View Full Version : Trying to move my vb website

06-24-2007, 11:32 PM
doesnt work for some reason.
i have moved others that arent vb and they work ok.

i basically d/l the public_html folder from the old server, upload it to the new. go to cpanel on old server, d/l a mysql database backup and upload it to the new server and i just get database errors.
can anyone help me with this?

06-24-2007, 11:35 PM
doesnt work for some reason.
i have moved others that arent vb and they work ok.

i basically d/l the public_html folder from the old server, upload it to the new. go to cpanel on old server, d/l a mysql database backup and upload it to the new server and i just get database errors.
can anyone help me with this?

what type of sql error you getting???

06-25-2007, 12:57 AM
i cant connect to the database. the only thing i can think is that i dont know the password of the current database user so it may be different. that would be the only thing thats different maybe between the 2. also the database 7.5 mb and i have a hard time loading it on the server thru ie or FF.

06-26-2007, 04:15 AM
ill update this just incase anyone else ever has the same problem.

i didnt have the mysql username password set correctly so i just went into the includes/config.php file and got the old password and it works fine now.