View Full Version : regex replace inside textarea tag?

02-28-2007, 12:45 AM
Can any of you think of a reason why a proven (proven as in works anywhere but in vb) regex replace wouldn't work in the QR textarea of 3.5.7? Also tried putting the code in a function and calling it onblur of the textarea. No luck.

I should also mention that it was tested and works in vbulletin 3.0.x

Further info on this issue, the regex works if called onkeydown, instead of onblur. This is beginning to form a pattern since another function I had written for 3.0, which was also called onblur, broke with the upgrade to 3.5. Makes me wonder if the textarea really has focus to begin with.

Can anyone help me understand what was changed between versions that could account for this? Thanks

03-01-2007, 08:04 PM
No one else has run into this issue, of the onblur event not firing for textareas in 3.5.x?