View Full Version : Using another method/script to add users

06-21-2007, 06:26 AM
I have searched this forum up and down and not found anything with up to date info on what I need so I thought I would ask.

I am tieing this entire system into my products/company within Second Life (an online world that has its own scripting language which can call out to web servers) and I need a way that a user can use an in world object to sign up for an account without visiting the web page.

To say simply of what I need here to get the ball rolling is, I need to create a php script that I can pass two pieces of data to:
* email address
* user name requested

If this username is available I need to find out what I need to insert into the users table to make it a valid login. It would use their supplied email and let them fill in the rest (unless other info is needed on first creation) after they logged in.

I would be perfectly happy with a generic query that adds a user to the database if anyone had that and I could fill in the rest. What was needed, what is good default values etc.

I have just tried to explain as much as possible here so anyone reading could gather somewhat of what I needed. I hope this makes some sense as its 3am and I am about to go to sleep.

Thank you in advance!