View Full Version : Hack Has Me Stuck In Debug Mode+More

03-07-2007, 08:33 PM
On top of the debug issue, if i change my forum display order, it does not save the changes. I tried to change a sub forum to make it a forum of a category instead, but it does not save.

I can not even disable the plug in system unless i do it globally in config.php

Even with config.php edited it still does not save my changes if i edit a forum.

It also will not save any template changes. Nor can i disable hacks via vb options or manually. The only way to disable the debug mode and the hacks is by adding the following code to my config.php file
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
Any ideas?

Here is a list of my installed hacks:
Also I have vBug Tracker Lite and vBulletin AJAX Cron installed.

I am in the process of deleting some of my hacks. Even though I delete them they still function. The odd thing is there is no trace of them in the plugin table. I looked through the table, and see the hack, then delete the hack yet the hack still functions.

03-07-2007, 09:44 PM
As I said to you, your problems started when you upgraded the board with all hacks, plugins and products enabled. There is something messed in there that is not allowing you to use the options.

First, let me know, if my microstats hack is completly removed.
Do you see any options left in vBulletin Options? (BB MicroStats)
Anything else is properly cleaned, after the steps we did toghether with the perfomed queries.

In the vBulletin package there are some tools to restore/clean the database, without losing any stored data.
That's the reason I asked you to contact vBulletin Team and help you clean your data in no time.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

03-07-2007, 09:51 PM
As I said to you, your problems started when you upgraded the board with all hacks, plugins and products enabled. There is something messed in there that is not allowing you to use the options.

First, let me know, if my microstats hack is completly removed.
Do you see any options left in vBulletin Options? (BB MicroStats)
Anything else is properly cleaned, after the steps we did toghether with the perfomed queries.

In the vBulletin package there are some tools to restore/clean the database, without losing any stored data.
That's the reason I asked you to contact vBulletin Team and help you clean your data in no time.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Actually I updated the day 3.6.5 was released and the problem just happened out of the blue today.

Microstats is 100% gone.

I assume you mean the tools.php file?

I also did this. I completely dropped the plug in table from my live database. Replaced it with a back up from my unmodified test board, so basicly I have a stock vbulletin plugin table now, yet debug mode is stuck on and every hack still shows as installed.

I uploaded tools.php and run the database repair function on the plugin tabe, but had no luck.

03-07-2007, 10:42 PM
Hmm, this is really wierd.
Is it a big forum you have there? (live)
Do you have a backup file from last week?

If you do, install a 3.6.5 test board on your PC, then import the backup into it.
Next do a backup, using MySQL Administrator. (test board)
Then do a backup, using the MySQL Administrator. (live board)

Use a compare tool like Araxis Merge or something similar and compare both files, you will see at least if the tables are not broken and if there are any anomalies in there.

There is something corrupted inside your live data.. we need to find out what.

EDIT: Make sure you dont have any cache enabled, like APC, etc.
If you do, disable it for now.

03-08-2007, 04:18 AM
Hmm, this is really wierd.
Is it a big forum you have there? (live)
Do you have a backup file from last week?

Use a compare tool like Araxis Merge or something similar and compare both files, you will see at least if the tables are not broken and if there are any anomalies in there.

EDIT: Make sure you dont have any cache enabled, like APC, etc.
If you do, disable it for now.

Big forum, ehh like 20+ members a day on average. I have one back up i think but it is not a week old but it is from before the back up most likley.

I had a template cache plug in installed from here but i deleted it for now.

Nope dont have a db back up from before the upgrade. :(

03-08-2007, 02:07 PM
So you dont have a backup dating before the upgrade. Ok.
You do have a test board, right? (your PC, not on the website)
Do a backup now from your live data.
Then do a fresh install of vBulletin 3.6.5 on your test board.
Once is installed, import with MySQL Administrator the live data into your test board.

See if you have the same errors, at least we will know for sure is it's the data that cause problems.

BTW, there is no need to quote me every time. :)
It's filling the database with useless info.

While thinking out loud. What template cache hack you installed? Some of them create a folder where templates are stored.
Also do you have an accelerator like APC or eAccelerator installed on your live server?
Look at phpinfo() and tell me if you see there any saction called APC or eAccelerator.

BTW, I hope you will not install it again and instead you will use a proper cache, like xCache?
In general you should install as little hacks as possible. For example, I have no hacks installed on my board, beside the microstats. :)

See if you really needed, if your board will die without this hack, DO NOT install it just for fun.

03-08-2007, 02:45 PM
I have a test board on the web, not on the computer, but some how I was able to solve the problem there.

Then do a fresh install of vBulletin 3.6.5 on your test board.
Once is installed, import with MySQL Administrator the live data into your test board.

So basically make a fresh installed test board and then merge the 2 databases? Can I use impex.

I do not see APC,eAccelerator or xCache installed. I was using this cache system:

03-08-2007, 04:47 PM
... but some how I was able to solve the problem there.
What exacly you solved? Is the test board working properly?

So basically make a fresh installed test board and then merge the 2 databases? Can I use impex.
No, use MySQL Administrator to create a backup of the live database.
Once the databse file created, import it into your test board to see if you can replicate the same errors like you have now online.
You need to install PHP, MySQL and a web server into your PC, so you can replicate exacly the online conditions. Do not use a test board on your live server, you will not be able to create 2 databases with teh same name and 2 users with the same info.
If you are not familiar with how to setup vBulletin on your PC, I will update my popular tutorial to reflect the latest changes. :)
Just make sure you DON'T use those crappy pre-made all-in-one packages that install PHP, MySQL and Apache for you. They are the worst combination possible, you don't learn nothing.
Let me know what OS you run in your PC, I will tell you what to do here in this thread.
(Let's hope you have Vista Ultimate/Business, it will a breeze to install everything manually :))

I do not see APC, eAccelerator or xCache installed. I was using this cache system ...
Ya, the hack is well coded. Still, don't use it.
Instead, install MemCached for your vBulletin datastore and xCache for the PHP files.

03-08-2007, 04:50 PM
Nope not a vista user yet. Still using Win XP Media Center.

03-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Good. It will be easy, in 15min you will have your server up and running on your PC.
Let me know when you are ready to start. :)

03-08-2007, 05:06 PM

03-08-2007, 05:40 PM
Ok start with those easy steps:

1. Enable IIS in your Windows XP
Go to 'Add/Remove Programs' and click on 'Add/Remove Windows Components' (on the side).
Check the box for 'Internet Information Services (IIS)' leaving all the default installation settings intact and let it install.

Once IIS is installed, you can type into your browser:

If you see the classy IIS page, you are all set and ready to proceed with the PHP install.
Let me know when done. Going for a cigarette, will be back in 30min to check this thread. :)

03-08-2007, 06:05 PM
- Apache Server no_ssl .msi binary (http://nagoya.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/win32/) - 3.2MB (for more info, visit www.apache.org (http://www.apache.org/))

Read that in your tut but the first link would not work.

Just an FYI i have Apache/1.3.37, PHP Version 4.4.4, and MySQL 4.1.10.

As for installing ISS I followed the directions for installing, but it says it can not connect to the server when i try to go to http://localhost/

EDIT: Would this be easier for you on AIM,MSN or yahoo?

03-08-2007, 06:28 PM
You have them installed on your PC, i.e. Apache installed?
Take them off, this is a very old tutorial. We will install the latest versions, manually.

Would this be easier for you on AIM,MSN or yahoo?
No, we will do it here so others learn also how to install properly the components. Like in the old times at vB.org. :)
Also, we will stick with IIS, native in Windows XP.

03-08-2007, 06:33 PM
Ok fine with me. :) No I do not have them set up. I tried to install IIS but it does not work when i go to http://localhost/

03-08-2007, 06:41 PM
We will see after why the port 80 is blocked, in your PC.

First, we need to set the default document, in IIS.
Right-click on Start > Properties
Click on 'Customize' button
Click on 'Advanced' tab
Scroll all the way down, you will see 'System Administrative Tools' there
Put a dot into 'Display on the All Programs menu' option (first one)
Click on OK 2 times, you are done with this step.

Now, click on Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services
The IIS console will start.
Click the [+] in front of your 'local computer'
Right-click on 'Web Sites' > Properties
Click on 'Documents' tab > Click on 'Add' button > Type: index.php > OK > OK


We need to set the PHP variables, so they are detected by the system.
Click on Start > Right-click on My Computer > Properties
Click on 'Advanced' tab > Click on 'Environment Variables' button
You should see now this window:


Click on 'New' button (above OK)
Variable Name: PHPRC
Variable Value: %SystemDrive%\inetpub\php
Click on OK

You should be now back to the list of environment variables.
Find the 'Path' variable and double-click on it (highlighted in screenshot)
At the end of the list, add:
;%SystemDrive%\inetpub\php;%SystemDrive%\inetpub\m ysql\bin

Click on OK, 3 times.

Open your windows explorer and look into disk C:, you should see there a new folder called:

Create inside 2 new foldders:
-- \inetpub
---- \mysql
---- \php
---- \wwwroot
(ya, they are lowercase)

Let me know when you are done with those steps.

03-08-2007, 06:56 PM
We will see after why the port 80 is blocked, in your PC.

First, we need to set the default document, in IIS.
Right-click on Start > Properties
Click on 'Customize' button
Click on 'Advanced' tab
Scroll all the way down, you will see 'System Administrative Tools' there
Put a dot into 'Display on the All Programs menu' option (first one)
Click on OK 2 times, you are done with this step.
When i click advanced it opens windows explorer at the "Programs" level. If I go into programs i do see Admin Tool just not System Admin Tools.Nor does Sys Admin Tools show in the branches on the left anywhere.

03-08-2007, 07:13 PM
Please don't tell me you use the Win95 classic (boring) style... Put it back the way it's supposed to be. :)
Make sure is set like that:


Going for another cigarette, let me know when done all steps above. :)

03-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Oh I hate the New Start Menu and used the old one so that was a prob. Ok now I have IIS open. But I do not see [+] or 'local computer' items displayed.


03-08-2007, 07:39 PM
Ok, let see if you installed IIS properly.

Go to 'Add/Remove Programs' and click on 'Add/Remove Windows Components' (on the side).
Click on Internet Information Services (it should be ticked) to highlight it > Click on 'Details' button
Click on 'World Wide Web Service' (it should be ticked) to highlight it > Click on 'Details' button
The 'World Wide Web Service' option should be ticked, like in the screenshot.

Don't worry if other extra options are ticked.
Let me know if you see this:


03-08-2007, 07:48 PM
Everything is fine there. I had others checked to but disabled them for trouble shooting purposes. Just a thought, I have several windows services disabled. Is it possible I have disabled a service that is required for this to operate properly?

03-08-2007, 07:51 PM
No, since this is a service itself.
Restart the PC and go back to IIS console, let me know if you see there the default website.

It should look like that:


Also, let me know if the following folder exists:

03-08-2007, 08:04 PM
Ok IIS looks the same. C:\inetpub\wwwroot does exist.

03-08-2007, 08:14 PM
Go to Start > Right-click on My Computer > Click on 'Computer Name' tab.
What is the Full Computer Name?

Open Internet Information Services, right-click on it's name (highlighted in my screenshot, posted above) and select Connect.
Enter your computer name > Click on OK

03-08-2007, 08:22 PM
"DXXXXXX1" is the computer name. If I enter the name with out the . it says "Dependency service or group started" if i add the . it says I have been denided access to htis machine.

I checked the box for "connect as" and entered my user name and password for the PC but it made no difference.

03-08-2007, 08:27 PM
Why do you have always bad luck in everything related to computers? :)

Open the registry editor. Start > Run > regedit
Do you see those 4 classes in registry:


They are one after the other ...
Use CTRL + F and search for B196B284-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07 for example, orelse you might get crazy into those keys, there are millions like that.

Also, go to Services and see if you did not disabled by accident Terminal Services.

03-08-2007, 08:49 PM
Terminal Services was disabled. I enabled it and started it. The 4 keys are in place.

Never had so many computer problems in my life lol.

03-08-2007, 09:02 PM
Heh, don't worry, we will get it working. :)
So do you see now the Web sites folder, in IIS?

Please tell me the answer is YES. :)

03-08-2007, 09:04 PM
I come bearing more bad news :$

No i do not see it.:( IIS looks exactly the same as my screen shot a few posts up.

03-08-2007, 09:23 PM
I don't know what to say. I think I installed one million times this server and configure it secure.
I never had any problems.

Check to see if you have any of the following services disabled (if they are not there, you don't need them):
Event Log
IIS Admin Service
License Logging Service
Protected Storage
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service
Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation
Windows NTLM Security Support Provider
World Wide Web Publishing Service

Also, open Administrative Tools > Computer Management
Click on Event Viewer and look into those sections:
Application - any errors related to services there?
System - any errors related to services there?

I'm getting to a point where I exhaust all my answers to your IIS problem.
As a curiosity, why did you disabled Terminal Services? I hope you did not followed those crazy tutorials where they tell you how to "secure" your PC. In fact, they teach you how to break it.

03-08-2007, 09:31 PM
Ok long story short I used the Dependences functions to find the required services. You missed one or two and at least 3 of the services you mentioned did not exist.

Now I can see my computer but not the web sites folder.

03-08-2007, 09:42 PM
I guess you used the Windows Resource Kit utilities (reg.exe and depends.exe) to determine that.

I wanted to help, thinking that your PC has a default setup, like everyone else.
This is turning into a 5hrs troubleshooting task just to start a server, when in fact it should take us 30min to have vBulletin up and running on your localhost.

If you manage to get IIS up and running, let me know.
I will post then how to setup PHP and MySQL. I hope we will not have any other similar problems.

03-08-2007, 09:53 PM
I simply right clicked on a service->properties->dependencies.

I guess I will just give up then. I know nothing about IIS and have spent 5 hours trying to do this the old school way.

I can fix 90% of problems that arise for me in Vb but this is far over my head.

Thanks for all your help, and hopefully my last post may benifiet you in the future when attempting a similar set up.

03-09-2007, 12:20 AM
From your PM, it looks like you got it working! :)
Perfect. Let me know when you are available to work on the PHP and MySQL install.

03-09-2007, 12:26 AM
I dont know how to do that. Also I still have a slight problem. I jumped the gun a bit. When i go to http://localhost/ I get this error message:
Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.
Any idea how to fix this?

Open your windows explorer and look into disk C:, you should see there a new folder called:

Create inside 2 new foldders:
-- \inetpub
---- \mysql
---- \php
---- \wwwroot
(ya, they are lowercase)

Let me know when you are done with those steps.

When you said \wwwroot does that go into php folder?

And I have done everything you said.

Also where can i find MySQL Administrator. I find 64 bit versions but i am on 32 bit Win XP.

03-09-2007, 05:25 AM
Don't worry, I know you were venting. It felt good, right? :D
I was venting also, hehe. We will work toghether to fix the damn problems, I will stay beside you until we get it right.

When i go to http://localhost/ I get this error message
I have no idea why you get this error. I don't understand why you disabled the default services in Windows. They are there for a reason, not for fun. Now look at the nasty errors you get...

When you said \wwwroot does that go into php folder?
No, the folders are at the same level.
In other words, inside C:\inetpub folder you create 2 new folders (php and mysql).

And you are done yet, you did not installed PHP and MySQL.
I will continue to help you tomorrow, when I'm at work. :)
I have Vista at home and Windows Media Center at work...

I'm proud of the fact you did not give up and you want to stick with a real install method, not those crappy pre-made installers that do all for you.
Stay away from those things, they are designed for people who are not interested in coding and server configurations. When it comes the day you want to upgrade your PHP version, you will notice that you are screwed because you cannot do it... not to mention that you have no idea also how to do it...

PS. To bad the old people are not anymore here. This thread would crawl with good hackers helping you, if the year would 2001-2002. Now, nobody gives a crap, as you can see. Only old monsters like myself and 2-3 others might bump and help you...

Back to my Fedora Core 7 Test2 install... Ciao, a demain.

03-09-2007, 02:17 PM
Which part did you think I was venting? Can;t say I was really, more like frustrated as vB Support is taking there sweet ass time and i got IIS working only to hit another bug.

As for disabling win services, they where services I had no use for. My computer ran fine with out them.

Yeah miss the good ol days. Man I remember when boofo was a mod. I loved that old guy. Even in mid 2005 when i joined things were different then they were now.

I will look into that error more today and see if i can get it working. If I do I will let you know.

And where can i find MySql Admin?!:o Do i need the linux version to put on my server or windows for my local machine running XP?

I played with a few settings an now i get this when i go to http://localhost/:
The page cannot be displayed
There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

Please try the following:

* Open the localhost home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
* Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

HTTP 403.2 - Forbidden: Read Access Forbidden
Internet Information Services

Technical Information (for support personnel)

* Background:
This error can be caused if there is no default page available and directory browsing has not been enabled for the directory, or if you are trying to display an HTML page that resides in a directory marked for Execute or Script permissions only.

* More information:
Microsoft Support

03-09-2007, 09:16 PM
Very good, we are getting there, if you get a 403 we are in business. :)
Now, install PHP.

Go to PHP site and download this package:
PHP 5.2.1 zip package [9,545Kb] - 08 Feb 2007

Extract it's contents to folder C:\inetpub\php
Drop inside the above mentioned folder the file I attached into this post and rename it to php.ini

Now, just to make sure, double check this:
Go to IIS console and right-click on Web Sites > Properties
Click on tab Documents, you should already have there index.php
Don't close it we need it on the next step.

Next, we need to add the .php extension into IIS so it gets recognized.
Click on Home Directory tab, beside Documents (window still open)
Click on Configuration button
On Mappings tab, click on Add button
Executable: Browse to executable php-cgi.exe, located in C:\inetpub\php
Extension: .php
Limit to: GET,HEAD,POST (no spaces)
Click OK 3 times.

PHP is installed, reboot your PC.

03-09-2007, 09:58 PM
"Click on Home Directory tab, beside Documents (window still open)
Click on Configuration button"
When i click config it does nothing. :(

Actually if i right click on default site then click config it works. So i did that and added php like that.

03-10-2007, 04:15 AM
That's fine, you will use only one site, I'm pretty sure.
Now test to see if it works.

Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder and delete all files/folders in there.
Create a new file called index.php, with the content:


Now, into your browser, open this link:

You should see the default PHP configuration file with all options enabled.
First look at this option:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: C:\inetpub\php\php.ini
If it shows this, scroll down and let me know if you see there a section called mysqli.
(search for it with a CTRL + F, faster)

If you do, PHP is installed properly.
We can proceed with MySQL install... almost done. :)