View Full Version : Should these be bitfield UGP or a setting elsewhere?

10-16-2007, 04:57 PM
Am adding custom UGP for my product however the following are not actually permissions, but rather settings (limitations) which differ per usergroup. Should I not put them in the xml for my custom permissions? If so where would I add these for use as a settings which differs per usergroup? <bitfield intperm="true" name="impressionsjoin" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_impressionsjoin" install="">100</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="impressionsthreadview" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_impressionsthreadview" install="">1</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="impressionsnewreply" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_impressionsnewreply" install="">10</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="impressionsnewthread" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_impressionsnewthread" install="">25</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="minwidth" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_minwidth" install="">468</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="maxwidth" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_maxwidth" install="">792</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="minheight" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_minheight" install="">60</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="maxheight" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_maxheight" install="">90</bitfield>
<bitfield intperm="true" name="maxfilesize" group="banner_sys_perm" phrase="banner_maxfilesize" install="">20480</bitfield>

Paul M
10-16-2007, 05:47 PM
If they are usergroup settings then you can add them as above. I think the final value should be '1' - although I'm not sure what that value is used for.

10-17-2007, 08:53 AM
yes they are usergroup settings, but they're integer values as they are used for allowable file sizes and image dimensions.

Paul M
10-17-2007, 10:25 AM
Yes, I know what they are, hence my answer :)