View Full Version : Help with PHP includes

12-01-2007, 04:54 AM
Hi everyone,

for many months I have been trying to work out the best way to get rid of my framed site, and use other more SEO friendly methods for my site..

My members love the side navigation on the forums, we have always had that, however I am having incredible difficultly trying to find something that will mimic the action of the current frameset.

I have tried side bar modifcations suggested however the sidebar isnt fixed, things dont line up and arent working.

I want to mimic the current action of the frames.....so I have a nice neat side bar addition on all pages.

My site www.mlptp.net

I read somewhere that I can achieve this ( ie, mimic the frames actions) by using a HTML navigation and php includes...

Can anyone tell me what code I would need to put into which VBulletin template?.

hoping for some help, this has been months of trying to fix my site,.....

Many thanks in advance,