View Full Version : Has this question "STUMPED" the Vbulletin programmers here?

10-29-2007, 10:31 PM
My site has 2 sides: The main part of the site, and the Vbulletin forum.

My main site has its own registration & p/word recovery script, and Vbulletin has it's own. I would like to make VBulletin's registration & p/word recovery script the default script for this function on both sides of my site. Right now p/word recovery doesn't work on the main side.

Before installing VBulletin, my forum was with PHPBB. That software allowed for the registrations & p/word recovery to work across both platforms w/no problems. Since I removed PHPBB, I have no p/word recovery on the main side, b/c the main side was pulling it's info. for this function from PHPBB. Now, how do I do this in VBulletin?? The name of the site is: www.robeprobe.com

please help...:confused:

Paul M
10-29-2007, 10:34 PM
Just link to


On your forum >> http://www.robeprobe.com/vb/login.php?do=lostpw

10-30-2007, 08:34 PM
Just link to


On your forum >> http://www.robeprobe.com/vb/login.php?do=lostpw

Paul M:
Thank you for the quick response. But there remains a question: Does this take care of lost p/words from the main part/side of the site too? And what about the username? Will this take care of the user name that is registered via the main side of the site's registration script also being valid as a username in the fourm's side? Does this take care of BOTH problems or just the lost p/word problem?

Any help would be extreeeeeeeemely appreciated...:confused:

11-03-2007, 03:30 AM
Does you main site pull the data from vBulletin's database? Or do you have two separate databases?

11-06-2007, 04:24 PM
Does you main site pull the data from vBulletin's database? Or do you have two separate databases?

It appears to me that there are 2 separate databases. When the board was using PHPBB software, the usernames that appeared in the database for the main site also appeared as users in PHPBB's database of users, and vice versa. Also, if i lost my password from my main site and i clicked on "forgot your password?" on the main site's pages, the link would take me to PHPBB's password recovery form. Once that form was completed, the new password would be emailed to me by PHPbb and that new password could be used with the old username and it would work for both the main site & for phpbb. If I wanted to personalize/customize the p/word, I would do so in PHPBB's form, and, again, the newly reset p/word was valid for both sides of the site.

I just want to have the same arrangement here w/VBulletin. But, judging from the lack of response I've received to this question, it may appear that this is more difficult (if not impossible) to do than I first thought. Aren't PHPbb and Vbulletin using the same types of scripts based in PHP? So, wouldn't things work the same in Vbulletin as in PHPBB?

PLEASE HELP! At this point, the only other solution would be to return to using PHPBB--which I understand is now using the selection of an image prior to registering as a way to stop spam. This is the same thing that works in VBulletin. I abandoned PHPbb b/c of the spam problems, but now it appears they may have fixed spam with the same solution used in Vbulletin.:confused:

11-06-2007, 05:01 PM
You need to recode some parts of your main site in order to work with vBulletin. According to your response I take it that your main site just utilized the same code as phpBB uses to check login authentication e.t.c.

You can obviously achieve the same with vBulletin but it will take some work converting your scripts over. Check out the Articles section here for information (especially How to create your own vBulletin-powered page! (uses vB templates) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=62164)) although unless your fluent in PHP you may want to consider hiring someone to do this work for you.

11-09-2007, 03:58 PM
Tanx. I took a look at the articles section. It looks like this may be what i'm looking for. Very good.