View Full Version : Need tips from big boards for small board

07-24-2007, 05:51 PM
Basically i own a Gaming forum, brand new, 2 weeks old, so just wondering if you have any tips and advice on getting members, even ideas.


We are thinking of opening up a tournament soon, but still need advice and tips please!

Ted S
07-24-2007, 07:09 PM
Getting members is a function of getting your name out there. This is generally done through marketing yourself heavily in your initial phase and then leveraging your users as you grow. Word of mouth is an amazingly powerful method of marketing and something you should focus your efforts around once you have enough members for this to "make sense". Prior to that phase, a lot of your time is going to be spent on building your base. Turning a new site into a successful site in a niche as crowded and competitive as gaming is going to be very, very difficult and will require something truly unique from your own mind.