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02-28-2007, 10:00 PM
vBulletin Mail System

Finally, for vBulletin 3.6, there is a port from filburt1's original hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=125890). For those of you who aren't aware, he essentially declared it open source, and it's been a bit of a wait for someone to fix it up... I've wanted it for my site, too, so I finally sat down and just did it.

What is this?
The vBulletin Mail System is a way to give your users webmail access from your site. They can have a name@yourwebsite.com address, send and receive emails and attachments, etc. Options such as mailbox quotas, limits on numbers/types of attachments, a message trailer ("Free mail at yourwebsite.com!") at the end of each message, etc. are all available as well.

Please note: this is a pre-final version. As far as I have seen, it is working so far for me, but I have not tested it completely and thoroughly and it's very likely there'll be a number of bugs popping up. However, I have successfully been able to install this on a clean board, exchange emails regularly (including attachments), go through all the basic options/etc. without any errors popping up, so it should be fine. Still, make sure you back up your database before installing this, just due to the nature of its "beta"-ness.

To install: upload all files from the "upload" directory to your server in the proper directories. Then, navigate to admincp/vbms_install.php on your server and run the installer. It will make several template additions. If your navbar or header templates hav been modified, it will not be able to do it automatically, and you'll have to add these edits yourself.

In template navbar, find:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></td>
Add after:

<if condition="$show['popups']">
<td class="vbmenu_control" id="navbar_vbms">
<a href="vbms.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[email]</a>

<if condition="$vbms_newmessages['newcount'] > 0">
<span style="font-weight: normal; padding: 1px 1px 1px 2px; margin: 0px 3px 0px 2px; border: 1px inset" class="alt1">
<phrase 1="$vbms_newmessages[newcount]">$vbphrase[x_new]</phrase>

<script type="text/javascript">
// -->
<else />
<td class="vbmenu_control" id="navbar_vbms">
<a href="vbms.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[email]</a>

<if condition="$vbms_newmessages['newcount'] > 0">
<span style="font-weight: normal; padding: 1px 1px 1px 2px; margin: 0px 3px 0px 2px; border: 1px inset" class="alt1">
<phrase 1="$vbms_newmessages[newcount]">$vbphrase[x_new]</phrase>

<!-- / header quick search form -->

<if condition="$show['member']">
Add after:
<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="navbar_vbms_menu" style="display: none">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0">
<tr><td class="thead">vBulletin Mail System</td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbms.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[navbar_inbox]</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbms_new.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[navbar_write_message]</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbms_ab.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[navbar_address_book]</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbms_folders.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[navbar_folders]</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbms_filters.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[navbar_filters]</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="vbms_options.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[navbar_options]</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="faq.php?$session[sessionurl]faq=faq_vbms">$vbphrase[navbar_help]</a></td></tr>

In your ACP, there should be a new set of options in a "vBulletin Mail System" category. That set of options is your main set of management stuff, and is pretty straightforward.

Feel free to post with any bugs or questions you find, etc. I'm trying to get this working again thoroughly, for all of us.


Is POP support available for my users?
No, this is similar to a webmail system.
What is a catch-all email address, and how do I set it up?
A catch-all address is an email address that any mail sent to your server that isn't picked up by another account will go to. For example, if someone sends an email to randomgibberish@yoursite.com and you do not have a "randomgibberish" account defined, it would forward to your catch-all account that you have set up, such as all@yoursite.com.
Can I run this if my server doesn't let me have a catch-all mail account?
Yes, but it's not recommended. As has been suggested by a few members, you can set up one mail account to the be "catch-all" and have vBMS connect to that, then set up mail accounts for each member who wants one and have it forward to the catch-all. All this has to be set up manually with your web host, and takes a great deal of willpower and availability from the website administrator, and is thus not recommended.
I'm receiving the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open()...
If you're getting an error similar to this, you do not have IMAP functionality available in PHP. Find your php.ini file on your server (usually /usr/local/lib/php.ini on Linux, C:\Windows\php.ini on Windows), and find the extensions section. Uncomment the line ";extension=php_imap.dll" (that is, remove the semicolon at the beginning) and restart your web server. If you don't have access to your web server to do this, contact your web host about installing IMAP support for PHP. If they won't do it, then this hack is not for you.
I can't connect to the mail server, with this error:
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791
First, make sure that your port number and server information are right. Some mail servers are on non-default ports (this is common), and some you may have to connect to a different host besides localhost (this is very rare). Also, try using the "Force no-TLS connection" option in the vBMS Options in the ACP.
I can connect to the server just fine, but it won't get any email!
Check the "Mail checking logs" in your ACP (under the vBulletin Mail System area). If there are no logs, then the cronjob probably isn't running. If there are logs, see if there are any errors in there. If it's checking the mail account fine and simply says there are no messages, check with a webmail to see if the catch-all account is even receiving mails. If the webmail shows that the account has mail stuck in it and vBMS isn't picking them up, but vBMS is saying it's checking the account alright and finding 0 messages, then you're likely connecting to the wrong account. By doing these steps, you should at least be able to figure out where the problem is occurring.

Install clicks, donations and HotM nominations are always welcome. ;)

03-01-2007, 05:12 PM
nice hack

03-01-2007, 05:12 PM
You did everything but tell us what exactly a "mail system" is.

Same in the other thread.

03-01-2007, 05:13 PM
^ Hah, good point *edits thread*

03-01-2007, 06:30 PM
gonna try this out

Lizard King
03-01-2007, 07:14 PM
Style change shall be an option since there are people who customize their styles so the target text cannot be found. Also there may be an option to drop language phrases if they exist in the database and definition.

03-01-2007, 07:38 PM

* projectego clicks install! ;)

03-01-2007, 07:50 PM
Good one :)

03-01-2007, 08:02 PM
Thanks for this wonderful release, can we grant access to specific usergroups only ?
(Mods, Supermods or admins) ?

Big thanks for porting this hack :)

03-01-2007, 08:55 PM
Thanx very much for this modification release ;)


03-01-2007, 09:23 PM
Style change shall be an option since there are people who customize their styles so the target text cannot be found. Also there may be an option to drop language phrases if they exist in the database and definition.
The only style changes that have to be done outside of adding vBMS templates are the ones I've detailed in the first post, occurring in navbar. The phrase warnings are also ignorable. I didn't fully get to updating what the installer says, but it has no problems adding new phrases and such.

Thanks for this wonderful release, can we grant access to specific usergroups only ?
(Mods, Supermods or admins) ?
Yeah; admins automatically have full rights; after that, you can customize it for each specific usergroup (except banned and unregistered users, neither of those can have email accounts at all ;))

03-01-2007, 10:05 PM
Does this allow them to use outlook express for their mail or is it strictly internal ?

03-01-2007, 10:33 PM
Only seems to pick up the main usergroups, not any additional ones .. how can I add other usergroups !?

Seems to send ok but not receive !

03-01-2007, 10:41 PM
Try first click install later. :)

03-01-2007, 10:59 PM
Only seems to pick up the main usergroups, not any additional ones .. how can I add other usergroups !?

Seems to send ok but not receive !

I have the same problem -- I can send w/out an issue, but can not receive.

03-01-2007, 11:45 PM
Does this allow them to use outlook express for their mail or is it strictly internal ?

Wondering the same thing...

03-01-2007, 11:51 PM
I'm not sure if it is but I'm pretty sure it's strictly internal and I think it's better that way to add stickiness to your site.

03-01-2007, 11:57 PM
I'm not sure if it is but I'm pretty sure it's strictly internal and I think it's better that way to add stickiness to your site.

True, but I'm sure it causes quite a server load.

03-02-2007, 01:55 AM
i tried installing this and it said this

Failed (not loaded)
Suggestion action: Ask your host to recompile PHP with the imap extension, or if your host uses Windows, to enable the imap extension in php.ini.

i run a linux server how do i enable this or is it okay to proceed with out it???

and also i get this error

The following phrases exist and may result in alternate text being displayed in vBMS pages: method, warning, and warning

Please Help ASAP


03-02-2007, 01:58 AM
Sorry Doubled Posted It It Did Not Show For Awhill So I Posted It Agine And Then Finnaly Should Up.. lol

Okay So Please Help I Need To Install this Tonight

03-02-2007, 02:16 AM
Failed (not loaded)
Suggestion action: Ask your host to recompile PHP with the imap extension, or if your host uses Windows, to enable the imap extension in php.ini.

i run a linux server how do i enable this or is it okay to proceed with out it???

and also i get this error

The following phrases exist and may result in alternate text being displayed in vBMS pages: method, warning, and warning
You can ignore the second warning. The first one means that the IMAP libraries are not installed in PHP, and so PHP cannot access mail accounts. To enable it, edit php.ini and uncomment the line "extension=php_imap.dll", then restart your web server.
Does this allow them to use outlook express for their mail or is it strictly internal ?
No, this is strictly internal.
Only seems to pick up the main usergroups, not any additional ones .. how can I add other usergroups !?

Seems to send ok but not receive !
The mail account that vBMS checks needs to be the "catch-all" mail account on your server. That means you need to set it up on your web host so that any mail sent to arghsiblah@yoursite.com (really, any address that doesn't exist) will forward to vbms@yoursite.com (or whatever your catch-all account is), and then have vbms check the vbms@yoursite.com address for any incoming mail. I can't give you directions for how to do this, it's different with every web host. Then, if it still doesn't receive mail, first check the catch-all account to see if it's actually receiving mails, then check the "Mail Checking Logs" in the ACP to see if vBMS is picking up the ones that are coming in. You should be able to figure out where the problem is occurring in there.
True, but I'm sure it causes quite a server load.
Very possibly; I haven't gotten a chance to take the time to look at what it does to the server load. However, by not giving POP3 access (for Outlook EXpress, etc.), you're keeping your users on your site more rather than letting them be freeloading off of you.

03-02-2007, 02:46 AM
where can i turn phpimap on

please give me the whereabouts in my ftp :)

i run linux :D

EDIT how much is the full version of this???

03-02-2007, 03:02 AM
This seems like an awesome hack but will have to have it mature a bit and get some bugs worked out.

Few things need to be identified
Server load
Usergroup issue
Control panel screen shots user & admin
reported bugs

03-02-2007, 03:27 AM
where can i turn phpimap on

please give me the whereabouts in my ftp

i run linux

EDIT how much is the full version of this???
Telnet/SSH into your server, then type "whereis php.ini". Usually it's in /usr/local/lib.
There is no "full version" or "free version" anymore, this is the full version. Filburt1 released it as open-source because he was done developing it, and asked the general community to update it to be compatible with vBulletin 3.6.

Lizard King
03-02-2007, 04:42 AM
The only style changes that have to be done outside of adding vBMS templates are the ones I've detailed in the first post, occurring in navbar. The phrase warnings are also ignorable. I didn't fully get to updating what the installer says, but it has no problems adding new phrases and such.

Yeah; admins automatically have full rights; after that, you can customize it for each specific usergroup (except banned and unregistered users, neither of those can have email accounts at all ;))
Install script isnot working if you receive any errors i mentioned.

03-02-2007, 07:22 AM
Good point about the stickiness of your site by being internal. When they log in to check their email there is always a chance they'll check the rest of the website out.

Does this inform signed in members of new mail ?

And i have to admit i am concerned on server load as the catchall has to be sorted to send to individual members. How is this achieved ? Does it do it on a cron or when the member checks his or her mail ?

03-02-2007, 08:44 AM
The mail account that vBMS checks needs to be the "catch-all" mail account on your server. That means you need to set it up on your web host so that any mail sent to arghsiblah@yoursite.com (really, any address that doesn't exist) will forward to vbms@yoursite.com (or whatever your catch-all account is), and then have vbms check the vbms@yoursite.com address for any incoming mail. I can't give you directions for how to do this, it's different with every web host. Then, if it still doesn't receive mail, first check the catch-all account to see if it's actually receiving mails, then check the "Mail Checking Logs" in the ACP to see if vBMS is picking up the ones that are coming in. You should be able to figure out where the problem is occurring in there.

Thanks for the reply .. still no go and I've tested web mail from host cpanel and catch all email does work.
Mail checking logs shows nothing .. "Nothing to do"
Anyone else got this to receive ? I'd be interested to know how you got it to work.

03-02-2007, 10:07 AM
Empty buttons with the package, so we can add our own language etc. (really do not understand that such things are not standard, not only for mod etc, but styles and so on...)

I think I will use this one when it is no longer beta, nice work!

03-02-2007, 11:32 AM
Installed and working in 2k3 with IIS and 3.6.5

Great thx man.

03-02-2007, 01:00 PM
i don't run my own server thats the prob

my web hosts does but he's not online right now :(

is there a way to do it manully?

edit: can you make it look my like the usercp for the emails??? i want it too look like hotmails but also the usercp?

and can we remove the copyright or can i buy a copyright removal?

03-02-2007, 04:05 PM

It wont let me install it, stops at 7% saying Step 1 of 13: Testing Settings?

If i refresh the browser it says

You did not complete all of the required settings: "POP3 Server Username" was not completed. Please go back and try again

I know for a fact that the email is correct it is the main email account where the settings for it cannot be modified, such as the password and son it....

03-02-2007, 09:04 PM
Wow this looks awesome, lets make this thing bug free, also does it work with VBSEO.

03-03-2007, 12:40 AM
I cant get this to install for squat..... I've tried catchall addresses, created new addresses and set them as catchall in CPanel and install, try local host, mail.mysite.com, nothing works, I CONSISTENTLY get the error

Installation failed while "Testing Settings": vBMS couldn't connect to the mail server using the settings you provided. Please go back and verify their accuracy. If you are not sure of the values to use, consult your host.


Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream \{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

03-03-2007, 04:18 AM
i don't run my own server thats the prob

my web hosts does but he's not online right now

is there a way to do it manully?
Nope, not unless you have full access to the server like that.
edit: can you make it look my like the usercp for the emails??? i want it too look like hotmails but also the usercp?
That's what templates are for. If you want to customize it, feel free to do so yourself; I have not the time to make fun styles for this.
and can we remove the copyright or can i buy a copyright removal?
According to filburt1 when he made this open-source:
You can:
* Modify vBMS to do whatever you like (excluding changing copyright notices), and then claim the changes as your own.
* Remove mentions of vBMS, the "vBulletin Mail System", or other branding.
You cannot:
* Modify vBMS to do whatever you like, and then claim the entire product as your own.
* Remove mentions of vBMS, the "vBulletin Mail System", or other branding, and replace them with others that imply you exclusively developed the product.
So basically, yes, you can remove the copyright, but you can't replace it with one of your own.
It wont let me install it, stops at 7% saying Step 1 of 13: Testing Settings?
If i refresh the browser it says

You did not complete all of the required settings: "POP3 Server Username" was not completed. Please go back and try again
Then don't refresh the browser while installing it. It's not going to remember the details you entered if that's what you do. Does it give you a specific error when it gets stuck at 7%?
Thanks for the reply .. still no go and I've tested web mail from host cpanel and catch all email does work.
Mail checking logs shows nothing .. "Nothing to do"
Anyone else got this to receive ? I'd be interested to know how you got it to work.
Sounds like the cron job's not executing properly... can you go into your scheduled task manager and make sure it's there and working? I think it should be called "vbmsvbms_checkmailphp". Try doing a test run of it from there and see if there's some sort of problem.
Wow this looks awesome, lets make this thing bug free, also does it work with VBSEO.
Haven't tried, but I don't think it would much matter anyways; the mail isn't available to guests, so I don't think search engines would be picking up on it.
I cant get this to install for squat..... I've tried catchall addresses, created new addresses and set them as catchall in CPanel and install, try local host, mail.mysite.com, nothing works, I CONSISTENTLY get the error
That error you give means it's not properly connecting to the mail server. Are you sure you have a POP3 mail server on your web host, and is it on localhost at port 110? You should check with your web host about that.

I'll try and get to the usergroup issue as soon as I can; it might be a few days though.

03-03-2007, 06:45 AM
There is no error at at all, just hangs at 7% step 10 of 13: Testing Setteings

like i said, if i then refresh it tells me,

You did not complete all of the required settings: "POP3 Server Username" was not completed. Please go back and try again

My server is definately set for pop3 as i am using it with outlook 2007
The catch all email is 100% correct, although the email addrees is not the login its only the1st part of the address, but i have tried it with the whole email address and the 1st part and still nothing , I have now had the installer running for 5 mins and its still at 7% as i am typing this post!

still 7% lol

03-03-2007, 07:16 AM
tell me how the users signs an email like user@mysite.com with this mod?

03-03-2007, 07:18 AM
For some strange reason, I seem to be receiving all the sent and received emails, rather than them going in the users Inbox. Any help?

03-03-2007, 07:39 AM
very nice this is it, I was looking for this one :) glad found it.
Thanks man.

03-03-2007, 08:19 AM
The install stops at 7% saying Step 1 of 13: Testing Settings? with the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open() in ....\project\includes\vbms_class_installer.php on line 790

03-03-2007, 10:29 AM
Sounds like the cron job's not executing properly... can you go into your scheduled task manager and make sure it's there and working? I think it should be called "vbmsvbms_checkmailphp". Try doing a test run of it from there and see if there's some sort of problem.

Produces :-

03-03-2007, 11:20 AM
That error you give means it's not properly connecting to the mail server. Are you sure you have a POP3 mail server on your web host, and is it on localhost at port 110? You should check with your web host about that..

I am my own webhost and the accounts are working, tested them through thunderbird. And I just cant get it to work :(


BTW I am using PHP 5.2.x and MySQL 5.X if thats any helpful

03-03-2007, 11:33 AM
Found this.... http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum88/9372.htm

Dont know if it is helpful

Neutral Singh
03-03-2007, 02:16 PM
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 790

03-03-2007, 04:15 PM
Very possibly; I haven't gotten a chance to take the time to look at what it does to the server load. However, by not giving POP3 access (for Outlook EXpress, etc.), you're keeping your users on your site more rather than letting them be freeloading off of you.

Yeah, but I am only giving access to email accounts for my subscribing "VIP Members", so they wouldn't be freeloading off of me.. They have to pay to become VIP members. But since it's strictly internal, I guess it doesn't matter.

Maybe an add-on feature in the future? :p

03-04-2007, 02:02 AM
hey - anyone know what exactly is a catch all email? what do you put there?

03-04-2007, 04:38 AM
There is no error at at all, just hangs at 7% step 10 of 13: Testing Setteings
Check the "Verbose output" checkbox and then run the installer.
The install stops at 7% saying Step 1 of 13: Testing Settings… with the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 790
Neither of you have the IMAP functions enabled. In your php.ini, uncomment the "extension=php_imap.dll" file and restart the web server. If you don't have access to that, ask your web host to do it; if they won't, then you can't run this hack on your server.
Produces :-
Try simply going to yoursite.com/forums/vbms_checkmail.php and let me know if there are any errors there. If you see something again like you just showed me, look at the source of that page and see if there are any errors.
I am my own webhost and the accounts are working, tested them through thunderbird. And I just cant get it to work :(
How positively strange, it should work like that. The link you gave me has nothing to do with your problem... what sort of mail server are you running on there, and are you sure it's on the default port 110? That's really the only thing I can think of that could be wrong... unless your mail server doesn't accept IMAP connections for some reason.
Maybe an add-on feature in the future? :p
Haha, possibly, but that's completely different than the type of coding this already uses, and I'm not sure if it's even possible through PHP or not. It'd sure be interesting to look into, though. *looks* it seems IMAP functions can handle that, I'm not sure if that'd work with POP servers or not though. Hmm...
hey - anyone know what exactly is a catch all email? what do you put there?
That's something you have to configure with your own web server. It means that any email address @yourwebsite.com that isn't already defined automatically forwards to one single email that "catches all".

03-04-2007, 07:41 AM
There's a bug in imap_open function in php 5.2.1 for windows. I tried also the latest cvs snapshot of php but stil the error continues.....

The error i get is this in vbms logs

PHP error: imap_open() [<a href='function.imap-open'>function.imap-open</a>]: Couldn't open stream \{mail.corollaclub.com:110/pop3}INBOX (C:\Domains\corollaclub.com\wwwroot\forums\vbms_ch eckmail.php:95)

I did a search and spoted that the problem is the string that grabs the servername variable ...

Read This from http://gr2.php.net/imap_open

danwatts at gmNOSPAMail dot com
12-Feb-2007 06:39
Be careful about how you specify the string
(at least on PHP5). It looks like you need to
break out of the "string" if you specify the
server name within a variable.








Im not 100% sure .. i tried to hardcode the vbms_checkmail file not to grab the server info from the variable but im not code guru :(

By the way in php 4.4.x works fine ... and php.net said that had fixed it in the latest snapshot thats why i tried it but it was unsuccesfull

I dont know what to do cause yesterday i was with php 4.4.1 with Apc caching and today i changed to 5.2.1 with Xcache and the forum is better as matter the speed and server load, so i dont really want to go back to 4.4.1 and i loved VBMS...

Any help will gratefull.

P.S. Mails sent ok from vbms only receiving gives error atm

03-04-2007, 07:48 AM
Status before enumerating steps: XML parser created: phrases from /includes/xml/vbms_installation_resources_phrases.xml, templates from /includes/xml/vbms_installation_resources_templates.xml

This is all it says after 5 minutes of waiting

Check the "Verbose output" checkbox and then run the installer.

03-04-2007, 10:02 AM
Try simply going to yoursite.com/forums/vbms_checkmail.php and let me know if there are any errors there. If you see something again like you just showed me, look at the source of that page and see if there are any errors.

Produces a mail icon !?

03-04-2007, 09:52 PM
Set up the catchall account, uploaded the files, ran the install, configured it via Admin CP and we're off to the races.

A grand total of about 2 minutes from download to send/receipt of first test email messages on vBulletin 3.6.5.

Fantastic layout from both the user and Admin POV. Great features, too.

If there were such as thing as MOTY (Mod of the Year), this one would have my vote!)

While I *did* catch the warning about the potential for a tedious upgrade to the final released version, it was worth the chance. Awesome job.

Clicks install and MOTM ... :)

03-04-2007, 10:35 PM
Potential bug: Even when 'Change Alias' is set to NO for his usergroup, the my test user can STILL change his alias.

I only have ONE usergroup enabled for this mod, so it's not a 'Generosity' issue.

This test user has a primary of 'Registered Users', but a secondary as this vbms-enabled group.

03-04-2007, 10:46 PM
Wont install - Fails at the begining of the install process when it checks to see if it can login to the pop server.

Pop server tests fine by my webmail client, and by telneting to port 110 and logging in with USER username PASS password. I have tried verbose and the error details are still blank.

php 5.1.x

03-04-2007, 10:56 PM
Strictly internal = teh best. I may modify it to use individual email accounts for my own site since my server doesn't support catchalls.

03-04-2007, 11:14 PM
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 790

I also get this error ^

The server is a linux one, and imap is confirmed working. Is there any way to get around this and continue the installation?
Edit: I uncommented the extension and restarted web server and it still displays the error.

Edit: I've contacted my host asking them to recompile php with the extension or whatever, we'll see what happens.

03-05-2007, 01:25 AM
Deleting a mail folder DOES delete it, but it also gives the following SQL error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT SUM(LENGTH(message)) AS bytesused
FROM vbms_message
WHERE messageid IN () AND userid = 2;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND userid = 2' at line 3 Error Number : 1064
Date : Sunday, March 4th 2007 @ 10:09:50 PM
Script : <...myforumsurl...>/vbms_folders.php?action=delete&folderid=1
Referrer : <...myforumurl...>/vbms_folders.php?

Perhaps messageid() array should not be empty? Or should it be folderid()?

03-05-2007, 05:25 AM
Ok, so my host got me sorted and I must say this hack is very very impressive!

03-05-2007, 06:05 AM
Glad to see you got that sorted, eNforce.

Deleting a mail folder DOES delete it, but it also gives the following SQL error:
It seems to only give that error on deleting empty folders. If you upload the fixed vbms_functions_api.php attached here to your "includes" directory, that should fix it.
Potential bug: Even when 'Change Alias' is set to NO for his usergroup, the my test user can STILL change his alias.

I only have ONE usergroup enabled for this mod, so it's not a 'Generosity' issue.

This test user has a primary of 'Registered Users', but a secondary as this vbms-enabled group.
Will look into this one tomorrow, thanks for pointing it out.
Produces a mail icon !?
If you're getting a mail icon from that, then there should be something in the admin logs referring to it. Go to your ACP > vBulletin Mail System > Mail Checking Logs, there should be a log (or lots of them) with little exclamation points next to them... what errors are in there?

As to those of you who have PHP 5, I think I've got it sorted; the original hack had a bizarre coding for the imap_open connection string which PHP 5 didn't much like, and I didn't notice it while porting the hack. If you upload the vbms_functions_checkmail.php file attached in your "includes" directory, it should fix that issue.

I'm going to go ahead and repackage the original zip with these two updated files, and hopefully get to some of the usergroup stuff tomorrow.

Note: to those of you who can't see the other usergroups in the ACP, can you send me screenshots of your ACP > vBulletin Mail System > Permissions and your Usergroup Manager pages? I can't seem to reproduce the problem you're describing. When I install this on a clean forum with a few extra test usergroups, it recognizes them; when I then add usergroups after installing this, it also recognizes them.

03-05-2007, 01:12 PM
If you're getting a mail icon from that, then there should be something in the admin logs referring to it. Go to your ACP > vBulletin Mail System > Mail Checking Logs, there should be a log (or lots of them) with little exclamation points next to them... what errors are in there?

there are LOADS of logs .. had to turn 'em off for now until I get this problem solved. Logs all show :-

Debug 05-03-2007 02:25 PM Connecting to mail server
Debug 05-03-2007 02:25 PM Retrieving message count...
Information 05-03-2007 02:25 PM There are 0 messages on the POP3 server that need to be downloaded
Debug 05-03-2007 02:25 PM Closing connection
Information 05-03-2007 02:25 PM vBMS mail checking completed

But there are 6 emails in the catch all email and they can be read in web mail with no problems !?

03-05-2007, 05:38 PM
Is there a reason that my attachments are deleted ? i mean i get mails in VBMS but when i read the message the attachment has a X icon and says

This message contains 1 attachment(s) that have been automatically deleted. The likely reason is that either they had names that could potentially contain viruses, or you do not have permission to receive attachments. The information for these deleted attachment(s) is displayed below.

The name of the attachment is a goal.jpg ... and as for permissions i am administrator in the forum...

03-05-2007, 06:37 PM
Once I finally got past the PHP 5 imap_open() error on my own last night, I had to create email accounts for all my users that forward to the vbms one, since my server doesn't support catchalls.

So, it could become problematic if people start changing their aliases even though they supposedly don't have permission. I hope this gets sorted soon.

03-05-2007, 06:49 PM
Any thoughts on the installation issue please Krofh post # 48

This is the conflict list

The following phrases exist and may result in alternate text being displayed in vBMS pages: actions, method, minutes, to, warning, and warning
A change in the template "navbar" in the style "MNS 7" couldn't be made because the target text didn't exist or was already appended with the change text.

Image enclosed

Looks like imap is not compiled, will update once sorted!!!

03-05-2007, 09:13 PM
Altough i have catchall on our server enabled i'm not sure on how this works. When i create a catchall for @mydomain.com it is asking next for a mail forward address. When i fill in that @mydomain.com has a forwarder info@mydomain.com .. is info@mydomain.com the catchall address?

And how about the pop3? Is it correct to use pop3@mydomain.com or do i have to use the server address for example: pop3@server1.com address?

03-05-2007, 09:59 PM
Something strange I just found. I kept getting the following error in my logs:

PHP error: imap_open() [<a href='function.imap-open'>function.imap-open</a>]: Couldn't open stream {mailsvr:110/pop3}INBOX

After some research, I noticed that notls wasnt being appended to the /pop3. Even though I have notls selected in the options. I modified your code to force the addition of notls to the pop3 and it works fine now.

//return "{" . $hostname . ":" . $port . "/pop3" . $notls . "}INBOX";
return "{" . $hostname . ":" . $port . "/pop3/notls}INBOX";

03-05-2007, 10:26 PM
Also, deleting emails takes me to a white page.

Brent H
03-06-2007, 04:12 AM
Anyone here get this to run on a MediaTemple server? I'm having trouble finding the right settings for installation and support is taking forever and day.

03-06-2007, 04:26 AM
Something strange I just found. I kept getting the following error in my logs:

PHP error: imap_open() [<a href='function.imap-open'>function.imap-open</a>]: Couldn't open stream {mailsvr:110/pop3}INBOX

After some research, I noticed that notls wasnt being appended to the /pop3. Even though I have notls selected in the options. I modified your code to force the addition of notls to the pop3 and it works fine now.

//return "{" . $hostname . ":" . $port . "/pop3" . $notls . "}INBOX";
return "{" . $hostname . ":" . $port . "/pop3/notls}INBOX";

I have same error as you, plz inform which file have to change? thanks.

03-06-2007, 06:22 AM
Can i use an external mail?
i mean: i have name@yoursite.com
but i want to check my mail name2@anothersite.com
i can do it?
can i set multiples email accounts?

03-06-2007, 04:55 PM
But there are 6 emails in the catch all email and they can be read in web mail with no problems !?
The log shows that it's getting into an account on your server and checking emails just fine. It would seem, then, that it's logging into the wrong account, or it's in a log that you didn't see. Try sending an email directly to the catch-all account, then go to vbms_checkmail.php, then look in your logs and check the last 5 logs to see if there's anything about that one email.
Is there a reason that my attachments are deleted ? i mean i get mails in VBMS but when i read the message the attachment has a X icon and says
It would seem that there's a spam/virus filter on your server doing that. The vBMS system itself doesn't worry about virus-checking attachments. This has nothing to do with your vBulletin permissions or anything vB-related.
Any thoughts on the installation issue please Krofh post # 48
Not really, I'm not sure what's going on :-/ do indeed make sure imap is enabled and then try again, I'm surprised it doesn't come up with an error saying so, though, unless you've got errors turned off in php.ini or something.
Altough i have catchall on our server enabled i'm not sure on how this works. When i create a catchall for @mydomain.com it is asking next for a mail forward address. When i fill in that @mydomain.com has a forwarder info@mydomain.com .. is info@mydomain.com the catchall address?
From what you're describing, it does indeed sound like that is the case. Try setting it up like that and see if it works.
And how about the pop3? Is it correct to use pop3@mydomain.com or do i have to use the server address for example: pop3@server1.com address?
Not sure what you're describing... the "POP3 Server Username" would usually be "info" in your case, since that's your catch-all account, and the password would be whatever password goes with that account.
After some research, I noticed that notls wasnt being appended to the /pop3. Even though I have notls selected in the options. I modified your code to force the addition of notls to the pop3 and it works fine now.
Ahh, I see... will fix that in the next update.
Also, deleting emails takes me to a white page.
I can't seem to replicate this problem... Using the Quick Action "delete" from the inbox, checking the box and then using the "With checked items" dropdown box to delete it, and opening the email and then clicking "Delete" all work fine for me. Any other information on this one you can give me?
I have same error as you, plz inform which file have to change? thanks.
That should be in the includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php file, if you want to fix it right away. Like I said, I'll try and get this fixed in the next update.
Can i use an external mail?
You might be able to, with an external POP3 server and such. You'd have to set the catch-all account to be the one on that server, set all the POP3 information right and such, and see what happens; no guarantees, though, I'm not sure what would happen if you gave ppl emails at a domain other than what your forum's hosted at and how that would work. You'd probably also have to get all your mail records on your servers straight to allow each other, or you'll end up with everything you send out getting marked as spam by anyone who receives it.

03-06-2007, 09:56 PM
Still no incoming emails .. glad I didn't pay for this when I originally saw it on the WWW.

Clicked uninstall :down:

Responses like these are why I do not develop for the vbulletin community.

More then likely the author who is working on this project now is not the original author who wanted to charge for this mod. He just picked it up and tried to bring it back to life, FOR FREE. Waisting his own time, on his dime, with little to no thanks in return. Infact, mostly complaints.

03-07-2007, 01:20 AM
Thanks for this. I always thought it was a big hassle to log into my site's email separately. In fact, I had not checked it once until I installed this mod (500 returned mails!).

Some of my users have multiple email accounts on my server, so it would be ideal to allow multiple aliases for each user. I tried auto-forwarding the other accounts to the user's vBMS alias, but apparently this makes no changes to the email headers, so vBMS does not recognize these forwarded mails properly. If support for this could be added for the next version, or you could tell me which functions I need to alter, that would be excellent.

03-07-2007, 04:27 PM
I cannot have this on my server, as its freebsd my host is saying that they cannot recompile imap functions

Quote from host

I tried to build imap and compile php with it, and got an error as many people do on FreeBSD servers with DirectAdmin custom apache/PHP.

What a bummer eh? :(

Brent H
03-08-2007, 04:03 AM
I'm getting the same error as a couple of others here:

Installation failed while "Testing Settings": vBMS couldn't connect to the mail server using the settings you provided. Please go back and verify their accuracy. If you are not sure of the values to use, consult your host.


Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open (http://www.paranormalis.com/admincp/function.imap-open)]: Couldn't open stream {mail.paranormalis.com:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

I've contacted my host and they told me what to put in each field, so I know it's the right information. Any way to correct this?

03-08-2007, 05:42 AM
After several hours of going crazy, this ridiculous change worked for me -- in includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php, find:
return "\{$hostname:$port{$notls}}INBOX";
Replace with:
return '{$hostname:$port{$notls}}INBOX';

03-08-2007, 01:09 PM
That should be in the includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php file, if you want to fix it right away. Like I said, I'll try and get this fixed in the next update.

After changed, installed, send out mail is worked, but can't receive any mails.

03-08-2007, 02:14 PM
I get this error even though I uncommented the extension in php.ini

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 790

Any other ideas?

*edit* I recompiled php and it worked out fine!

Everything is working great. But here's a question. How often does the system check for e-mails? How server intensive do you think it will be?


03-08-2007, 05:07 PM
Everything is working fine atm except when i delete a mail i get this

messageids is Arraykey is 0and value is 1

The message is deleted ok but what is this that it says?

Also when i receive messages in greel language in the subject the characters that are show in the VBMS when i watch the inbox shown strange iso things.... and is doesnt show the greeks.... all the forum is in greek and working fine except VBMS area... is there a way that i can add something somewhere?

03-09-2007, 12:58 AM
Potential bug: Even when 'Change Alias' is set to NO for his usergroup, the my test user can STILL change his alias.

I only have ONE usergroup enabled for this mod, so it's not a 'Generosity' issue.

This test user has a primary of 'Registered Users', but a secondary as this vbms-enabled group.

Krofh, did you miss this one from a few days ago? I didn't see any response and was wondering if it was fixed in the 3/5/07 update? Thanks.

03-09-2007, 05:52 AM
What a bummer eh?
Quite indeed :(
I've contacted my host and they told me what to put in each field, so I know it's the right information. Any way to correct this?
No idea what's going on with that, it does it for me too... maybe your mail server doesn't accept external IMAP connections from itself or something? Try using "localhost" instead of "mail.paranormalis.com" just to see if that happens to work. I'm not sure why it would do that though, I was able to connect to mail.paranormalis.com:110 just fine with telnet :-/
After several hours of going crazy, this ridiculous change worked for me -- in includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php, find:
Indeed, that was the same fix I posted a few posts back with an updated attached vbms_functions_checkmail.php file.
After changed, installed, send out mail is worked, but can't receive any mails.
Check the "Mail checking logs" in your ACP (under the vBulletin Mail System area). If there are no logs, then the cronjob probably isn't running. If there are logs, see if there are any errors in there. If it's checking the mail account fine and simply says there are no messages, check with a webmail to see if the catch-all account is even receiving mails.
How often does the system check for e-mails? How server intensive do you think it will be?
It's a cron job running every minute; I don't know how intensive this really is though, I haven't done a lot of monitoring with that.
Everything is working fine atm except when i delete a mail i get this
lol! Very sorry, it seems I left some of my debugging notes in there when I was trying to fix a bug. Go ahead and upload the attached file in your "includes" directory, that'll fix it.
Also when i receive messages in greel language in the subject the characters that are show in the VBMS when i watch the inbox shown strange iso things.... and is doesnt show the greeks.... all the forum is in greek and working fine except VBMS area... is there a way that i can add something somewhere?
Can you show me some screen shots, or get me a link to your forum? I'm a bit confused with what specifically is going on... is anything strange showing up in the "Mail checking logs" area? I can't say I'm much familiar with how vBulletin handles non-alphanumeric characters, so this could be interesting.
Krofh, did you miss this one from a few days ago? I didn't see any response and was wondering if it was fixed in the 3/5/07 update? Thanks.
No, I didn't get it fixed, I did do some looking into what might be causing it before getting swamped with homework, so I really haven't gotten to do any major work on this the last few days. Sorry, it's on the top of my bugs-to-fix list.

Brent H
03-09-2007, 06:26 AM
No idea what's going on with that, it does it for me too... maybe your mail server doesn't accept external IMAP connections from itself or something? Try using "localhost" instead of "mail.paranormalis.com" just to see if that happens to work. I'm not sure why it would do that though, I was able to connect to mail.paranormalis.com:110 just fine with telnet :-/

Just tried it and I got the same error :( When I check line 791 in the file it references (vbms_class_installer.php) it says something about a password... I know my password is correct though.

03-09-2007, 08:45 AM
Check the "Mail checking logs" in your ACP (under the vBulletin Mail System area). If there are no logs, then the cronjob probably isn't running. If there are logs, see if there are any errors in there. If it's checking the mail account fine and simply says there are no messages, check with a webmail to see if the catch-all account is even receiving mails.

The cronjob seems work fine, even didn't see any error from the logs, see below picture.

I'd check my webmail, there's 6 mail there, no idea why it didin't delivery to vbms.

03-09-2007, 12:30 PM
I include 3 images.
1st is what i had sented from outlook 2nd and 3nd are from VBMS

As you see only the Subject breaks ... the body of the e-mail is fine and shows greek..

All the forum uses 8859-7 which is the Gr Lang.

Either way thx in advance m8 you do great work.

03-10-2007, 02:26 PM
My server does not support a catch all e-mail address, is this still usable?

03-10-2007, 03:33 PM
can my users sign for thier own e-mails

03-10-2007, 03:53 PM
Installation Progress 7%

Step 1 of 13: Testing Settings

it took along time and didn't change any wrong do you think

03-10-2007, 04:30 PM
I have sent many mail to my new alies mail that i have chosen but

There are no messages in the folder


03-10-2007, 06:32 PM
My server does not support a catch all e-mail address, is this still usable?

You will need to create your user's email addresses manually, and have them all auto-forward to the vbms what-should-be-catch-all address. It would be important not to let your user's change their alias in this case (force it to be forum username, for example).

I have sent many mail to my new alies mail that i have chosen but

There are no messages in the folder

The cron job is probably failing every time. I am having the same problem. When running the cron manually I get:
The image ?http://www.crackedeggstudios.com/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=runcron&cronid=40? cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

03-11-2007, 06:00 PM
How to check cronjob is working or not, and if it's not working, how I can make it working?

03-11-2007, 07:19 PM
Ok. I edited my cron to run every 15 minutes. Every minutes is a bit much. Thx!

03-11-2007, 07:39 PM

did it work?

03-11-2007, 08:27 PM
Ok..I started getting an error that my post was a duplicate (after every post). When I disable this plugin it goes away. I enabled and disabled several times and my users only seem to get it when this hack is enabled. Any ideas?

03-11-2007, 08:27 PM

did it work?

Yes...it was working, but I have another error now. lol

03-12-2007, 01:43 AM
Roxie: this sounds like it might be a conflict with another hack? There aren't any hooks in the posting areas :-/ what other sorts of hacks have you got running, and do you still get this error if you disable all hacks except vBMS?
My server does not support a catch all e-mail address, is this still usable?
Only with the method thincom2000 suggested.
I'd check my webmail, there's 6 mail there, no idea why it didin't delivery to vbms.
If that screenshot is true for every log and there's still mail in the account, then it's most likel connecting to the wrong account, or your mail server just doesn't like PHP connecting to it for whatever reason.
I have sent many mail to my new alies mail that i have chosen but

There are no messages in the folder

I'm guessing you got through the installation problems if you're asking this. Check the "Mail checking logs" in your ACP (under the vBulletin Mail System area). If there are no logs, then the cronjob probably isn't running. If there are logs, see if there are any errors in there. If it's checking the mail account fine and simply says there are no messages, check with a webmail to see if the catch-all account is even receiving mails. If the webmail shows that the account has mail stuck in it and vBMS isn't picking them up, but vBMS is saying it's checking the account alright and finding 0 messages, then you're either connecting to the wrong account or something's completely wrong.
The cron job is probably failing every time. I am having the same problem. When running the cron manually I get:
View the source on that page and lemme know what it says, that error usually means it generated errors in the code but tried to display the text as a GIF :p
How to check cronjob is working or not, and if it's not working, how I can make it working?
ACP > Scheduled Task Manager
I include 3 images.
1st is what i had sented from outlook 2nd and 3nd are from VBMS

As you see only the Subject breaks ... the body of the e-mail is fine and shows greek..

All the forum uses 8859-7 which is the Gr Lang.

Either way thx in advance m8 you do great work.
Ahhh, I see, it seems to be picking up on the wrong stuff... can you send me a copy of the email headers from that email? In Outlook Express, it's usually File > Properties > Details > Message Source. If you don't want to post them publicly, feel free to PM them to me, and I can try and help you work it out over PM.

03-12-2007, 07:05 AM
View the source on that page and lemme know what it says, that error usually means it generated errors in the code but tried to display the text as a GIF :p

When I view the source it shows the source of a GIF. Also if I run the cron separately (not via the AdminCP), I get a GIF of an envelope with an exclamation point.

EDIT: Despite the fact that I still receive that message when running the cron, I edited vbms_functions_checkmail.php again:

return "\{$hostname:$port{$notls}}INBOX";
Replace with:
return '{' . "$hostname:$port{$notls}" . '}INBOX';

And now it's working no problems...

03-12-2007, 02:28 PM
Thx m8 PM sented

03-12-2007, 02:55 PM
I install it, set my alias and make and set a test account as well. Everything I send to the test account shows up in the catch-all account, of course so does everything the test account sends to my address. Am I missing something here?

either way it never shows any new messages on either account through vBMS, only in the actual webmail itself.

03-13-2007, 01:34 AM
Not sure if this has been addressed but when someone responds to an email with <> it gives the following error. Is there anyway to fix this?

The following errors occured while trying to parse your list of recipients:

* The following aliases could not be translated from usernames or address book entries: name <name@gmail.com>

03-14-2007, 06:38 AM
Thx m8 PM sented
Got it, will try and get to this as soon as I can
I install it, set my alias and make and set a test account as well. Everything I send to the test account shows up in the catch-all account, of course so does everything the test account sends to my address. Am I missing something here?

either way it never shows any new messages on either account through vBMS, only in the actual webmail itself.
Go through the diagnostic steps I've recommended a few times:
Check the "Mail checking logs" in your ACP (under the vBulletin Mail System area). If there are no logs, then the cronjob probably isn't running. If there are logs, see if there are any errors in there. If it's checking the mail account fine and simply says there are no messages, check with a webmail to see if the catch-all account is even receiving mails. If the webmail shows that the account has mail stuck in it and vBMS isn't picking them up, but vBMS is saying it's checking the account alright and finding 0 messages, then you're either connecting to the wrong account or something's completely wrong with your mail server.

Not sure if this has been addressed but when someone responds to an email with <> it gives the following error. Is there anyway to fix this?
Ahh, thanks for pointing this out, will look into it.

I'm going to try (very hopefully) to put in some time on all these bugs tomorrow night, I've been swamped with homework the last few days and just barely had time to respond to questions. Thanks to everyone so far for working with me on getting the bugs worked out.

03-14-2007, 11:26 AM
I tried it with gmail, yahoo and gmx but I cant get a connection when I want to install it...also tried several ports :(

I have PHP 4 on my server....

03-14-2007, 03:09 PM
Installation failed while "Testing Settings": vBMS couldn't connect to the mail server using the settings you provided. Please go back and verify their accuracy. If you are not sure of the values to use, consult your host.


Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

03-14-2007, 03:18 PM
Yes exactly. this tool doesnt work I guess...

03-14-2007, 05:39 PM
Oh, it works. You just have to get the imap_open() call working correctly on your server, since there doesn't seem to be one fix-all. My biggest annoyance right now is the broken cron-image (but the cron still runs successfully).

Try my fix above (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1201394&postcount=93).

03-14-2007, 05:41 PM
how do I run the imap_open() correctly?

03-14-2007, 06:27 PM
Ok I checked my logs and I get the following error:

Severity Date/Time Message
Debug 03-14-2007 11:23 AM Connecting to mail server
Error 03-14-2007 11:23 AM PHP error: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {localhost:143/pop3}INBOX (/home/techenig/public_html/forums/vbms_checkmail.php:95)

I called my host and they told me the imap port is 143 hence why I changed it from the default of 110 (I got the error on both ports actually)

I also asked if I had IMAP support on PHP and they said yes. So are they wrong? or is something else causing this?

03-14-2007, 07:16 PM
I'm receiving a similar error. I can send but not receive emails.

PHP error: imap_open() [<a href='function.imap-open'>function.imap-open</a>]: Couldn't open stream {mail.officialhalo.com:110/pop3}INBOX (/home/chilllax/public_html/vbms_checkmail.php:95)

03-14-2007, 09:17 PM
a little note...

as it's now, sender's nick and alias is switched in the sent message... i mean that if succo with alias succo1@mydomain.com sends a message, it's received as coming from succo1 <succo@mydomain.com>

to solve this you have to edit (and switch) $user['username'] and $user['vbms_alias'] in vbms_functions_api.php

so, find $object->set_from($user['vbms_alias'], $user['username']); and subst it with $object->set_from($user['username'], $user['vbms_alias']);

i didn't go much deeper in the api, and this 'simple' solution seems strange to me as set_from is defined ($alias, $username) but strange as is, it works :)

* The following aliases could not be translated from usernames or address book entries: name <name@gmail.com> it happens just the same to me, and i don't think it has been solved yet :)

03-14-2007, 09:26 PM
I definetely agree with these guys, who are insisting on 1st - creating and 2nd - giving MOTY (Mod Of The Year) to this mod.

A great idea! Cool that you decided to give it a try. Do not listen to the scriptkiddies, who do not even know how to switch imap on their boxes. It is definetely not your problem, that somebody wants to play sexy games while still sitting in kindergarden ;)

Only a few questions, knowing that I have over 150.000 users I must ask these now:

- what happens to the usernames with irregular chars in it (ex.: b@eutygirl@foo.org - won't work, right? :) Any solution to that?)

- any tests & results with server load on big board?

Take care and - once again - great job! :)

03-14-2007, 09:47 PM
NVM fixed

03-15-2007, 06:17 AM
Attempting to send mail to users who have "receive mail from other users" checked still results in a "User has chosen not to receive e-mails from other users" message anyway.

03-15-2007, 06:40 AM
- what happens to the usernames with irregular chars in it (ex.: b@eutygirl@foo.org - won't work, right? Any solution to that?)
It only allows characters from the list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_.-". Your "b@eutygirl" friend will be suggested to choose the alias "beutygirl" by default, but it'll let her pick something else as well.
- any tests & results with server load on big board?
Not yet, unless someone else can speak for it... I'm waiting to put it on my board (600k+ posts) till I get a few more bugs worked out :p
as it's now, sender's nick and alias is switched in the sent message... i mean that if succo with alias succo1@mydomain.com sends a message, it's received as coming from succo1 <succo@mydomain.com>

to solve this you have to edit (and switch) $user['username'] and $user['vbms_alias'] in vbms_functions_api.php
Thanks for finding that, and thanks muchly for solving it as well. This'll be included in the next update (should be within an hour or so, I'm trying to work through as many bugs as I can before going out of town in the morning for the weekend).

To those of you who aren't able to connect properly: perhaps your servers require no-TLS connections? At the moment the setting isn't working properly (small bug), just wait for the next version of the code (like I said, should be up in an hour or so) or if you want to fix it yourself, go to includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php and change this line:
$notls = ($notls === NULL ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_notls'] : $notls);
To this:
$notls = ($notls === NULL ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_forcenotls'] : $notls);

I tried it with gmail, yahoo and gmx but I cant get a connection when I want to install it...also tried several ports
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but this hack is not something for you to check your GMail/Yahoo/etc. accounts from your forums with, this is a webmail system for your users based @yourwebsite.com.

Attempting to send mail to users who have "receive mail from other users" checked still results in a "User has chosen not to receive e-mails from other users" message anyway.
I'm not sure I follow, can you be more specific? From my testing so far, none of the users have had the "Receive Email from Other Members" box checked, but that hasn't affected the vBMS stuff. I don't think there's any connection, unless there's something I haven't caught yet (there's several thousand lines of code and I'm just porting it... lol, there's still parts of the code I haven't even seen at all)
Edit: nvm, figured out what you're talking about, will try to look into this

Update: new version posted, with several bugfixes. For those of you already using this, you can either uninstall everything, reupload it all, and reinstall it (not recommended if you've already got ppl using the system, they'll probably lose all their emails/etc.), or reupload all the files and then reimport the style and phrase XML files through the ACP.
Fixed the usergroup bug (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1195797&postcount=51) wacodep brought up... sort of. Basically, if you have "Registered Users" access disabled but inadvertently left "Change Alias" set to "Yes", then have a secondary usergroup with access enabled and "Change Alias" to "No", and a user who is both of these usergroups, you want them to have access but not be able to change their alias... well, the generosity of the permissions system allows them to still change their alias, because it doesn't take into account whether the more generous usergroup permissions have acccess or not. Now, it simply uses a small JavaScript to automatically set the most restrictive permissions on a usergroup that you disable, for convenience's sake.
Fixed Zate's reported bug of no-TLS not being picked up (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1196662&postcount=63) from the ACP into the connection string
Fixed thincom02000's reported bug (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1203914&postcount=108) of sending directly to people by username not properly picking up on the permissions of whether or not they allowed other users to send them email
Fixed mindcry's reported bug (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1202172&postcount=96) of email addresses such as "nobody <nobody@gmail.com>" returning as invalid

bluechris: I'm still working on the issue with the foreign characters, haven't quite figured that one out yet.
To those of you having connection problems: try upgrading to the newer uploaded version, then use the "Force no-TLS connection" option in the ACP.
To the rest of you: I'm going out of town for a few days, hopefully I'll be able to get more of this fixed up when I get back.

03-15-2007, 09:09 AM
Ok, I have one more kindergarten question, as I also want to play sexy games.

If you cant use gmail, hotmail etc...which values are you entering in those fields (see attachment).

03-15-2007, 09:41 AM
Nice mod, good work! :up:

Works fine, just one thing, (probably something i missed) when I attach an image ie; .gif .png, it displays all the image code in the email message. See attached .txt

03-15-2007, 02:54 PM
Works fine, just one thing, (probably something i missed) when I attach an image ie; .gif .png, it displays all the image code in the email message. See attached .txt
Is this something sent from vBMS or received by it? And what other email address was it sent to/from? I made some changes to the original mail code regarding attachments because otherwise I kept seeing delimiters showing up in my email box. Perhaps I'll have to keep messing with that >.<
Ok, I have one more kindergarten question, as I also want to play sexy games.

If you cant use gmail, hotmail etc...which values are you entering in those fields (see attachment).
Usually you're supposed to just leave "localhost" and "110", then set up a catch-all email account on your website and use the username/password for that in the other fields. Basically, in your case (judging by the screenshot), you're offering users addresses of somebody@finlandlive.info; that address doesn't really exist, so it needs to forward to your catch-all account, which the vBMS checks, picks up, and delivers to the users on the forums.

03-15-2007, 03:23 PM
btw, my forum is vba-wrapped, so the newmail template breaks, as there is an headincluded javascript... what i did (and what would be good that any coder would do just as i don't think i'm the only one running in this kind of problems) is to write a new template for the script to be included and insert the command to include that script in headinclude in the plugin which runs at global_start, so that when vbms_new.php is called, the script is inserted in headinclude regardless of me using 'normal' forum view or vba forum view... couldn't this way of inserting scripts be used as a default by coders? i had to use this same behaviour with vbgooglemapme/se and many others, all products which use 'full page' templates with scripts in the head portion :)

please Krofh let me know if you're interested in having my modded version of the product, thanks

03-15-2007, 05:38 PM
Thank you Krofh. Would you recommend to wait a bit until this product is tested a bit more and just use it on a test server at the moment?

03-15-2007, 06:58 PM
another little request... would it be possible to use vbulletin_ajax_namesugg.js when choosing recipients?

i'm trying to do it (in fact, somehow did it), but it would need the comma to be changed in a semicolon as a recipient separator and the spaces (as namesugg uses '<space>;<space> ' as a separator) to be trimmed off from names, so too much code to go into a fast patch :)

again, great work, indeed !

03-15-2007, 07:12 PM
Is this something sent from vBMS or received by it? And what other email address was it sent to/from? I made some changes to the original mail code regarding attachments because otherwise I kept seeing delimiters showing up in my email box. Perhaps I'll have to keep messing with that >.<

It's an email that i sent from this mail system to one address. I tried different addresses and image formats with the same results.

03-16-2007, 04:39 AM
bluechris: I'm still working on the issue with the foreign characters, haven't quite figured that one out yet.
To those of you having connection problems: try upgrading to the newer uploaded version, then use the "Force no-TLS connection" option in the ACP.
To the rest of you: I'm going out of town for a few days, hopefully I'll be able to get more of this fixed up when I get back.

M8 here we are used to live with problems as matter greek characters... take your time and there is no rush honestly.... its a great addon either way.

BTW i have a error if from the forum i attach anything to a composed message .. it goes to outlook express (my test receive mail) as text , seems that either outlook express cannot recognize the attachment or VBMS sents it with problem... i tested with rar, zip, jpg ... in the opposite direction whatever i sent to my VBMS account comes fine in forum as attachment.... anyone else having it or its me?

03-16-2007, 04:25 PM
yes, there must be something wrong with the construction of the message with attachment... right now i'm trying to look at this

wish me good luck :)

edit: solved :)

the html portion of the message wasn't closed with the correct boundary, so the receiving client thought that the whole attachment was part of the html portion of the mail

to solve this issue, edit includes/vbms_class_mail_message.php, search for if (!$hasattachments) { $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . "--$delim--" . VBMS_CRLF; }and change it to $headers .= VBMS_CRLF . "--$delim--" . VBMS_CRLF;

03-16-2007, 07:48 PM
Everything works on my test site except outgoing emails.

I recv emails fine, but get this error on sending replies or compose new emails.

There was an error sending your mail message. This site's host may be experiencing technical difficulties with its mail server at the moment. Please inform the administrator that the following error has occured:

there is no error given.

03-17-2007, 07:23 AM
I also noticed that when HTML is allowed, VBMS still shows the plain-text version of the message. Apparently, in both the VBMS_READ template AND I believe vbms_read.php, it checks a vBulletin setting that doesn't exist:

In template VBMS_READ:

In file vbms_read.php:

Should be replaced with:


03-17-2007, 09:37 AM
I also noticed that when HTML is allowed, VBMS still shows the plain-text version of the message. Apparently, in both the VBMS_READ template AND I believe vbms_read.php, it checks a vBulletin setting that doesn't exist:

In template VBMS_READ:

In file vbms_read.php:

Should be replaced with:


yes, but i think that more modifications are needed, as 'vbms_allowhtml' is a boolean, so how can it be equal to VBMS_HTMLACTION_NONE?

03-17-2007, 08:07 PM
Well perhaps, I just took out the == VBMS_HTMLACTION_NONE at the same time I changed the variables because they were boolean anyway. So I was unaware that VBMS_HTMLACTION_NONE was not boolean as well.

03-18-2007, 10:09 AM
Incredibly amazing.

03-19-2007, 05:58 AM
btw, my forum is vba-wrapped, so the newmail template breaks, as there is an headincluded javascript...
I guess I don't fully understand what is going wrong; if vBa is trying to put something in headinclude all the time (I assume with a global_start hook), wouldn't that automatically put it into the vBMS? Part of it is that I've never much worked with vBa, so I'm not exactly sure how the wrapping thing works... if you wanna send me the stuff you changed and such though, that'd be cool, and I'll see what I can do about figuring out the working it in.
Thank you Krofh. Would you recommend to wait a bit until this product is tested a bit more and just use it on a test server at the moment?
Tbh, I would, especially if you've got a fairly large site. I think it's mostly stable, and I've gotten through a majority of the bugs so far, but it's still got a little ways to go.
another little request... would it be possible to use vbulletin_ajax_namesugg.js when choosing recipients?
Awesome idea, I'll try to get that in if I can. It'd be cool if I could get it to merge your address book with the suggested list too; I'll have to look into that.
the html portion of the message wasn't closed with the correct boundary, so the receiving client thought that the whole attachment was part of the html portion of the mail

to solve this issue, edit includes/vbms_class_mail_message.php, search for
Mehh, perhaps something's screwy on my server, because I added that conditional to make it work properly for me; attachments weren't working right otherwise. I guess I'll have to do a bit more serious testing with that bit to get it all working properly. Thanks for the feedback on it though.
Everything works on my test site except outgoing emails.

I recv emails fine, but get this error on sending replies or compose new emails.

There was an error sending your mail message. This site's host may be experiencing technical difficulties with its mail server at the moment. Please inform the administrator that the following error has occured:

there is no error given.
Does the mail() function work normally to begin with? Try going to the "vBMS Control Panel" in the ACP and test sending emails (at the bottom) with both vbmail() and mail() and see what's happening.
I also noticed that when HTML is allowed, VBMS still shows the plain-text version of the message. Apparently, in both the VBMS_READ template AND I believe vbms_read.php, it checks a vBulletin setting that doesn't exist:
yes, but i think that more modifications are needed, as 'vbms_allowhtml' is a boolean, so how can it be equal to VBMS_HTMLACTION_NONE?
Ahh, this seems to be a leftover from when the old version started getting ported and didn't get finished. Got it changed now, will be proper in the next update. It's true, it's a boolean option now; it seems that there used to be different actions for handling HTML messages before though (automatically deleting them, removing the content and flagging them, converting them to bbCode [this is now the default "no" to allowhtml], or leaving as-is [this is the "yes" in allowhtml]). So yeah, feel free to take the VBMS_HTMLACTION_NONE bit out entirely of both of those and convert them both to allowhtml. Also btw, thanks especially to both of you for finding (and correcting) bugs so far, it's really been a big help (as well as everyone else who's been contributing here).

I just got back in town late last night, so hopefully I should be able to get another update out sometime this week. Keep the bugs coming :p

03-19-2007, 06:16 AM
I guess I don't fully understand what is going wrong; if vBa is trying to put something in headinclude all the time (I assume with a global_start hook), wouldn't that automatically put it into the vBMS?
no, as far as i can see, vba uses only the body portion of any template and adds it to the central column of it, so anything in the head portion is simply ignored... i saw this when vba-wrapping other products using whole page templates, like vbagooglemaps... i had to insert the head scripts in a 'new' myproduct_headinclude template and parse it in the headinclude template with a little plugin which looks for the scriptname and if it's, say, vbms_new adds the vbms_headinclude part to headinclude
Mehh, perhaps something's screwy on my server, because I added that conditional to make it work properly for me; attachments weren't working right otherwise. I guess I'll have to do a bit more serious testing with that bit to get it all working properly. Thanks for the feedback though on it though.eh, i had to telnet to the mailserver and retr a message to see what was going on, as i'm not so accostumed to the mail syntax :)
anyway, once done, it was quite clear that the closing boundaries for the html part was missing :)

03-19-2007, 07:27 PM
I can send and receive emails wonderfully. But for some reason the trailer message isn't attached to the sent emails. Do you have any idea why?

By the way, thank you so much for putting the time in to deliver this amazing hack

03-19-2007, 09:36 PM
Installed and working great, thanks!

03-20-2007, 05:19 AM
Does the mail() function work normally to begin with? Try going to the "vBMS Control Panel" in the ACP and test sending emails (at the bottom) with both vbmail() and mail() and see what's happening.

Both of those tests worked, Email sent out were fine.

03-20-2007, 04:58 PM
great hack
and its installed:up:

03-21-2007, 02:08 AM
One thing that I noticed which would probably be a good thing to add. If you are creating an alias you can have spaces and other illegal characters. Considering some users some of us have that could be bad, for example if someone made their name firstname@lastname@domain.com or firstname lastname@domain.com.

03-21-2007, 05:10 AM
I can send and receive emails wonderfully. But for some reason the trailer message isn't attached to the sent emails. Do you have any idea why?
The trailer only works if 1) you're in a usergroup that has the "Trailer" permission set to "Yes" (admin automatically doesn't have the trailer) and 2) the vBMS Options actually has something in the "Email Message Trailer" box. If this is the case and it's still not working, I'm not sure what's up. Can you give me more details about the problem?
One thing that I noticed which would probably be a good thing to add. If you are creating an alias you can have spaces and other illegal characters. Considering some users some of us have that could be bad, for example if someone made their name firstname@lastname@domain.com or firstname lastname@domain.com.
Ooops, this seems to be another leftover remain the conversion process. Will have fixed in the next update.
Both of those tests worked, Email sent out were fine.
Mehhh... how strange. Does it depend on what users are sending the email, or what the content of the email is, or does it happen no matter what?

03-21-2007, 07:44 PM
Thanks, krofh. I didn't know the trailer wasnt included in administrator emails. Problem solved :)

03-22-2007, 03:43 AM
With the Google mail offerings, can this hack be used with Google servers being the catch all?

03-22-2007, 06:47 AM
With the Google mail offerings, can this hack be used with Google servers being the catch all?
Not unless you were to set your server's catch-all mailbox to forward to a Google server, then try and connect to Google as a POP3 server and fetch it. I have no idea why you'd do that though, that'd be awfully wasteful of resources and traffic. I'm not even sure if it would work or not, because I don't know how Google's POP3 functionality is. I suppose you could try though and lemme know how it works.

03-22-2007, 07:31 AM
Is it already bugfree enough to install this for our members?

03-22-2007, 07:17 PM
Can you install this on a shared hosting?

03-23-2007, 11:36 AM
Can you install this on a shared hosting?yes, you can (i did)

all you have to do is setup a catchall account for your domain (in cpanel, i guess) and make vbms point at that

03-24-2007, 04:20 AM
Is it already bugfree enough to install this for our members?
I wouldn't personally recommend it, but I'd actually recommend the next update as reasonable (once I get it out). Even now, it's in decent enough condition that nothing serious should really be going wrong.

And yes, you can install it on shared hosting, as long as you can set up a catch-all email box.

03-24-2007, 04:32 AM
I wouldn't personally recommend it, but I'd actually recommend the next update as reasonable (once I get it out). Even now, it's in decent enough condition that nothing serious should really be going wrong.

And yes, you can install it on shared hosting, as long as you can set up a catch-all email box.

and when is the next update going to be uploaded??

:D :up: :D :up: :D

03-24-2007, 02:15 PM
In the next update the problem with attachments will be fixed? i ask cause for now is the only major prob i see in the mod.. all the rest is fine.

03-24-2007, 05:51 PM
Not sure if this has been covered but it seems that if a user belongs to more then one group he will get Sorry, you can only send one message every 1 minutes. So, I tried adding all of the groups with similar access but still no luck. If I turn off the flood check for any of the groups though it will work without a problem.

Neutral Singh
03-24-2007, 06:12 PM
Anybody running this on a live production site. How do we uninstall it?

03-25-2007, 02:45 PM
In the next update the problem with attachments will be fixed? i ask cause for now is the only major prob i see in the mod.. all the rest is fine.
attachments work flawlessly with the little file edit i posted some times ago... i've been running it since then without any problem

03-25-2007, 05:15 PM
thx m8 im fine now.

03-26-2007, 05:03 AM
and when is the next update going to be uploaded??
Hopefully soonish.
but yes, it should hopefully fix the attachment bugs and such.
Not sure if this has been covered but it seems that if a user belongs to more then one group he will get Sorry, you can only send one message every 1 minutes. So, I tried adding all of the groups with similar access but still no luck. If I turn off the flood check for any of the groups though it will work without a problem.
You mean, even if both groups say to have a 5-minute floodcheck it still only does a 1-minute floodcheck? I'm confused, but I'll try to look into it. It's supposed to work that if any of the groups they're in have floodcheck off then they don't get it, because, well, it means they have full permission not to have to worry about it.

03-26-2007, 08:31 AM
Anybody running this on a live production site. How do we uninstall it?

I run it in production site and i uninstalled it once for testing and the uninstall worked fine.. offcourse before the initial install/uninstall i had backed up everything to be certain i will not get any trouble... its great mod and members of one of my forums loved it.

For uninstall it has a Uninstall Feature in AdminCP that basically i suppose deletes the database tables and clears the e-mails that users have (not really 100% sure for this).

03-26-2007, 11:52 PM
Great Mod,

Got it working on my site finally. It sends and receives messages on all the accounts but for some reason still logs errors like crazy. But who cares as long as it works...

One problem I have is when trying to just an alias to compose a message. I put in the message and in the recipient I just put the persons alias but it never gets delivered. ANy idea why?

it works when you put the full alias followed by the domain but not just the alias as it says it should be able to do?

03-27-2007, 04:15 AM
i finished installing it but i am having a problem...
emails created in the forum could send emails normally but it CANNOT recieve...

could anyone help?

thanks and btw nice mod ;)

03-28-2007, 05:17 AM
it works when you put the full alias followed by the domain but not just the alias as it says it should be able to do?
Where does it say you can do this? There are address book aliases, so you can use names in your address book, and that might be what you're seeing. You can also type in people's usernames and it'll fetch whatever value their "email" field has, but aliases are different.
i finished installing it but i am having a problem...
emails created in the forum could send emails normally but it CANNOT recieve...

could anyone help?
Check the last FAQ on the original post: "I can connect to the server just fine, but it won't get any email!", or look through the thread; this seems to have been the most common problem people have so far, usually from not setting it up right.

03-28-2007, 06:22 AM
Any particular reason the options don't change?

I uncheck the box for a particular option and when I click "save changes" it doesn't update it. It just reverts right back to it being checked. Obviously its just not saving my selection. ???

03-28-2007, 02:12 PM
This is awesome, best addon i've used so far and we've installed maybe 40.
Good work A+++++++++++

03-29-2007, 06:05 AM
Any particular reason the options don't change?

I uncheck the box for a particular option and when I click "save changes" it doesn't update it. It just reverts right back to it being checked. Obviously its just not saving my selection. ???
Care to be a little more specific? I can't find any such problem.
This is awesome, best addon i've used so far and we've installed maybe 40.
Good work A+++++++++++
Thanks muchly :D

03-29-2007, 09:06 PM
Dear Krofh's, this is the best hack for 2007 :) i love it and you offer it for free OMG :) you the cooooool one here , any way i like to tell you some thing
can you add :
desable Aliases changing , so users can not change there Aliases ! i dont think it is useful option to let users cahne there Aliases , it is like to cnage email address.

PS : i made a translate for the lang , via VB cpanel how can i expot the translation ?
PS : vbms_updatecheck.php this page is not in the ZIP file :(

bet regards.

03-30-2007, 05:34 AM
PS : i made a translate for the lang , via VB cpanel how can i expot the translation ?
PS : vbms_updatecheck.php this page is not in the ZIP file :(

1) go to ACP, phrases, download/upload language, select your language, select vbulletin mail system as product and download the xml, that's it... btw, if anyone is interested in italian language i can share it :)

2) i guess it's because the php file pointed to the old commercial vBMS site instead of using the new vB.org product check (which is still unsupported by this hack)...

03-30-2007, 10:12 AM
Excellent mod, nice work fella! I have been looking out for this for ages. I am itching to install but would like to wait until it is out of beta, any ideas on time scales?

03-30-2007, 04:13 PM
Care to be a little more specific? I can't find any such problem.

I go into my forums, I go to the vbms page and click the "options" button. It takes me to mywebsite.com/forums/vbms_options.php and it shows the options. For some reason at the top it always says "Your options have been successfully updated. "

when I go down and for example uncheck "Save a copy of sent messages by default" and click "save changes" when the page refreshes the box is checked again. It does that for every single option. Hence I cannot change any of the options.

03-30-2007, 04:24 PM
^ Ohhh, got it... thought you were referring to the ACP, couldn't find any such problem there. I see what you're talking about though, I guess I thought I had fixed that sort of thing :-/ meh. Will try and get that into the next update.

2) i guess it's because the php file pointed to the old commercial vBMS site instead of using the new vB.org product check (which is still unsupported by this hack)...
Yeah, that's right... I might try and work in an update for that, we'll see. This product doesn't exactly work off of the conventional product system :p and I'm not sure if it could or not... it might be able to though, I'll have to look into doing that sometime. I'd love to get it working with the product system, but the original version had the installer and I figured I'd just leave it at that for now.

Excellent mod, nice work fella! I have been looking out for this for ages. I am itching to install but would like to wait until it is out of beta, any ideas on time scales?
Honestly, I have no idea... I'd like to say within a month, but it depends mostly on other factors in my life which determine how much time I actually have to work on this.

Twisted Chaos
03-30-2007, 04:26 PM
I've run into a bunch of bugs that i thought i might be able to help with...

first bug is when recieving mail from outloo...
entire html source is displayed... i added in a processor for full html conversion....

also if the system finds ONE attachment that isnt allowed....... it strips them all???? why cant we just strip the ones not allowed?

i downloaded a copy of the PEAR system for mail mime...
i then took the original and modified it for a full release with thvbms.... works better than constructing mime types on your own....just an idea im using on my system

03-30-2007, 10:42 PM
Can we have it so only members we choose can have email and can use this system?


03-30-2007, 11:51 PM
Can we have it so only members we choose can have email and can use this system?


Seemingly only way to do that would be to create a usergroup, allow only that usergroup access to the VBMS system and then set that usergroup as a secondary group for those users you want to allow access to.

Other than that there doesn't seem to be any functionality included in the product to do that, and my idea is simple enough and very manageable.

03-31-2007, 12:03 PM
Can VBMS run with Google mail for it's SMTP and POP servers? Or does it require a localhost server?

03-31-2007, 05:08 PM
Can we have it so only members we choose can have email and can use this system?
Usergroups. I'm not being picky in my product about that, but that's how vBulletin works. Everything else permissions-related is based on usergroups, not on individual people being allowed.
Can VBMS run with Google mail for it's SMTP and POP servers? Or does it require a localhost server?
You can try if you like, but why would you do that? You'd have to get your server's catch-all to forward everything coming in to a Google mail account, then check the Google mail server remotely... which really is just a waste of traffic.
i downloaded a copy of the PEAR system for mail mime...
i then took the original and modified it for a full release with thvbms.... works better than constructing mime types on your own....just an idea im using on my system
True, but a lot of users will not have the ability to install PEAR on their website.
first bug is when recieving mail from outloo...
entire html source is displayed... i added in a processor for full html conversion....
You're saying that if you send a letter from Outlook to the vBMS, it doesn't work? This surprises me, since Outlook is primarily what I've been testing with.
also if the system finds ONE attachment that isnt allowed....... it strips them all???? why cant we just strip the ones not allowed?
The idea is that, if one attachment is potentially dangerous, any other attachments probably are as well. I might make that an option though.

03-31-2007, 05:58 PM
My server does not support "catch all" e-mails, any other way for this to work?

04-01-2007, 06:50 AM
^ See the FAQ on the main post:
Can I run this if my server doesn't let me have a catch-all mail account?
Yes, but it's not recommended. As has been suggested by a few members, you can set up one mail account to the be "catch-all" and have vBMS connect to that, then set up mail accounts for each member who wants one and have it forward to the catch-all. All this has to be set up manually with your web host, and takes a great deal of willpower and availability from the website administrator, and is thus not recommended.

04-01-2007, 07:26 AM
Well I got problem in installation ... It says like this

"Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /admincp/vbms_install.php on line 74"

vBMS Upgrade in Progress

installation Complete.... And I cant see anything in my AdminCP.. Please help

04-01-2007, 10:38 AM
The VBMS was causing me a database errors when I tried to uninstall it, so I tried to remove the vbms_ tables in phpmyadmin.
I now cannot enter my website at all now, nor do I have a recent backup. I try to reinstall it, but I cannot do this, so now my website won't work...........
Can you advice me?

04-01-2007, 01:12 PM
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT phrasetypeid, title, product
FROM phrasetype
WHERE phrasetypeid IN (500);

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasetypeid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Sunday, April 1st 2007 @ 09:10:47 AM
Script : http://adviceforall.org/forum/admincp/vbms_install.php
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Rick
Classname : vB_Database

Thats the error I get any help??

04-02-2007, 06:15 AM
Well I deleted all of previous installation thru phpMYadmin.... Now i got new error in my installation...

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

04-02-2007, 07:28 AM
Well I deleted all of previous installation thru phpMYadmin.... Now i got new error in my installation...

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791
Well the first error looked like you probably didn't upload all the files before installing. About this error, well... look in the FAQ on the first post, this one's been covered.

Thats the error I get any help??
I dunno why it's still referring to phrasetypeid anywhere at all; can you describe what you were trying to do? The error by itself doesn't help me much.

The VBMS was causing me a database errors when I tried to uninstall it, so I tried to remove the vbms_ tables in phpmyadmin.
I now cannot enter my website at all now, nor do I have a recent backup. I try to reinstall it, but I cannot do this, so now my website won't work...........
Can you advice me?
There's a reason I provide so many warnings about backing up your site before installing this.

Regarding what to do now, you could try turning off the plugin system in vBulletin (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=196688) and working from there. Delete files, uninstall plugins, etc.

04-02-2007, 10:54 AM
Is there a reason why sometimes a mail is coming 1000 times? i mean i have noticed it once when i 1st installed the mod and 1 test mail that i had sent it with attachment came to VBMS 1000 times and eventually hunged the forum..
This huppened again yesterday and i and some other users got the same... a mail 1000 times.
I saw the error logs of vbulletin (not the VBMS logs) and i noticed that VBMS has trouble to attach the attachment of the e-mail to the Vbulletin database. I dont know why this is huppening but its a bit of a problem cause i dont know when it will hit again.
Is there anything i can do? or is there a hidden option that will put the attachments in the disk and not in the VB database? or maybe is there a limit somewhere that i reach it and this is huppening?

Another 1 question... does anyone knows the variable of VBMS that i need to put in CMPS to see in Navbar the new incoming box?

Thx in advance

04-02-2007, 03:51 PM
^ Ohhh, got it... thought you were referring to the ACP, couldn't find any such problem there. I see what you're talking about though, I guess I thought I had fixed that sort of thing :-/ meh. Will try and get that into the next update.

Yeah, that's right... I might try and work in an update for that, we'll see. This product doesn't exactly work off of the conventional product system :p and I'm not sure if it could or not... it might be able to though, I'll have to look into doing that sometime. I'd love to get it working with the product system, but the original version had the installer and I figured I'd just leave it at that for now.

Honestly, I have no idea... I'd like to say within a month, but it depends mostly on other factors in my life which determine how much time I actually have to work on this.

Go back to original post. I had fixed that problem

04-02-2007, 04:06 PM
Here is my options which works. Template needs to be replaced too

04-02-2007, 11:31 PM
I dunno why it's still referring to phrasetypeid anywhere at all; can you describe what you were trying to do? The error by itself doesn't help me much.

Am trying to install it, am using the advanced warning system as well in the past this has caused me problems with other mods so will try and disable that see if it works dont think it will tho


04-03-2007, 08:32 AM
I got the attachments working correctly from a post made here.

2 things that I would like to modify:

1. I would like to send email from my site (vbms) as html so I can add my site's banner, background color and links. I set the option "Keep HTML message as-is?" to "yes" and it still shows html as text. I tried the modifications posted here and changed "htmlaction" to "allowhtml" and still the same results.

2. When sending from my site (vbms) it shows my signature as links. I know there's an option not to send signatures, but it's set to "yes" by default. Either I would like to set it to "no" by default or have it display the signatures correctly. The signatures are in bbcode format.

I would like to add that I tested this mod on my test forums for the past 2 weeks and now I'm going live with it for only my VIP members.

Great mod, keep it up!

04-04-2007, 08:38 AM
Works like a charm!!!!

Thanks for the great hack.

Edited and added in:

Are we all going to jail now? I read this below:

Provides most of the resources necessary to both install and upgrade vBMS.
If you modify this file, you could break a new installation or upgrade.

This code and all versions and releases of the vBulletin Mail System are
protected by United States and international copyright and intellectual
property protection laws. Distributing or otherwise manipulating this code
not explicitly allowed as approved by written consent of the original author
is a felony under United States law and illegal under international law and
can result in jailtime and criminal prosecution.

Anyone found to be violating this agreement will face criminal charges,
regardless of age or nationality.

Copyright ? 2003 - 2006 Arien Talabac.

VBMS IS NOT A FREE PRODUCT. If you downloaded it without paying, you
committed a felony. Plus you could become the victim of an interesting
-->I thought this was funny ;) /includes/vbms_installation_resources.xml

04-04-2007, 01:37 PM
Does this work with usergroup permissions? I only want my premium members and staff to have the ability to have an email account?

04-04-2007, 08:26 PM
Okay it sends and e-mails fine, now getting the 500 ERROR below when trying to respond to this e-mail address...

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: FW:
Sent: 4/4/2007 2:23 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'Doctor' on 4/4/2007 2:23 PM
500 unrecognized command

Any idea what is happening here? :cool:

04-04-2007, 08:26 PM
Does this work with usergroup permissions? I only want my premium members and staff to have the ability to have an email account?

Yes this hack can work Per User group and the settings are inside your admincp area...

Edited and added screen shot.

04-05-2007, 06:40 AM
Well I have not installed this yet but I must say GREAT JOB. and THANK YOU for stepping up and attacking what could be one of the all time greatest traffic building mods ever for vbulletin software.

I will install it, and if I can get it to work, you can expect a nice donation from me.
Also, do you offer install services for a fee ? :)

04-05-2007, 03:40 PM
Is there a reason why sometimes a mail is coming 1000 times? i mean i have noticed it once when i 1st installed the mod and 1 test mail that i had sent it with attachment came to VBMS 1000 times and eventually hunged the forum..
There's a "Delete messages after downloading?" option in the ACP, if that's not set to "Yes" then obviously it won't clear the server. Is this happenening with all mails to you with attachments or just this specific one?

1. I would like to send email from my site (vbms) as html so I can add my site's banner, background color and links. I set the option "Keep HTML message as-is?" to "yes" and it still shows html as text. I tried the modifications posted here and changed "htmlaction" to "allowhtml" and still the same results.
The HTML it sends is generally just bbCode, try using that. It should convert the bbCode to HTML before it sends it. This is to prevent your users from mailing others malicious scripts.

Okay it sends and e-mails fine, now getting the 500 ERROR below when trying to respond to this e-mail address...
That is very strange... who is this "Doctor"? It looks like it's trying to send an email to that specific address, and "Doctor" obviously is not an address :-/

2. When sending from my site (vbms) it shows my signature as links. I know there's an option not to send signatures, but it's set to "yes" by default. Either I would like to set it to "no" by default or have it display the signatures correctly. The signatures are in bbcode format.
Sounds like a great idea, will put on the list of features to add.

Are we all going to jail now? I read this below:
Hah, I guess I missed the notice in that file. The original author of this hack used to sell it, but he stopped developing it after vB3 and released it as open-source, saying that anyone could port it to 3.5. He never changed the copyright notices on the files though :p

I will install it, and if I can get it to work, you can expect a nice donation from me.
Also, do you offer install services for a fee ? :)
I'd be willing to do that, feel free to contact me by email or PM.

04-06-2007, 08:25 AM
There's a "Delete messages after downloading?" option in the ACP, if that's not set to "Yes" then obviously it won't clear the server. Is this happenening with all mails to you with attachments or just this specific one?

I had it to yes offcourse... but as i am thinking the problem is appearing if a big attachment comes to VBMS for a user.... for some reason VBMS cannot add the attachment to Database and then the problem appears for all VBMS users to receive multiple times the same message simply cause VBMS wasnt able to put the big mail to Database and this means that never said to Mail server that he got the mail and delete it... thats why it downloads over and over again till it crashes the board. A solution as i am thinking is when VBMS get the mail from the server then just before put it in the DB to delete it 1st from the mail server and not after... its temp solution but i suppose it will save me atm.

Can that huppened? am i the only 1 that saw this prob?

04-08-2007, 02:15 PM
A solution as i am thinking is when VBMS get the mail from the server then just before put it in the DB to delete it 1st from the mail server and not after... its temp solution but i suppose it will save me atm.
Doable, but extremely inefficient, and your board would just as likely crash from server load.

Like I said though, when does it happen? Just with large attachments? How large is the attachment you're having this problem with? It shouldn't be an issue of size not fitting in the database; after all, vBulletin itself allows for uploading attachments directly into the database (well, avatars and profile pics anyways, I guess I'm not completely sure on the attachments).

04-08-2007, 08:28 PM
I re-installed it without problems this time. Must have been the server move which caused the problems before.
Now, whenever I run the cron job, I receive the following error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare can_admin_hosting() (previously declared in /********/*********/htdocs/forums/admincp/global.php(203) : eval()'d code:3) in /********/*********/htdocs/forums/global.php(356) : eval()'d code on line 2

Any help?

04-09-2007, 04:12 AM
It seems to be a conflict with another hack, but considering I don't have a function called "can_admin_hosting()" anywhere in my hack, I don't think it's a problem with the vBMS. Do other cron jobs run fine? I'm suspecting any and all cron jobs will fail with the same error. What happens if you simply navigate to ./vbms_checkmail.php, do you get an error there as well?

04-09-2007, 05:44 AM
Krofh we run our forum on servage.net and i don't have a single idea what to do with the parameters such as 'pop' etc. Can you give an advice or hint to guide us to the installation?

04-09-2007, 07:55 AM
Very nice, thanks a lot.

Will install when it is out of beta and safe to put on a production server. :)

04-09-2007, 09:08 AM
I found out that the vHosting hack was causing the problem.
Now, for some strange reason, whenever trying to run the cron job, I get an error:

The image "bla bla bla bla" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Any thoughts?

04-10-2007, 04:34 PM
Krofh we run our forum on servage.net and i don't have a single idea what to do with the parameters such as 'pop' etc. Can you give an advice or hint to guide us to the installation?
Same settings you'd use to connect in from a POP3 mail client such as Microsoft Outlook.
Now, for some strange reason, whenever trying to run the cron job, I get an error:

The image "bla bla bla bla" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Any thoughts?
That's not necessarily a problem; it does that normally just because of the way the cron system works. However, in the ACP, you can go to vBulletin Mail System > Mail Checking Logs and see if there are any errors popping up there.

04-11-2007, 01:41 AM
Hopefully soonish. This week did not go as originally planned; I broke up with my girlfriend of almost 20 months, and ended up not having a lot of time for programming as a result of still trying to do my homework on time >.< lol.
but yes, it should hopefully fix the attachment bugs and such.

You mean, even if both groups say to have a 5-minute floodcheck it still only does a 1-minute floodcheck? I'm confused, but I'll try to look into it. It's supposed to work that if any of the groups they're in have floodcheck off then they don't get it, because, well, it means they have full permission not to have to worry about it.
Sorry for my delay, I have been away. What happens is that if I have a user in 2 groups and one has the flood check on the user cannot even send a message, basically it blocks them completely. If that makes sense.

04-11-2007, 04:27 AM
Can anyone recommend a mailserver to use with VBMS. I currently use HMail which works fine for receiving but won't send unless I enable Internet> external-to-external which opens the server up to be used as a relay.
Or failing a recomendation does anybody know the correct settings for Hmail?

04-13-2007, 02:04 AM
Yeah there is probably a setting you are missing. I would highly suggest getting someone qualified to help you....

04-13-2007, 08:01 PM
Well it turns out you cannot send an email from localhost unless you have and actual account making Hmail vbms incompatable.
Any other recomendations?

04-14-2007, 12:58 PM
Krofh :) thank you and we are waiting for the next update

04-14-2007, 04:46 PM
The only problem so far is the cron job. When we were testing it show that we could only send mail, not recieve. After checking the cron i saw that no time whas set so i put this to a 15 minutes check and run it manualy first. What is a reasonable time to set for this cron?

04-14-2007, 07:45 PM
I have to contact my Webhost about the php imap ext.

04-15-2007, 06:20 AM
Krofh :) thank you and we are waiting for the next update
So am I... >.<

What is a reasonable time to set for this cron?
Actually, by default, it's set to be every minute... I don't recommend leaving it at over 5 minutes unless it's killing your server.

04-17-2007, 01:59 AM
Do you have an update on the changes for the next release of this product?

Any new time frame for that to be released?

any problems with this on mysql 5.0.7 or PHP 5.2.1?

04-17-2007, 03:43 AM
Status before enumerating steps: XML parser created: phrases from /includes/xml/vbms_installation_resources_phrases.xml, templates from /includes/xml/vbms_installation_resources_templates.xml

Install stops.

I saw someone else mention this above but no solution.

Thanks! Sounds like a very nice mod.

04-17-2007, 07:22 PM
I need to make sure of this first. Thanks.

04-18-2007, 03:53 PM
Unfortunately I am still getting a mysterious error that results in the error image not displaying. I have no idea what the error is, just that it breaks everything.

Changed it to output $reason instead of the error image:

PHP error: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object (/home/crackede/public_html/includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php:421)

Also this results in my vbms mailbox getting checked, not saved to the database, and all the messages deleted.

04-18-2007, 09:04 PM

I keep getting this error:

Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

My host says this though:

"Imap listens on port 143, not port 110 as the error is showing. If you are sending via imap then it should be port 143. Port 110 is for popping your mail, it's what outlook uses"

I cannot figure out how to install this after many many many attempts, and I still have no idea if this is a software error bug, or a problem with the way my host set up IMAP. Although, IMAP should be working correctly, they installed it twice, and made sure it was working correctly.

04-18-2007, 09:42 PM
Here is additional verification that IMAP and all ports are working on my server:

I've checked to see that port 110, 143, and 25 are all open and listening.

-bash-2.05b# hostname

-bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Hello there.

-bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
See COPYING for distribution information.

-bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 25
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-vps.youngcomposers.com ESMTP Exim 4.63 #1 Wed, 18 Apr 2007 18:15:54 -0400 220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 220 and/or bulk e-mail.

Apparently the error is not on my end, and a potential bug in the software installation process.

04-22-2007, 06:26 PM
I installed this on my test forum, now I can't login, it keeps sending me back to the login page.. Mike.

04-24-2007, 05:23 AM
Here is additional verification that IMAP and all ports are working on my server:

I've checked to see that port 110, 143, and 25 are all open and listening.

-bash-2.05b# hostname

-bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 110
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Hello there.

-bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
See COPYING for distribution information.

-bash-2.05b# telnet localhost 25
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-vps.youngcomposers.com ESMTP Exim 4.63 #1 Wed, 18 Apr 2007 18:15:54 -0400 220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 220 and/or bulk e-mail.
Apparently the error is not on my end, and a potential bug in the software installation process

If I remember correctly, from when I first set up vBMS, there are two types of IMAP. One is the IMAP service, which as your host has shown is working on your box, the other is the PHP package. The error you're getting is to do with the PHP package. (Don't worry, it took me ages to find this information out!)

You need to ask your web host to update/install the PHP on your box with "php-imap"

If you box is redhat linux, as example, the host would use the following command from shell ..

up2date --imap

Which should get something like the following ..

Testing package set / solving RPM inter-dependencies...
php-imap-4.3.2-37.ent.i386. ########################## Done.
php-4.3.2-37.ent.i386.rpm: ########################## Done.
php-ldap-4.3.2-37.ent.i386. ########################## Done.
php-mysql-4.3.2-37.ent.i386 ########################## Done.
php-odbc-4.3.2-37.ent.i386. ########################## Done.
php-pgsql-4.3.2-37.ent.i386 ########################## Done.
Preparing ########################################### [100%]

1:php ########################################### [100%]
2:php-imap ########################################### [100%]
3:php-ldap ########################################### [100%]
4:php-mysql ########################################### [100%]
5:php-odbc ########################################### [100%]
6:php-pgsql ########################################### [100%]
The following packages were added to your selection to satisfy dependencies:

Name Version Release
php 4.3.2 37.ent
php-ldap 4.3.2 37.ent
php-mysql 4.3.2 37.ent
php-odbc 4.3.2 37.ent
php-pgsql 4.3.2 37.ent

As you can see I'm running PHP 4.3.2

Once that's done, restart the server and vBMS "should" work :)

04-24-2007, 11:33 AM
When I try to install I'm getting this error:

The following setting groups are already defined: vbms

I previously installed it but it's no longer there and I wish to install from scratch. Anyway to correct this?

04-25-2007, 05:30 AM
Do you have an update on the changes for the next release of this product?
I'm just gonna be completely honest... I thought I'd have time to work on this, but it's not working out. I've got some exams in the middle of May, and after that I'm mostly done with school for the summer and should then be able to spend the time on this. I don't honestly expect to be able to get anything done before then though. Sorry for the long delays on this.

For those of you using IMAP rather than just accessing your mail server by POP3, you might try this option... I set this up for someone using IMAP and this was the only way I was able to get it to work on his site. In includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php, find the vbms_checkmail_construct_connection_string(...) function and change this bit:

function vbms_checkmail_construct_connection_string($hostna me = false, $port = false, $notls = NULL)
global $vbulletin;

$hostname = ($hostname === false ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_hostname'] : $hostname);
$port = ($port === false ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_port'] : $port);
$notls = ($notls === NULL ? $vbulletin->options['vbms_forcenotls'] : $notls);

$notls = ($notls ? "/notls" : "");

return "{" . $hostname . ":" . $port . "/imap" . $notls . "}INBOX";
That should do it. I'm gonna try and make IMAP access a chooseable option in the next update.

The following setting groups are already defined: vbms
Try deleting the "vbms" entry from the settinggroup table in your database then. You could also try properly running the uninstaller, as it's likely that the setting groups are not the only thing that was leftover from the first installation.

I installed this on my test forum, now I can't login, it keeps sending me back to the login page.. Mike.
Restore a database backup? I have no idea what'd be causing this... can you not log in to the ACP or the normal forum or both?

04-25-2007, 04:24 PM
Restore a database backup? I have no idea what'd be causing this... can you not log in to the ACP or the normal forum or both?

I couldn't login to anything, not the forum, not the AdminCp nothing, but it didn't matter it was just my test forum, I restored the database, thanks for the reply... Mike.

04-26-2007, 05:58 AM
After much reading through all the errors posted here to find answers to my questions, I have this up and running.

I had the connection error during the installation and I found my server would only allow me to connect via imap not pop3.

In my opinion, this is the best vBulletin mod/hack ever made.
I almost can't believe it's free!

Thank you so much Krofh for the effort that has gone into this.

04-27-2007, 01:31 AM

I've looked all over this thread to find a reason why I cannot seem to receive any attachments in my email messages. I tried the solution succo stated but still the same result. Has this problem not been resolved or is there a solution to that I missed somewhere in this thread?

btw, thanks for this great addon I just wish I could use it to its full capacity.

04-27-2007, 04:12 AM
Changed it to output $reason instead of the error image and to hopefully locate my issue.

When running the cron, there are emails in the vbms account. VBMS checks the right account and counts the messages correctly.

PHP error: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object (/home/crackede/public_html/includes/vbms_functions_checkmail.php:421)

No mail is saved to user accounts.
The mail VBMS found is deleted.
No logs are saved.

I am using PHP 5.1.6

04-27-2007, 06:17 AM

So far this hack reads very good.
One thing however is not totaly clear for me.

Is this hack colecting all emails send to my domain that don't have a pop3 to a catchall adress and this hack then accesses this email account and provides users access to their mail only?

Or is this hack creating email adresses on my server for every user?

The method is not realy described anywhere but would be an important information to have ;)

04-28-2007, 06:27 PM
I'm just gonna be completely honest... I thought I'd have time to work on this, but it's not working out. I've got some exams in the middle of May, and after that I'm mostly done with school for the summer and should then be able to spend the time on this. I don't honestly expect to be able to get anything done before then though. Sorry for the long delays on this.


I am sure most of us completely understand. You take care of getting those exams passed, and we will gladly wait for the next beta or RC version.

Thanks for the update.

04-30-2007, 07:53 AM
Is this hack colecting all emails send to my domain that don't have a pop3 to a catchall adress and this hack then accesses this email account and provides users access to their mail only?

Or is this hack creating email adresses on my server for every user?

The method is not realy described anywhere but would be an important information to have ;)

Basicly this hack only download email from user account and stored to your forum DB, its not create any email address on your server.

04-30-2007, 10:47 PM
hello..I have my forums installed on pulzi.com but i want to give members id like username@pulzimail.com ... is it possible?

05-01-2007, 12:30 AM
I cant get this to install for squat..... I've tried catchall addresses, created new addresses and set them as catchall in CPanel and install, try local host, mail.mysite.com, nothing works, I CONSISTENTLY get the error

I've tried installing this and get the same exact thing as above.
I've looked through this thread and haven't seen anyone address this issue.
Anyone have any clues as how to remedy this?



05-02-2007, 03:56 PM
Same issue as PoetJA-1975, tried with all the things that have been suggested in this thread.

Settings have been set properly, I'd even ask my host to be completely sure about it, mail.mydomain.com, default port, user and PW all set right.

sent two test emails to my personal email addy, with vbmail() and mail(), both received, and no errors.

But when I try to send an email to someone else on the forum, yes, the other account has been setup, I can send, but not receive... and the catchall email does receive the emails without problems.

I've also checked the logs, I get these error when I try to run the cron, which seams not to be working properly:

A mail check lock was already acquired on 05-02-2007 at 07:53 PM

Warning 05-02-2007 06:52 PM Running mail check despite there being 0 seconds minimum until next scheduled run
Debug 05-02-2007 06:52 PM Connecting to mail server
Debug 05-02-2007 06:52 PM Retrieving message count...
Information 05-02-2007 06:52 PM There are 0 messages on the POP3 server that need to be downloaded
Debug 05-02-2007 06:52 PM Closing connection
Information 05-02-2007 06:52 PM vBMS mail checking completed

Debug 05-02-2007 06:10 PM Connecting to mail server
Error 05-02-2007 06:10 PM PHP error: imap_open() [<a href='function.imap-open'>function.imap-open</a>]: Couldn't open stream {mail.sunrise-networkz.com:110/pop3/notls}INBOX (/home/sunrzcom/public_html/forums/vbms_checkmail.php:95)

Any suggestions ?

05-03-2007, 10:08 AM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=109971" target="_blank">Krofh</a> ,when you will release mail system final version ?

05-04-2007, 03:56 PM
Well, I finally got the cryptic error messages to stop and it to check my mail correctly again without deleting them for no reason. It did require massive file edits to the checkmail script and its functions.

05-06-2007, 12:54 AM
bluechris: I'm still working on the issue with the foreign characters, haven't quite figured that one out yet.
To those of you having connection problems: try upgrading to the newer uploaded version, then use the "Force no-TLS connection" option in the ACP.
To the rest of you: I'm going out of town for a few days, hopefully I'll be able to get more of this fixed up when I get back.

I have the same issue i can help resolving it, because my emails have

=?windows-1250?Q?Wiadomo=9C=E6_testowa?= and in content i have also problem with encoding

05-07-2007, 06:35 AM
hello..I have my forums installed on pulzi.com but i want to give members id like username@pulzimail.com ... is it possible?

Do you own the domain pulzimail.com?

if not, then you need to create & purchase that domain, and add it to your hosting account that pulzi.com is on. this will allow you to setup a catchall mailbox for pulzimail.com

or you can go the sub-domain route and create a sub-domain of pulzi.com

example: pulzimail.pulzi.com and create a catchall for the sub-domain.

05-07-2007, 06:39 AM
Krofh (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=109971) ,when you will release mail system final version ?

He posted a reply to my post asking the same question, that he will work on this after his mid may exams are over with, and school is done.

Once this gets out of beta, it will be one heck of a add-on.

05-08-2007, 01:07 PM
Has anybody tried this mod on HostGator hosting package?

05-11-2007, 08:27 PM
I have this working ok, only thing i have a problem with is i can not change anything in user options.
When i untick a box and press save it come up with the box ticked again, so no way to turn of default settings.

05-13-2007, 04:35 AM
Got this installed and working. So far so good.

Question I have is how can I make the screen name the default alias? I don't want the users to choose.


05-13-2007, 06:21 PM
What do I put in here?


I'm not asking for the exact information for my settings, but, what is the SMTP username? Is it the "Postmaster" account or the "Admin" account, etc.

What do I put in for the password? Is it the one for the Admin account? The "Postmaster" account?

Thanks in advance!!

05-14-2007, 06:33 AM
I hope to see this hack as a final in the coming weeks :D

even an update to beta 2 would be good :)

05-15-2007, 06:02 PM
One question - how does it automatically format usernames?

For ex. if someone is username do they get username@domain.com?

What if someone else is "user name"?

05-15-2007, 06:54 PM
One question - how does it automatically format usernames?

For ex. if someone is username do they get username@domain.com?

What if someone else is "user name"?

Installed on a test board -- I see that by default people's aliases are not defined. I would like to prevent people from changing their alias but I see that they still get to set their first alias ...

The only problem I have is I would like to always set people's email = their username.

Is there anyway to get it to do this for everyone on installation?

What about on registration?

I think I could probably write a plugin to do the registration part...

Maybe add a query on install to populate the alias field?

05-16-2007, 01:56 PM
To answer my own question -

create a plugin - VBMS Add-Alias.

Hook - register_activate_start

Code -

$count = 1;
function str_split_php4($text, $split = 1)
if (!is_string($text)) return false;
if (!is_numeric($split) && $split < 1) return false;
$len = strlen($text);
$array = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < $len)
$key = NULL;
for ($j = 0; $j < $split; $j += 1)
$key .= $text{$i};
$i += 1;
$array[] = $key;
return $array;

function make_alias($username)
$alias = strtolower($username);
$alias = str_replace(" ", "_", $alias);
$holdarr = str_split_php4($alias);
foreach ($holdarr as $val) {
if ((ord($val) >= 48 AND ord($val) <= 57) OR (ord($val) >= 45 AND ord($val) <= 46) OR (ord($val) == 95) OR (ord($val) >=97 AND ord($val) <=122)) $final .= $val;
return $final;

$newalias = make_alias($vbulletin->userinfo['username']);

$fixedalias = $newalias;

$aliascheck = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE vbms_alias ='" . $newalias . "'");

while ($aliascheck[vbms_alias]) {
$fixedalias = $newalias . $count;
$aliascheck = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE vbms_alias ='" . $fixedalias . "'");

$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
SET vbms_alias = '" . $fixedalias . "'
WHERE userid = '" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "'

This will take the alias, make it lowercase, strip anything other than A-Z and 1-9, replace spaces with underscores, then check the DB to make sure no one has the same alias.

If someone else has the same alias it will add a 1 at the end... check again... etc.

It will only add the alias to people who complete registration - so people can't register a user, autmatically get a alias, and spam the mailbox to waste space/load the server...

If anyone sees any problems... let me know.

Might be nice to add this to the release as an option that can be turned on/off.

05-16-2007, 11:02 PM
Just what I've been looking for (and for my board version as well!)

If you update this will you make it backwards compatible with other vB 3.6x versions?

05-19-2007, 07:31 PM
Not sure what is going on but I have followed the instruction but when I come to install it, it starts on 7% and just sits there.

05-22-2007, 12:13 AM
Does anyone have this working? What's wrong with this at the moment?

05-22-2007, 01:57 AM
Does anyone have this working? What's wrong with this at the moment?

My version is working just fine for a few months now, bug free. All the changes that I made were posted in original hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=125890)

05-25-2007, 05:56 PM
What if there is a server move? How would that be handled?

05-25-2007, 06:45 PM
Not sure what is going on but I have followed the instruction but when I come to install it, it starts on 7% and just sits there.

This can happen if you dont have the imap extension enabled on your server, or you have put the wrong information in the script.
Try uploading the willitrun.php file in the zip and run that first, if all is ok then it's down to the information you typed in at the start of the installation.

05-26-2007, 12:08 AM
mins been in step 1 for abut an hour now! am i doing something wrong?

05-27-2007, 04:18 AM
I can get this to send mail but not to receive mail, any ideas... Mike.

Dave Hybrid
05-27-2007, 09:33 AM
I have setup the catchall email.

But whatever settings i put in this refuses to connect/work.

Can pay if someone wants to take a look for me.


05-27-2007, 01:03 PM
Hi, How are you?

I am having priblem with this mod. Email sent out are sent twice instead.

The email header for both email have

To: username@domain.com; username@domain.com

Return-Path: <root@xxx.xxx>
Received: from spamblock-be-10.xxx.xxx (194.158.xxx.48) by mail-ms.xxx.xxx (7.2.073)
id 45C1AF7C003D85D2 for tmeer@myxxx.xxx; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: from xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx [87.239.xxx.35])
by spamblock-be-10.xxx.xxx (8.13.8/8.13.0) with ESMTP id l4RDmlxL006505
for <tmeer@myxxx.xxx>; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: (qmail 31902 invoked by uid 48); 27 May 2007 14:48:40 +0100
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "ITDevil" <itdevil@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 14:48:39 +0100
Message-ID: <untracked-6e5f7f7f04e6bd125cdb60e4b62c3f40@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="vbms-multipart-delimiter-level0-32911"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Organization: The Computer Forums (http://www.xxxxxxxx.xxx)
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail System v. 3.0.0 pre-final
X-Mailer-Info: http://www.webdesignforums.net/vbms/
X-Priority: 3

Return-Path: <root@xxx.xxx>
Received: from spamblock-be-05.xxx.xxx (194.158.xxx.48) by mail-ms.xxx.xxx (7.2.073)
id 45C1B0F7003EA198 for tmeer@myxxx.xxx; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: from xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx [87.239.xxx.35])
by spamblock-be-05.xxx.xxx (8.13.8/8.13.0) with ESMTP id l4RDml1h008338
for <tmeer@myxxx.xxx>; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: (qmail 31902 invoked by uid 48); 27 May 2007 14:48:40 +0100
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "ITDevil" <itdevil@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 14:48:39 +0100
Message-ID: <untracked-6e5f7f7f04e6bd125cdb60e4b62c3f40@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="vbms-multipart-delimiter-level0-32911"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Organization: The Computer Forums (http://www.xxxxxxxx.xxx)
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail System v. 3.0.0 pre-final
X-Mailer-Info: http://www.webdesignforums.net/vbms/
X-Priority: 3

any idea what might be causing it ?

05-28-2007, 12:04 PM
Hi, How are you?

I am having priblem with this mod. Email sent out are sent twice instead.

The email header for both email have

To: username@domain.com; username@domain.com

Return-Path: <root@xxx.xxx>
Received: from spamblock-be-10.xxx.xxx (194.158.xxx.48) by mail-ms.xxx.xxx (7.2.073)
id 45C1AF7C003D85D2 for tmeer@myxxx.xxx; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: from xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx [87.239.xxx.35])
by spamblock-be-10.xxx.xxx (8.13.8/8.13.0) with ESMTP id l4RDmlxL006505
for <tmeer@myxxx.xxx>; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: (qmail 31902 invoked by uid 48); 27 May 2007 14:48:40 +0100
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "ITDevil" <itdevil@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 14:48:39 +0100
Message-ID: <untracked-6e5f7f7f04e6bd125cdb60e4b62c3f40@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="vbms-multipart-delimiter-level0-32911"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Organization: The Computer Forums (http://www.xxxxxxxx.xxx)
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail System v. 3.0.0 pre-final
X-Mailer-Info: http://www.webdesignforums.net/vbms/
X-Priority: 3

Return-Path: <root@xxx.xxx>
Received: from spamblock-be-05.xxx.xxx (194.158.xxx.48) by mail-ms.xxx.xxx (7.2.073)
id 45C1B0F7003EA198 for tmeer@myxxx.xxx; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: from xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx [87.239.xxx.35])
by spamblock-be-05.xxx.xxx (8.13.8/8.13.0) with ESMTP id l4RDml1h008338
for <tmeer@myxxx.xxx>; Sun, 27 May 2007 15:48:47 +0200
Received: (qmail 31902 invoked by uid 48); 27 May 2007 14:48:40 +0100
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "ITDevil" <itdevil@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: tmeer@myxxx.xxx
Subject: 2123
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 14:48:39 +0100
Message-ID: <untracked-6e5f7f7f04e6bd125cdb60e4b62c3f40@xxxxxxxx.xxx>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="vbms-multipart-delimiter-level0-32911"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Organization: The Computer Forums (http://www.xxxxxxxx.xxx)
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail System v. 3.0.0 pre-final
X-Mailer-Info: http://www.webdesignforums.net/vbms/
X-Priority: 3

any idea what might be causing it ?

Fixed it by Commenting out

//"To" => $this->to,

from vbms_class_mail_message.php


function construct_mime_message()

05-28-2007, 05:25 PM
Quota does not showing for Registered Users, I have tried to install it on 3 different boards on different servers, even tried to install clean installed vBUlletin but the it does now show when composing new Email


any idea how to fix it ?

05-28-2007, 06:48 PM
Q: is there a way to *VERY* easily post an email that is received ?

ie. I receive an email. I'd like to be able to right click on one and select "Post".. it would automatically go to a pre-defined forum.

There is a function ... abeit not working ... that used to accomplish a email 2 forum thing.


Is there any functionality like this ?

05-29-2007, 01:03 AM
Is this hack still being supported or being enhanced? I have this awesome hack installed and would love to see this being developed

05-29-2007, 10:46 AM
PHP imap extension
Failed (not loaded)
Damn, no luck for me.

05-29-2007, 10:58 AM
Great add indeed. I hope this will work with the new vbulletin upgrade 3.6.8 with blog function. :)

05-29-2007, 12:18 PM
Is it possible to set this to only one paid subscription user group? Also when their subscription expires, will access to the email system be taken away?

I have VIP users and I want only CURRENT VIP Users to be able to use this.

05-29-2007, 01:10 PM
Is it possible to set this to only one paid subscription user group? Also when their subscription expires, will access to the email system be taken away?

I have VIP users and I want only CURRENT VIP Users to be able to use this.
Should be if your Usergroups are set correctly

05-29-2007, 01:18 PM
Hi all

Im getting this error when i try to install this mod:

Installation failed while "Testing Settings": vBMS couldn't connect to the mail server using the settings you provided. Please go back and verify their accuracy. If you are not sure of the values to use, consult your host.


Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

Hope soomeone can help


05-29-2007, 01:23 PM
Found a bug?

When adding a user to an address book through the email itself, I get this:
The alias you chose violated the highlighted rule:

* An alias can only contain valid characters.
* An alias must not match an existing username, including your own.
* An alias must not be empty.

Any Ideas?

05-29-2007, 06:44 PM
Hi all

Im getting this error when i try to install this mod:

Installation failed while "Testing Settings": vBMS couldn't connect to the mail server using the settings you provided. Please go back and verify their accuracy. If you are not sure of the values to use, consult your host.


Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in /includes/vbms_class_installer.php on line 791

Hope soomeone can help


try the port 143 instead of 110...