View Full Version : Problem: DHTML gets turned off

02-28-2007, 07:02 AM
Somehow on my forum the function DHTML function gets turned off. When I look at the option in the options menu, It's still switched on?

For instance: When I push the quicklinks button I'll be sent to the top of the page and the drop down menu doesn't come any more.

I've fixed this by turning the "Plugin/Hook System" on/off. Then it worked again.

So it has to be one of my installed products that's causing the problems. But I can't seem to find which one.

These are my installed hacks:
Auto Database Backup 2.12
Cyb - Check If Already Posted 1.5
Cyb - Forumhome Sub-Forums Manager 2.1
GTCustom Pages 0.5.0
Guest Tracking 1.15
Members who have visited the forum 4.41
Moderator Statistics 2.0
Multiple Login Detector 1.03
nCode Image Resizer 1.0 RC 4
nCode OpenSearch 1.1
nCode Product Updates Cron 0.51
Separate Sticky and Normal Threads 1.0.5
vB Ad Management 2.1
vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 1.6.1
vBShout 2.0
Viper's YouTube & Google Video 2.0.1
Welcome Headers 4.1.2

02-28-2007, 11:18 AM
the only way to find the "which product" is to disable each one .. start from your last installed product

02-28-2007, 11:23 AM
That isn't possible because the problem doesn't occur instantly when I turn the plugin system back on. Sometimes the problems are gone for two days..

02-28-2007, 11:36 AM
if you disabled each product one by one and the problem still exists ... the cause could be a bad template edit ... this could be anywhere

check your html via an html validator (http://validator.w3.org/) and see what comes up .. fix all issues that come up

03-02-2007, 04:33 PM
This is what I get, can someone explain to me what it means or if these are the problems I'm looking for?


@ Princeton: I'll try to close down the plugins one by one and see what will happen.