View Full Version : Ordered listing of top people who posted threads.

06-17-2007, 01:15 PM
I want to display list of top thread starters on a custom page.

results in phpmyadmin would look like:

postusername | thread count

Im confused about..

1) What would be the SQL query in PHPmyadmin for displaying list of top posters,thread count ?

2) Can i have the result of above query on a custom page like myforum.com/misc.php?do=XYZ .
I have read this tutorial here. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=124749) and then how do i pass the $username variable to a non-vb page which is an iframe in a custom template. ?

I know there might be many mods available that can do this, but i would like to do this myself, so even i can learn abit about creating vb mods n stuff and also i can customize it according to my need.