View Full Version : Query to add user on VB 3.6.8 (SQL)

11-25-2007, 02:05 PM

I'm looking for a correct SQL query to add a user on the db of vbulletin.

I have these variables:

username, email, SAL, password (md5(md5(userpasswd).SAL))

I'm trying to bypass vbulletin registration using the one I use on my system.

Can someone help me?


11-25-2007, 04:00 PM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82836" target="_blank">Add new Users (automatically)</a>

For an exact SQL you'll probably have to look through the User Datamanger

11-25-2007, 04:26 PM
Add new Users (automatically) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82836)

For an exact SQL you'll probably have to look through the User Datamanger

What do you mean exactly?


11-25-2007, 08:39 PM
vbulletin uses datamanager classes for manipulating complex objects (such as users, threads, forums) in the database. They can be found in the includes directory, with names like class_dm_user.php.

If you look inside this file you will see how VB adds users, and even if you are bypassing the vb login page you could still use the vb system for user addition.

11-25-2007, 08:49 PM
vbulletin uses datamanager classes for manipulating complex objects (such as users, threads, forums) in the database. They can be found in the includes directory, with names like class_dm_user.php.

If you look inside this file you will see how VB adds users, and even if you are bypassing the vb login page you could still use the vb system for user addition.

I will take a look.

Right now I wrote a code that could solve the problem.

I will post, we can talk about it if you want.


--------------- Added 1196031048 at 1196031048 ---------------

I wrote this. I looked the database trying to add a testuser and seeing what appens inside...

What do you think about?


/* Here there is a code I wrote for test and to discuss with you*/

$usergroupid = 2;
$username = *USERNAME*;
$password = *PASSWORD* //md5(md5(inputpassword).*SALTCODE*)
$passworddate = YYYY-MM-DD; //of today
$email= *EMAIL*;
$usertitle = *"Junior Member"*;
$joindate = $lastvisit = $lastactivity = time();
$timezoneoffset = 1; //CET +1
$options = 159; // what is it??? I copyed it from my user regular registered by vb
$languageid = 2; //for me is Italian
$autosubscribe = 1; // I want it, -1 value to disable.
$salt = *SALTCODE*;

$location = *MYLOCATION*;

$tabprefix = "vb_";


$query_insert_user="INSERT INTO `".$tabprefix."user` (`userid`, `usergroupid`, `membergroupids`, `displaygroupid`, `username`, `password`, `passworddate`, `email`, `styleid`, `parentemail`, `homepage`, `icq`, `aim`, `yahoo`, `msn`, `skype`, `showvbcode`, `showbirthday`, `usertitle`, `customtitle`, `joindate`, `daysprune`, `lastvisit`, `lastactivity`, `lastpost`, `lastpostid`, `posts`, `reputation`, `reputationlevelid`, `timezoneoffset`, `pmpopup`, `avatarid`, `avatarrevision`, `profilepicrevision`, `sigpicrevision`, `options`, `birthday`, `birthday_search`, `maxposts`, `startofweek`, `ipaddress`, `referrerid`, `languageid`, `emailstamp`, `threadedmode`, `autosubscribe`, `pmtotal`, `pmunread`, `salt`, `ipoints`, `infractions`, `warnings`, `infractiongroupids`, `infractiongroupid`, `adminoptions`, `importuserid`) VALUES (NULL, '2', '', '0', '$username', '$password', '$passworddate', '$email', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1', '2', '$usertitle', '0', '$joindate', '0', '$lastvisit', '$lastactivity', '0', '0', '0', '10', '5', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '$option', '', '0000-00-00', '-1', '-1', '', '0', '$languageid', '0', '0', '$autosubscribe', '0', '0', '$salt', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0')";



$query_insert_user_field = "INSERT INTO `".$tabprefix."user_field` VALUES ('$lastid','NULL','$location','','')";


$query_insert_user_textfield = "INSERT INTO `".$tabprefix."user_textfield` VALUES('$lastid','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','','N ULL','NULL')";





--------------- Added 1196031963 at 1196031963 ---------------

Add new Users (automatically) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82836)

For an exact SQL you'll probably have to look through the User Datamanger

Sorry :eek: I had not seen the link you gave me!!!

Marco van Herwaarden
11-26-2007, 04:17 AM
Dont use queries to directly insert a user, use the DataManagers.

11-26-2007, 05:41 AM
Dont use queries to directly insert a user, use the DataManagers.

I saw the thread that explain how to use it but I think is for an old version respect 3.6.8 I'm using.

The constructor of the class take 3 parameters, I have 2 parameters.
Can someone tell me ho to exactly use it in my code?
