View Full Version : Linking from a vBulletin post to a Web Page with security

09-25-2007, 04:52 AM
I want to provide a link from a vBulletin post to a page on an external website (eg http://www.abc.com/secure) that can only be accessed if it is being accessed from vBulletin.

In other words, if anyone types http://www.abe.com/secure in the address bar they will NOT be able to access that webpage.

Can anyone provide any suggestions on how to easily do this?

What sort of HTML/JavaScript coding would be required in the thread?


09-25-2007, 05:21 AM
This would more be doing with the coding of the "secure" page, and not vBulletin. You'll need to check the referrer on the "secure" page. Although nothing is foolproof.

09-26-2007, 03:34 AM
How do I pass the referrer to the 'secure' page?

I am wanting to POST a parameter from the thread (in HTML/JavaScript code) and then check for the parameter in the Target HTML web page and not allow display of the web page if the posted parameter is NOT ok.



Would this be possible?

Dean C
09-26-2007, 05:30 AM
Well for starters don't ever use the referrer header for anything important. It can be easily spoofed and turned off. The best way of doing it is to integrate your forum login into the third-party script