View Full Version : Emergency : my Big Board board has high load (30+), I need expert to help me

11-28-2007, 08:16 PM
I've Big Board , Url is : ( its in Arabic )
it was very fast but last 5 days we have high load .
and we cannt reach to the forum easly , very slow or error message .
I dont now what happend .

I am looking for an expert on big boards .
money isnt problem .

posts more than 2ooo,ooo
members more than 60 k
online between 1000 to 2500

servers specs:
dual Xeon 3ghz , dual core
4 gb RAM
Scsi HD

I need

11-29-2007, 06:17 AM
Install APC, then install a template cache, remove unnecessary plugins, make sure MySQL caching is enabled on your MySQL server, look into MySQL Master/Slave setups.. Seriously, there are a million things that can be done to optimize a forum..

Marco van Herwaarden
11-29-2007, 09:42 AM
Please don't post duplicate threads.

Closing this one.