View Full Version : [HELP!] Adding an option to ModCP that's in AdminCP?

09-17-2007, 05:10 AM
Hello all,

I have the vB.Sponsors product installed on my system, but I would like to allow the Sponsors that mod their specific sponsor section the ability to monitor their clickthroughs.

The vB.Sponsors Product

There is a View Statistics option in my AdminCP that I would like to allow them the ability to view. I tried posting within the support thread, but the plugin looks like it's unsupported now, and the host site is completly down.

Here's the screenshot of the statistics.

The basic question is:

I would like to know how to add an option that is already in AdminCP to the ModCP so they can view their statistics.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

-Mike K.

09-17-2007, 07:54 AM
Open the file, find
if (!can_administer...)

Change it as

if (!can_moder)

After that you can copy the file into modcp and add a link in modcop/index.php.

How you can add link?

construct_nav_option('linkname', 'link');

Good luck.

09-17-2007, 08:34 AM
AWESOME...thank you so much. I'll go try this out now!

Alright...I got it...it works! But I didn't realize that I've got to figure out someway to let regular mods do it. Hmm. I don't want to have to make them Supermods. Thanks for the help though! :D


Woot! I figured it out...I was able to get it to show up just for the Mods...thanks so much for your help! The night was long until you came along! Thanks!