View Full Version : Problem with UGP

10-03-2007, 04:19 PM
I recently switched from using vb options to ugp for several of my product's settings in order have more custom set of permissions per usergroup, however have run into a problem with several of my plugins. I have several plugins that set certain mysql fields based of certain fields within the usergroup mysql table. I use to use vb options ($vbulletin->options['banner_impressions_newthread']) to add pre-defined amount of impressions to members when registering, posting, etc. But now that I have moved to ugp I can't seem to find the set variable that will contain the value of impressions that need to be awarded for that usergroup. The plugins I use are as follows:
newpost_complete (award poster impressions defined in ugp)
register_addmember_complete/useradmin_update_save (set pre-defined number impressions for new user registrations)
showthread_query (award thread starter impressions defined in ugp)
global_start (sql to select random banner based off recent activity settings in ugp)
All these plugins previously used vboptions before and I can't find a set variable for ugp. Please help

10-03-2007, 06:03 PM
Go to vBulletin.com and Submit and Ticket, a Support Agent Will Help.

10-03-2007, 06:06 PM
Go to vBulletin.com and Submit and Ticket, a Support Agent Will Help.I don't think they help you with modifications...thats why we have vb.org ;)

10-04-2007, 09:52 AM
I don't think they help you with modifications...thats why we have vb.org ;)
I was starting to think someone switched the sites on me.... lol

Yea, I'm asking for help on a product, not vbulletin.

10-14-2007, 02:49 PM
Does nobody have any input on this? It's a custom Product that I am writing myself.

10-14-2007, 05:33 PM
Having looked at your post. it's like a wall of text. basically you're saying you want to store integers in the usergroup table correct?

I don't get how it's a usergroup permission however, sounds like a bad design idea to me. actually sounds like you should just be storing most of the above in the user table.

10-15-2007, 03:40 PM
Negative, trying to change the global permissions ($vbulletin->options) for my product into usergroup permissions so I can have permissions set differently per usergroup. I have done this but need to call the permissions to set conditions for the product.

10-15-2007, 04:44 PM
then in that case. see the article posted.

it's basically $vbulletin->ugg['hack_permssions'] & $vbulletin->ugp['hack_permissions']['hack_permission']

i say basically though. i can't be of more help as all my vB coder stuff is on the pc and i'm on a laptop right now.

10-16-2007, 04:42 PM
roger, so will the permissions be available on all the plugins i listed in my first post?