View Full Version : Pulling info from one template to another

09-14-2007, 09:45 PM
I recently designed my memberlist layout with the help of numerous threads, and am pretty happy with the end result. Now what i want to do is make my WOL page to look exactly the same.

Now my understanding of it all is that memberlist template pulls info from the Users Registered
and WOL page pulls info from Users online

Now my question is. Can't i take what information that is being pulled (WOL) and place in it in the memberlist template? so the end result would be users online being displayed in my memberlist layout.

If not, can someone be kind enough to explain how i could achieve my goal.

09-15-2007, 04:17 AM
You'd have to copy a chunk of PHP from the end of index.php and place it into a hook.

09-15-2007, 05:51 AM
would someone be kind enough to tell me what chunk of index.php i need to copy. I looked the file over and saw instances in the middle and near the ending of the file (well instances of where i thought the pull of information of users online).

09-15-2007, 11:12 AM
Last time I looked, it was the code at the end of index.php. Also, look at the comments, as most vBulletin files are heavily commented.