View Full Version : graphic navbar / javascript bumps graphic out of synch

07-13-2007, 03:20 AM
They say a picture speaks a thousand words...

http://antimisandry.com/uploads/thumbs/bwy1184299857i.jpg (http://antimisandry.com/uploads/viewer.php?id=bwy1184299857i.jpg)

So, my issue is that I've got the navbar working 100% with graphics and I'm really impressed with it all, but for one minor detail.
As the image above shows, the N/A menu (will become tools once it's working) gets yanked up a tad by the down-arrow, thus creating a gap between the breadcrumb navigation above it, and the 'real' navbar below it.
I realise the issue seems to be with the code:

<td id="usercptools">
However, if I remove that - the menu becomes unusable and thus is akin to cutting my nose off to spite my face.

Does anyone have any ideas which I may be able to apply in this case, as I'm not overly experienced as a programmer (I just tinker) but would love to be able to make use of an image which when clicks draws the tools menu, as with the text link below it.

Thanks in advance :)
