View Full Version : home page tips please

07-02-2007, 02:32 AM
i have a front page i would like to ad on my site and wondering if someone can give out a few tips on how to go about making images appear.

eg: i put images onto my front page and then up-loaded the images to my forum root images file but still the images dont appear.

so im guessing i have to make a folder somewhere and upload there,

well i am wondering how do i go about this,

like the name of the folder, where do i make to folder and then making the image appear after uploading them.

a few tips would be great thanks.

07-02-2007, 03:21 AM
<img src="images/yourimage.gif" border="0" alt="Whatever you want it to say when people hover over">

Then just upload yourimage.gif to a folder titled "images" in your site's MAIN directory (public_html, www, etc. are examples of this)

Hope that helps.

07-02-2007, 05:12 AM
thanks heaps man, i will give this a go sounds good cheers :)