View Full Version : replace ip address from database

06-22-2007, 03:57 AM
hmm i want replace all post ip address 1user id from database.
anyone can help?
i need suggestion.thx

06-24-2007, 01:05 AM
Go to the posts table, and click SQL, then put:

UPDATE posts SET ip="new ip" WHERE username / id = "username / id"

I dont have the db infront of me.. so im not sure how that works. You need to edit it, like if the table it actually posts, and what it uses to store the user, and such.

06-26-2007, 12:10 PM
i dont understand friend...can u tell me ?

go to database > database_post > check ip address and browse? or what?
hmm i can replace ip for 1post user...but i cant replace all post ip for 1user.
because is must long time for replace all post.can u tell me now how can replace all post ip for 1user?