View Full Version : Upgrading VB - Plz help.

06-09-2007, 04:57 AM
Hey guys, i just upgraded my VB to 3.6.7, i dont know how it happened, but during this process, it upgraded fine, but i lost every single thread, post, and even the forums are gone, it looks like a brand new install of VB except all the members are there and everything, only the forums have been lost totally, now i did make a full back up of the site before the upgrade, can someone tell me what i need to do (i think i need to upload something from phpmyadmin, maybe certain tables?). Any help would be great, I will gladly pay someone with PayPal to help me recover my lost forums.

you can see what im talking about by looking @ the forums,

Thanks in advance, MERLiN.

06-09-2007, 12:37 PM
I wouldn't upload just certain tables, as some table structure may have changed between versions. I would completely restore your olve version of vbulletin, then re-upload all the vbulletin files for the older version and make sure they are working as they did on the previous vewrsion. Then, try the upgrade again.