajax code to doubleclick on it to mark it as completed.

is this possible using BBcodes? would need to parse each line between the tags and store the data, but the storing the data is the easy bit for me.. the bbcode stuff is all out of my league....

03-23-2008, 09:35 PM
Been thinking of this a lot lately, but need to know if it's actually possible to do this in a forum post?

If so, would anyone be able to give me some pointers on where to start? creating bb codes, maybe linking a bb code system to an external page which does all the work?

I've got my own custom sytem for creating quest steps which you can mark as complete but want a system like this where you can add a checklist to each step for sub-parts of each quest step..