View Full Version : Infraction threads posted-by username the name of inracted user?

07-02-2007, 08:59 AM
Hi all,

I am trying to modify vBulletin (without a great deal of success) so that I can have the threads generated by infractions and warnings posted under the name of the user who received the infraction.

This will allow us to operate a 'forum helpdesk', where users can only see their own threads, and any moderator of ours can respond to queries in the help desk (they can see all threads), including follow up infractions and warnings.

Any pointers?

Still no luck in finding there the thread is generated - one would guess it would be in the infractions.php file or functions_infraction.php file, but I cannot see it there.

07-03-2007, 11:48 AM
Ok, with the help of someone I have sourced where this thread is created (in class_dm_infraction.php, around line 173). However, I cannot see what property to change to change the thread/first post creator.