View Full Version : Will Updates Trash My Mods

06-03-2007, 03:06 PM
While I've done my share of php destruction, I'm in the ?just-pushing-buttons? stages of tinkering with the vBulletin code.

I've written an external script which uses vBulletin for member management and communication. I just added the feedback score from that script to the postbit in vBulletin. So instead of displaying ?Username?, it now displays ?Username (14)?.

I did it like this:

<div id="postmenu_$post[postid]">
<if condition="$show['profile']">
<a class="bigusername" href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]">$post[musername]</a>

(<a class="bigusername" href="http://www.domain.com/$post[musername]/feedback/">$post[fdbk_score]</a>)$post[onlinestatus]

<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_$post[postid]", true); </script>
<else />

I've got the feeling that this falls under the "hack" category and if I update will be lost forever. So, what do I need to do to make sure I don't have redo this little mod after I upgrade again?

Brandon Drury

06-03-2007, 03:13 PM
this is a vbulletin question should off been in the forum above since its directed towards vb scripting not general scripting

06-04-2007, 12:13 PM
It depends if the update requires changes to that template.