07-05-2007, 07:21 PM
So, if the page you're viewing is the current link, I want to put a pink background behind it. I thought this was a:active ? But it only is activated when I "click" on a link. I want it so that after I click on a link, and am on that page, the link has that pink background. Does anyone know the proper way to do this?
The only way I can really think of doing this, is creating some sort of conditional statement to check if the current page is whatever, then applying that css. Is this possible with vbulletin? Is there some sort of smarty code I can use for this? Thanks.
edit again: Yea, I found that if conditional stuff, but how would you find out what page you are on? Is there some variable that implies a current page, or for e.g specify the forum's homepage, or vbadvanced page?
The only way I can really think of doing this, is creating some sort of conditional statement to check if the current page is whatever, then applying that css. Is this possible with vbulletin? Is there some sort of smarty code I can use for this? Thanks.
edit again: Yea, I found that if conditional stuff, but how would you find out what page you are on? Is there some variable that implies a current page, or for e.g specify the forum's homepage, or vbadvanced page?