View Full Version : <span style> vs <s> Which Is Better?

03-20-2007, 03:36 AM
I am using Chris M's striek through closed thread hack and was wondering what makes <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
more valid then using

03-20-2007, 03:39 AM
I believe (and I'm just guessing on this one)
<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">
is XHTML compliant :)

But other than that, I dunno. I've never seen
used in anything that I know of

03-20-2007, 04:06 AM
<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp" target="_blank">http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp</a>
Well I think your kind of right. It is XHTML compliant but only under Transitional, and Frameset standards and not strict standards. Sorry didnt see this before, but thanks for the fast reply!

03-20-2007, 08:55 AM
There's nothing wrong with using font formatting tags, just use them in the correct places.

03-20-2007, 09:16 AM
Of course it's alright to use font formatting tags, it's just that some are depricated. '<b>' and '<i>' can be used for XHTML compatibility. '<s>' is depricated and should not be used.

03-20-2007, 09:32 AM
Yeah reason I ask is on longer thread titles the span tags are parsed when you ajax edit a thread title and <s> would consume less characters in the thread title.