View Full Version : vbphrases and updating user titles?

03-01-2007, 01:06 AM

I'm trying to make some modifications to my usertitle's system but I'm having some issues finding out where the info would be located.

EDIT: I've fixed the vbphrase error, wow I feel like an idiot.

Also where are the: $vbulletin->GPC['newrep'] set? Because when I try and run a mysql query doesn't get that value...

And also where are the user titles updated, as far as setting a user to a certain user title based on posts? Are they updated after every new post?

Sorry I'm new to vB tweaking, but don't worry I know PHP I just can't find the right files, haha =P.

Anyways, Thanks!

03-01-2007, 01:53 AM
you will need to create the phrases via the PHRASE MANAGER

place close attention to phrasegroup

The phrase group – if the phrase is in a group, you will only be able to access it on pages that load that group. For example, the Polls group is only loaded in poll.php, so if you try to reference poll_timeout in a template that’s loaded on another page, you won’t get any output.

you can find a phrasegroup of a file by reading the top section of the file