View Full Version : IonCube problem Need bit help

09-18-2007, 03:25 PM
i tried to install a hack which requires ionCube but i dont have ionCube installed on my server as yet but the bad thing is i cant get into the admin login page or the actual board.
Is there anyway i can remove the plugin in question even though i dont have admin access.
I have removed the files from the ftp but it just throws up a global error etc.

so no one knows how i can get back into my board??

I dont have access to root to install ionCube and wish i never purchased the hack now.

All i want is the ability to get back in admincp and remove this hack so i can reopen my board.

Paul M
09-18-2007, 06:01 PM
Add this to your config.php ;

// Disable Hooks

You should then be able to login and remove the product.

Remove the above again afterwards.

09-19-2007, 02:57 AM
that is excellant and helped me a lot paul - cheers m8

One final note - does ionCube add a lot of strain on your server as looks like host has added it but since then

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09-19-2007, 04:46 AM
ionCube won't do anything unless a script requires it to. And it certainly won't add any queries.

Paul M
09-19-2007, 07:08 AM
One final note - does ionCube add a lot of strain on your server as looks like host has added it but since then

Nope, we run the ioncube version of vbseo without any load issues.