View Full Version : Getting weird database error in vBulletin 3.6.7 - Error Number 130

10-21-2007, 10:23 PM
:mad:I have been getting this weird error for the past 2-3 days now and I cannot figure out what is causing it. My website crashed a couple of days ago and I called my web host and they got it back up and running and everything seemed fine and then I started getting these automatic E-mails roughly around the same time every hour. The E-mail is as follows:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.7:

Invalid SQL:

INSERT INTO aaggregate_temp_1193004600
SELECT attachmentid, COUNT(*) AS views
FROM attachmentviews
GROUP BY attachmentid;

MySQL Error : Incorrect file format 'attachmentviews'
Error Number : 130
Date : Sunday, October 21st 2007 @ 04:10:17 PM
Script : http://www.oneofakindscrapz.com/messageboard/cron.php?&rand=25213
Referrer : http://www.oneofakindscrapz.com/messageboard/showthread.php?t=2885
IP Address : **.**.***.***
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database

I have recieved over 80 of these E-mails in the past 2-3 days and I have been going over everything I cannot figure this one out. I just noticed today as well that everytime that I get this E-mail it creates a new table inside the vBulletin Database, which I found to be vey odd...

Is there anyone else how has run into this issue? Is there anyone who might know of a possible fix to this?

With the "INSERT INTO aaggregate_temp_1193004600" section the numbers (i.e. 1245587564) are always different and the script section always ends with /cron.php?&rand= but the numbers are random as well...

:confused:Thanks for any help that can be provided on this issue!:confused:

Paul M
10-21-2007, 10:42 PM
It looks like your attachmentviews table is broken, so the hourly cron job is failing. You will probably need to either restore it from a backup, or drop it and recreate it. You may need help from your host.

Marco van Herwaarden
10-22-2007, 05:31 AM
Please first try to repair the table:

To fix this run Repair/Optimize in the Admin CP. You may need to run it more than once to fix all errors:

Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Repair/Optimize Tables -> Check All -> Continue

If you can not access your AdminCP, then you can upload the tools.php file from the vbulletin .zip file do_not_upload/ folder into your forumdir/admincp/ directory and run it through the browser, there's a switch there to run optimize and repair. Run it a few times for best result.

If you cannot access either the Admin CP or tools.php you can also use a tool like phpMyAdmin to repair tables.