View Full Version : How did you get your members?

08-05-2007, 07:43 PM
I thought this may be an interesting topic. How did you market your forums and receive members. I always see posts like this:

"I just started 2 months ago and have 3000 members now" or "I started about a month ago and I'm making $100 a day in adsense" - I'm asking people like these, how did you get so many members so quick? What type of advertising did you do?

I'm also not talking about just online advertising, but what types of offline advertisement did you do. Was it newspaper ads or fliers or anything like that?

If you don't want to post it for everyone to see or it's some type of secret, PM me instead and I promise I'll hold on to it :D... seriously.

I've been broke for 5 years, spent about 100 hours a week every week for the last 4 years working on my sites and earned about $1000 in all that time, only going on hoping that at some point I'll come across a strategy or good way of finally getting it right. That SEO stuff is getting old and I'm practically an expert at it now, there has to be some other way that separates the millionaires and successful sites and forums from the 99% of webmasters and forum owners that make nothing and rely on SEO. I'm asking this in the big board since this is where most of the successful built forums are.


08-07-2007, 03:17 PM
Wickland I hear ya my friend, operating a forum can be time consuming and tedius. BUT if U take your time and understand that U must cater 2 the members and give them what THEY want. With that in mind U will grow faster than just putting something out there that U want...

Im sure there are many that can tell U several other great ways 2 enhance and grow your forums, BUT still the key is U must have something that folks want and need...>>>

Wisdom grasshopper...

08-08-2007, 09:46 AM
What are your forum(s)?.. :)

08-11-2007, 05:07 PM
I posted thousands of posts in over 200 forums related to my niches. I promoted with a sig. Little by little some were interested and visited. Some stayed. I kept them with articles they shouldn't find elsewhere (unless someone is stealing my content) and many interesting topics. It's a killer to start new topics daily, but we need to do this. I also promoted a bit in adwords and directories and made some link exchanges too

08-11-2007, 07:45 PM
We were the original forum for Kazaa Lite (alternative to kazaa [p2p program], with no spyware) back when it was in progress.
The home page linked to us.

We had incompetent admins who changed the name and let the url expire and the forum nearly died but now gets it's traffic by being the top result for bittorrent invite trading and one of the top results for nzb files (for newsgroups).

Brandon Sheley
08-11-2007, 08:01 PM
Posting on other forums and search engines. about 40 / 60%.
A little over half my traffic is from search engines ( google )

08-13-2007, 05:24 PM
My website has been up for nearly a year now. I have received 0 traffic from google. The only traffic I get is word of mouth. Either word of my mouth, or word of people on my site already. Its really hard for me to generate traffic. :(

08-15-2007, 12:19 PM
Moderators/Adwords were my way of going. I got 10 good moderators with knowledge of the field and let them do the recruiting when I worried about the site. Then I added adwords program to strengthen the amount of people coming in daily.

Invalid ID
08-19-2007, 04:34 AM
It took me 2 and a half years to get 1100 members. I had to tell my friends, and they told theres.

08-19-2007, 04:43 AM
It took me 2 and a half years to get 1100 members. I had to tell my friends, and they told theres.

Hard work :eek:
Whats your content?

08-19-2007, 07:13 AM
My first forums I ever owned turned 2 years the other week, I now have 100 000 members and over half a million posts. I had advertised my site on a couple of sites that I was active on, people who knew me on those sites wanted to help me get started, so they put my site as their nick name on msn, I then had a few hundred in the first few weeks from that and word of mouth. It got things started, then google took over after that through careful seo and content.
Good luck!

08-19-2007, 09:28 AM
IT took us 6 years to get to one million posts (nothing much to boast about) however since June 07 till today, I have received a further 119,000 posts :)

Devil Woman
08-19-2007, 08:29 PM
I started my forum in February 2007 and I have now managed to reach 11,000 posts and just over 200 members and a PR 2 on google in that time, it can be time consuming and can take alot of time to get a forum up and running, basically what I did was spread the word around to friends, family and using my MSN name, I also went on alot of Link Directories and submitted my site to those 2 that I can recommend are

Linkalizer (http://www.linkalizer.com)
Link 2 Me (http://www.link2me.com)

I also spent quite a bit of time on forums similar to my own posting on them each day with my link to my forum in my signature.

Also submitting your site to search engines like Google, Ask, Yahoo can be a good help aswell.

08-19-2007, 08:35 PM
1,708 Members in 5 Months

Sponsored ads on Yahoo and Google , Link Swaps , Contests and Give Aways Ect.....

08-26-2007, 08:10 AM
I have been using Chat-Bots in the Battle.Net for Warcraft 3 Players. I got quite many and then I had the "Limited Guest Viewing". My board exploded, first I was using SMF, I got 15 000 Users in 2 Months. As I knew I could not keep using the Chat-Bots I started learnong about Search-Engine-Optimization. I added my website to linkdirectories (www.submiturl123.com) and kept reading and doing. I get about 64 % of all my visitors through Google now. Members are not forced to register anymore that's why I do not get that many members daily anymore. Members usually only register now when they have questions and want to share there Hacks or Cheats, as my Website is about Cheating and Hacking Blizzard Games (World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2), or simply to disable Advertisments as they are not shown once you are registered.

My board started in February, should be the 16th February and now has 26,973 Members. I get about 10 $ per day with Google-ADsense. 2 Euro a day for my Layer-Advertisments. The "big-money" is not in those Advertising programs but in real-partners who directly pay you. My suggestion to you, try to get into touch with Search-Engine Optimization. I outplayed several other boards similar to my as I kept doing SEO.

11-09-2007, 10:01 PM
Thanks for your ideas!