View Full Version : SEO paid program.......

10-21-2007, 02:48 AM
I am so sorry if this is the wrong forum.....

But our vbulletin has been up for over three months now (we've added hacks, and so on) the whole time, but have darn near NO new members, and are such a small board! We are at the brink of boring our few (20+ or less) members of burning out, and don't know what else to do to attract more members. BTW, we are a non for profet forum, and not selling anything......... We are at the point of NEEDING new members (besides spammers) before we run out of funding, and are forced to close our VB forum!

To make a long story short, I recall finding an SEO program that required a one time fee when we started the forum 3 months ago. I didn't think I needed it at the time, for I thought it would only take a month or so to attract new members. But at this point, I REALLY WANT this program and am willing to pay for it to benefit my forum before I am forced to give it up.......... this forum is my "baby" so to speak.

I did searches for this, with many word combinations but have not found it. If ANYONE out there can help me out, I would SO APPRECIATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Just in case I should be posting this at vbulletin.com, I will do that there too, but I seem to recall seeing it here.

Thank you!

10-21-2007, 03:26 AM
<a href="http://www.vbseo.com/" target="_blank">http://www.vbseo.com/</a>

Marco van Herwaarden
10-21-2007, 04:23 AM
I would not expect miracles and loads of new members by just installing any tool (or SEO solution).

10-21-2007, 11:45 AM
I would not expect miracles and loads of new members by just installing any tool (or SEO solution).

I'm not expecting miracles or loads of new members by installing a tool! But right now we have NOTHING to help our site be listed out there. It's been over 3 months, and people cannot find us. At this point, it's either TRY HARDER to get our site out there in the search engines to be found easier to generate more (not ALL) traffic, or else we shut down due to the boredom of the members that we DO have that came because they KNOW us! Why would I want to shut down a support site, or watch it decline right before my eyes BEFORE the vbulletine liscense is even up, without trying to generate more members!

Look people, I don't have unrealistic expectations, but what I do expect is a little help to the few threads/posts I have posted here. We are all vbulletin owners on this site, and I know that someone can give me a little input.:erm::confused:

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Thank you. I will be checking into this........ I believe this is exactly what I was talking about.:)

10-21-2007, 04:44 PM
Forums without vbSEO perform just as well in SEO aspects as those with.

10-29-2007, 07:37 PM
I know mine does. :D

Reeve of shinra
10-29-2007, 07:44 PM
Have you tried advertising your site through other means than search engine rankings?

Dean C
10-29-2007, 07:46 PM
Buying vBSEO or any other SEO product (including my own) will not single-handedly increase sign-ups on your forum. It's all about content. Create content that people want/need and you will naturally increase in the search engine rankings as more and more people link to your content and sign up.

11-03-2007, 02:46 AM
Work more on spreading the word and content.

11-04-2007, 10:30 AM
<a href="http://dmoz.org" target="_blank">http://dmoz.org</a> ... go it the category your site have tobe listed, and check on top of the page, "Submit URL"... or something like that (depend on language)...

Submit your URL to search engines, or nobody will never find us, even if you invest 1M$ on it...

dmoz is the source of reccurent search for google, yahoo, altavista and others.

11-04-2007, 02:11 PM
I've heard great success stories about sites that have really benefited from vbseo. I was one of them that didn't really benefit so much. Parenting sites have a lot of competition, so it can be very hard to get started. You have a lot of big competition such as ivillage, babycenter, babyzone, pregnancy weekly, mothering.com, etc then you also have a TON of smaller boards popping up by the hundreds each day. So, it will be hard to break into, BUT I think if you stick with it and just continue with keeping conversation active, making the boards seem busy, making sure there are content rich articles/posts, your site will eventually grow.

11-22-2007, 07:52 PM
Well .. what i think ... its better to take out some time and work on forums ... make some users ... and make post ... just make the forum look busy ... have links and links in the forums .... once u will have about 10k post ... then go for vbseo or u will find many other like http://zoints.com/ which is free !!

11-22-2007, 09:43 PM
... or u will find many other like http://zoints.com/ which is free !!Free? Yes. Supported? No.

11-25-2007, 06:01 AM
where do i start

Your skin, get a new one... or fix it up.
a christmas skin isnt going to go well all year round, mainly in the december time.

on your vbadvanced home page, you have ALOT links in the left hand collumn.
Remove All of them and put key category ones there.
i think you have all your forums linked on it.

Remove some of your forums that are irrellevant to your topic.
e.g. What About the Pets! All About Food .
Your aim is a little to broad, are you a baby site or just a place for parents?
its hard to tell.

Dean C
11-25-2007, 12:09 PM
This isn't a review forum 0tolerance.